Why all the negativity?

Like I said it is not an opinion it is a fact that The Deus II is deeper on smaller gold rings by inches over the EXCAL wearing any size coil in the wet salt sand...I am dead serious about you filming the Excal tuned the way you want wearing any size coil you want vs the DEUS II wearing the 11 inch coil......call DAN and set it up....Send the video to me google drive and I will post it....
You are either calling me a liar or saying I have no idea what I am talking about.....
BTW I am not talking about digging 15 inch high conductive quarters.....I am talking about low conductive GOLD...

If you dont want to hook up with DAN will you do me a favor?
Will you take your EXCALL wearing any size coil and put a nickel on a 16 inch paint stick film it hitting it and send it to me so I can post it....Of course it needs to be down in the soup sand part of the beach..

Hey Calabash , love your content keep it up and pay no mind to the Cala-Bashers! How great is it that we have all this info at our fingertips. Why anyone needs to get into a pissing context online baffles me. I don‘t agree with anyone ALL the time but it’s great to have all those opinions and information available so I can make up my own mind . Thanks for being such a character. P.S. Saw your scooter review , good one. FYI I’ve done tons of diving with scooters, in case you didn’t know they make great underwater blower/diggers once you use one for that you won’t want to hand fan ever again, although the scooters do really take a beating . Happy Hunting to you.
Thanks! I try to share good info but how people recieve it depends on a lot of things. BRAND LOYALTY is one of the biggest things that stirs up the hornets nest these days....

I am headed to the lake to find some gold with my grandkids...Will catch yhall later...

I’ve noticed that about brand loyalty. I, myself, use whatever brand that works for me. Whether it be Garret, Nokta Makro or Minelabs for example. That’s my choice. I also like to see people who support the brand they like by purchasing their items. That’s their choice as well, and I support it. But there comes a point where people cross the line by getting nasty about the whole situation. If Joe Blow is dedicated to specifically Garrett products then that’s awesome. I support their decision and helping them grow as a company by purchasing their products and experience. But I don’t need Joe Blow getting rude with me just because I’m using a Legend or a Equinox. That’s just my two cents on the matter, and again, just my opinion.

Use what you got and learn it well.It,ll work for you.If you like it all this back and forth about the latest and greatest don,t mean squat. Have fun,learn something,enjoy yourself.Little enough of that available these days. You don,t have to compare yourself with some pro digger,be yourself and enjoy what you got! May your finds be many,and your days enjoyable!

Have a fun and safe trip! I hope y’all find some gold. If you do be sure to let us know.

It sure appears you do not like people disagreeing with your opinion. Like I have already stated I have and can dig good targets 15-20+" with my excal already.

As long as you do not attack other member's detectors post your reviews, just don't put other members down because of the detectors they are using or because they disagree with your opinions.
I just about spat out my salad.
The amount of bashing that has been going on against Calabash in threads.
The Legend gang spitting and spitting.
Unless something has been said a whole lot of $hit slinging went on.
I will say that Calabash took it, and really was a gentleman in many ways.
Yet this went on in not one forum, but many different postings.
Now was it all missed by the administration :dontknow:

Like I said it is not an opinion it is a fact that The Deus II is deeper on smaller gold rings by inches over the EXCAL wearing any size coil in the wet salt sand...I am dead serious about you filming the Excal tuned the way you want wearing any size coil you want vs the DEUS II wearing the 11 inch coil......call DAN and set it up....Send the video to me google drive and I will post it....
You are either calling me a liar or saying I have no idea what I am talking about.....
BTW I am not talking about digging 15 inch high conductive quarters.....I am talking about low conductive GOLD...

If you dont want to hook up with DAN will you do me a favor?
Will you take your EXCALL wearing any size coil and put a nickel on a 16 inch paint stick film it hitting it and send it to me so I can post it....Of course it needs to be down in the soup sand part of the beach..
I have no need to film anything. I have already told you several times I have and can hit targets over 15" inches on the salt beaches, I have even dug nickels at 18"+ on our beaches.

I just about spat out my salad.
The amount of bashing that has been going on against Calabash in threads.
The Legend gang spitting and spitting.
Unless something has been said a whole lot of $hit slinging went on.
I will say that Calabash took it, and really was a gentleman in many ways.
Yet this went on in not one forum, but many different postings.
Now was it all missed by the administration :dontknow:
Did you report it? I deleted a thread I found that was an attack on calabash today and have deleted multiple posts that were attacks.

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Did you report it? I deleted a thread I found that was an attack on calabash today and have deleted multiple posts that were attacks.
I hadn't checked the posts up of late.
The last day has been a real shite show up hear. 430,000 no power. Got hit hard.
I do thank you for your looking them over and making it right.
It wasn't my rodeo, but that doesn't make it right either. I understand it's hard to have eyes on every posting made.

I hadn't checked the posts up of late.
The last day has been a real shite show up hear. 430,000 no power. Got hit hard.
I do thank you for your looking them over and making it right.
It wasn't my rodeo, but that doesn't make it right either. I understand it's hard to have eyes on every posting made.
Where is the power loss.

Thank you. I do enjoy watching people hunt multiple permissions hours on end though. Yes it seems more like a job, but it gives me hope because if the stuff they’re finding in the ground might be in the ground on my next permission! Lol one can only hope but it’s nice to dream big.
I wanted to give my opinion on what I am seeing in the metal detecting world today. Let me start by saying I always had a passion for finding treasure. The thrill of the hunt, and the feeling you get when finding something. I figured I would get into metal detecting. As someone who didn't have a clue where to begin I relied on YouTube for help and guidance. That was a year ago, and I've learned a lot within my year of enjoying this hobby. Even after a year I am by no means a professional. Just your average Joe going out on weekends or free time to detect. One of the things I've noticed as a result of relying on YouTube is all the negativity and bashing going on. You almost cant get on YouTube without coming across a video of someone bashing someone else. To be honest it's kind of a bummer. I think most of you all have a good idea of the most recent one going on. There are also other videos out of other people being bashed or calling people out. What is the point of doing so? Yes I like watching videos of people testing machines and giving their opinion, but to bash someone for the machine they prefer or giving their honest opinion is bewildering to me. Everyone has their own opinion. Lets be honest with ourselves. There are SO many different variables when it comes to metal detection. The type of ground, soil conditions, weather, machine, settings etc. Lets just say that two identical detectors will produce different results depending on where you live. I'm pretty sure using a detector in Texas compared to New York will provide different results. I mean that's just my opinion. Also the person using said machine will have different results as well. I'm no professional but if you give me a Deus 2 with all them various settings Id be winging it the whole time compared to someone who has been detecting and testing machines for years. I'm not tech savvy or have the best memory so a more simple machine suits my needs. Does that give someone the right to bash me because I don't have the best of the best? I would hope not. As far as head to head comparisons I enjoy seeing comparison videos. I think they provide excellent information for someone looking to purchase one or upgrade. That's all they are is videos of someone comparing and giving their honest opinion about them. They are not trying to mislead you or swindle you into purchasing this detector over another. Every detector has their pros and cons. It's what you decide to choose based on what you want out of a detector. You're opinion might be different and that's okay. Move on. Plain and simple. Keep in mind though you get what you pay for. We all know everyone wants the most bang for their buck, but some machines will perform better than others. It will always be that way. If you only have an X amount of dollars and want to get the most out of it you might choose a Legend or Garett for example. If you can afford a more expensive detector that performs a little better you might choose an Equinox or a Deus 2. If you're on a budget and can't afford much you might choose a Simplex. In the end its about how much you can afford and what suits your needs. Every detector is going to find something. I just hope one day we can get back to our roots of enjoying this wonderful hobby and finding treasure. Where everyone can come together to share stories, finds, their experience, tips, and tricks without being butt hurt because someones opinions or preference is different than someone else's. At the end of the day we all call ourselves metal detectorists and treasure seekers regardless of opinions and equipment.I

Thank you. I do enjoy watching people hunt multiple permissions hours on end though. Yes it seems more like a job, but it gives me hope because if the stuff they’re finding in the ground might be in the ground on my next permission! Lol one can only hope but it’s nice to dream big.
I always had the treasure fever since I was a kid, growing up in the 70's, but never acted on it ,So this seemed right to me.. So here's my take..my son who was 28yrs old at the time, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer, I was devastated, long story short, after his release from the hospital, I wanted to find something that we could do to be able to spend time together, something to take his mind off the problems of trying to survive and with mild activity to keep in shape..Metal Detecting just sounded like it..So I got us started, someone gave me a minelabgo beginners kid detector, so i wasn't savvy I bought a Harbor Freight ppr..lol it was okay for what it was and it was enough to spark both our interests and got us excited for more, we gradually stepped up from that one to a couple of Bounty Hunters he liked the Discovery 2200 and I liked the ole Tracker 4(for cheap beginner machines, well worth the money) so we got experience along with finding stuff which enabled our adventures to get to another level..along the way we found some good used detectors, picking up a Whites Classic II and a Garrett ace 250 csi which we also enjoyed and buying real ppr's helped a lot(A Garrett carrot for the boy and a Garrett ppr II for myself).. so we again stepped up to a couple of Teknetics Delta 4000's (those are some dime finding machines lol) .All along the way people ragged us for our lack of expensive machines not even knowing our story but we didn't care it was and still is (to us)the best hobby we could have found,..My son has been given a bill of clean health and in remission these days and it's been 6 years now so we thought, what the heck, and grabbed a couple of Garrett AT pros ,so far so good, still buying used detectors just to check them out, but all the griping about cheap and if we would have spent more never made a difference to us..just smile and tell them, you make it a habit not to argue with stupid people.. and if they respond, just agree with them.. lol ..GL & HH to all.

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You know, my ancient Tesoro Cibola would have no problem hitting a small target at a foot on the ocean beaches and bigger targets well over 18. Get over it. Buy what you want and leave it alone. This is one of those things not really worth arguing about.

I am one of the people that has disagreed with you Calabash, in recent months. I am a subscriber to your YouTube channel and have been for years. I don't like publicly or privately disagreeing with you but from my experience there is no greatest VLF detector or best detector in the world for every situation. On top of that, why should there be and why is that so important. Trying to prove that a detector is the greatest and defending that position against all comers while demanding video proof of the contrary or else one is just making things up, is brand loyal to a fault, is crazy or is just a liar? None of this is necessary for our hobby to grow in a healthy way and for those of us who are able to buy these new detectors to learn about them.

I love metal detecting and have invested lots of my semi-retirement time in the hobby and plenty of hard earned money in trying out detectors in hopes that they might work where I live. The dirt here is moderate to highly mineralized and makes great detectors do crazy stuff.

So Calabash, anything I have disagreed with you about comes from my own experience with the same detectors you are testing. I appreciate many or your tests and I have a good idea about how hard you work and the sacrifices you make in order for your videos to happen. I just don't always get the same results as you do. That doesn't mean your results aren't valid and it also doesn't mean mine are bogus either.

I own those big three SMF VLF detectors. They actually work in the dirt out here. If they didn't I wouldn't own them for long. They don't perform like they do in your part of the world for sure Calabash. But Deus 2, Equinox 800/600 and the Legend are all great detectors. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, even Deus 2 which really has proven to be a fairly poor small gold nugget prospecting detector. That has been disappointing but it may be part of the overall design and intent by XP. Maybe they will at least do a single frequency option for Goldfield in the future to make that mode a lot more sensitive to smaller targets similar to Deus 1 Goldfield and the ORX.......

Thanks Otis2010 for starting this topic and I really appreciate everyone for keeping their responses respectful.

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I am one of the people that has disagreed with you Calabash, in recent months. I am a subscriber to your YouTube channel and have been for years. I don't like publicly or privately disagreeing with you but from my experience there is no greatest VLF detector or best detector in the world for every situation. On top of that, why should there be and why is that so important. Trying to prove that a detector is the greatest and defending that position against all comers while demanding video proof of the contrary or else one is just making things up, is brand loyal to a fault, is crazy or is just a liar? None of this is necessary for our hobby to grow in a healthy way and for those of us who are able to buy these new detectors to learn about them.

I love metal detecting and have invested lots of my semi-retirement time in the hobby and plenty of hard earned money in trying out detectors in hopes that they might work where I live. The dirt here is moderate to highly mineralized and makes great detectors do crazy stuff.

So Calabash, anything I have disagreed with you about comes from my own experience with the same detectors you are testing. I appreciate many or your tests and I have a good idea about how hard you work and the sacrifices you make in order for your videos to happen. I just don't always get the same results as you do. That doesn't mean your results aren't valid and it also doesn't mean mine are bogus either.

I own those big three SMF VLF detectors. They actually work in the dirt out here. If they didn't I wouldn't own them for long. They don't perform like they do in your part of the world for sure Calabash. But Deus 2, Equinox 800/600 and the Legend are all great detectors. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, even Deus 2 which really has proven to be a fairly poor small gold nugget prospecting detector. That has been disappointing but it may be part of the overall design and intent by XP. Maybe they will at least do a single frequency option for Goldfield in the future to make that mode a lot more sensitive to smaller targets similar to Deus 1 Goldfield and the ORX.......

Thanks Otis2010 for starting this topic and I really appreciate everyone for keeping their responses respectful.
Pretty good!

I am one of the people that has disagreed with you Calabash, in recent months. I am a subscriber to your YouTube channel and have been for years. I don't like publicly or privately disagreeing with you but from my experience there is no greatest VLF detector or best detector in the world for every situation. On top of that, why should there be and why is that so important. Trying to prove that a detector is the greatest and defending that position against all comers while demanding video proof of the contrary or else one is just making things up, is brand loyal to a fault, is crazy or is just a liar? None of this is necessary for our hobby to grow in a healthy way and for those of us who are able to buy these new detectors to learn about them.

I love metal detecting and have invested lots of my semi-retirement time in the hobby and plenty of hard earned money in trying out detectors in hopes that they might work where I live. The dirt here is moderate to highly mineralized and makes great detectors do crazy stuff.

So Calabash, anything I have disagreed with you about comes from my own experience with the same detectors you are testing. I appreciate many or your tests and I have a good idea about how hard you work and the sacrifices you make in order for your videos to happen. I just don't always get the same results as you do. That doesn't mean your results aren't valid and it also doesn't mean mine are bogus either.

I own those big three SMF VLF detectors. They actually work in the dirt out here. If they didn't I wouldn't own them for long. They don't perform like they do in your part of the world for sure Calabash. But Deus 2, Equinox 800/600 and the Legend are all great detectors. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, even Deus 2 which really has proven to be a fairly poor small gold nugget prospecting detector. That has been disappointing but it may be part of the overall design and intent by XP. Maybe they will at least do a single frequency option for Goldfield in the future to make that mode a lot more sensitive to smaller targets similar to Deus 1 Goldfield and the ORX.......

Thanks Otis2010 for starting this topic and I really appreciate everyone for keeping their responses respectful.
Have you checked out Paystreak Superfreak out on YouTube? He has tips and tricks for hot soil. Where he lives it’s all hot soil so he shares his experience and tips to battle such soil. He also finds some really cool stuff!

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