Darren in NC said:
I don't think it's our coin, Robert. I wish it was - it's beautiful! I'm pretty sure it's Luis' (Chagy's). Ours and his were both found in the last batch (see reply #92 in the live update thread), but ours was more rounded. His was very thick and odd-shaped like this one.

Scott, if Fla gives these back, can we purchase them from you? I'd really love to have my coin and/or the half reale I found with Brad. I know it's more rare, so I'd settle for any coin from this trip that I could purchase :)

I am IN I would be willing to pay for mine too.....

Thanks for for been so nice to us....

All the best,


I do believe you are right Darren! I know we found one with a little tip on it, either Sat or Sunday. Cant remember. There were soooo many! And so much fun! I keep pictures in my truck to show to everyone.

The only one I know for sure is the first one I found!


Robert in SC

I agree it looks like the one found by Robert or Darren.....the one I found was pretty round and heavy ;D

All the best,


I will try to get some better pictures so you guys can figure it out. This particular coin is one of the two heaviest coins to have come up.

All I can remember is that the one I found was totally covered with sand, little rocks and shells
and it was pretty round....

All the best,


Okay, so it's not Luis' - maybe it was mine and Robert's. I know Luis' coin was one of the heaviest. I guess in the end it doesn't matter. I know Robert's first coin and my first coin. After those I think we lost track ;D But according to the pics, I do believe it's part of the last batch, so there were only a few of us left diving then.

Thank you, Scott, for your generosity. I hadn't heard what the plan was for sure, but I'm thrilled to hear that we may keep our first coins. Okay, Brad, we'll have to work out custody and visitation rights on our coin ;)

Godspeed to all!

I don't think I even got a pic of my first one by itself. RGecy posted a pic listed as my first coin, but I think it was more like my 4th, and he removed the larger rubble from the area, I came over and swung the pulse 8X over it, and we dug it out together. Then he handed it to me to pose for the pic, but it was more his than mine.

By my math, Scott will get 9.5 of 28 coins back after all three divisions. I for one don't really care "which" coin I get, but I'd sure like to have one to remeber the event by....and to show off. :D Next time I come down I'm going to at least buy the Deisel or dinner for Scott. After all the work, research, and finance he put into the boat and lease area...to then give us the opportunity to experience it for free, and give us what we found, is aboslutely astonishing! The world could use a few more guys like you Scott.


ScubaFinder said:
I don't think I even got a pic of my first one by itself. RGecy posted a pic listed as my first coin, but I think it was more like my 4th, and he removed the larger rubble from the area, I came over and swung the pulse 8X over it, and we dug it out together. Then he handed it to me to pose for the pic, but it was more his than mine.

By my math, Scott will get 9.5 of 28 coins back after all three divisions. I for one don't really care "which" coin I get, but I'd sure like to have one to remeber the event by....and to show off. :D Next time I come down I'm going to at least buy the Deisel or dinner for Scott. After all the work, research, and finance he put into the boat and lease area...to then give us the opportunity to experience it for free, and give us what we found, is aboslutely astonishing! The world could use a few more guys like you Scott.



Hey, did you guys check out the slideshow of us in the "Recent Treasures Found by Treasurenet members" at the top? Look for the pic of Dick underwater and click on it. Pretty cool, thanks Marc, or whoever did it.


Thanks for the compliments. It means a lot.
Didn't know you could click on those pictures. Really cool.
Here are a couple of more pictures.


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Those really turned out nice. Thanks for the pics. Its amazing considering they've been submerged about 350 years!


Hey Scott you did a great job cleaning dose coins they look beautiful......
I was able to ID the one with the "E" the assayer is Antonio de Erqueta....Potosi mint 1652 to 1679
Ruller- Carlos II

All the best,



  • index.webp
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Great slide show, Robert! Was the pic of you holding the single heavy encrusted coin the one you referred to earlier?


Did you receive my response to your inquiry !
There's no rush!
I am planning to head out west for the winter.. be out there, for months.
Winter is the best time to go,
If, you're going to be camping for weeks & weeks.
Especially, in the Death Valley, & South Ca./AZ. area(s) !
Although, I have been out there, when the Temp. was 110-120 !

Got your message. Sorry I have not had time to call you. We won't be doinng a lot of diving till spring. Maybe we can work together then.

8) This is too cool. This is a dream come true. This is a once in a life time opportunity for shipwreck treasure hunting. Scott when you start back up in the spring, please consider me. At least as a deck hand. Thanks, Will


Welcome to the forum. I know most of us will agree, this was a fantastic trip and a dream come true. Seahunter and Riobravo put together a fantastic weekend and Tim's cooking was awesome. I asked if I could send my wife down for cooking lessons!

I am sure we will all get together again soon, but I know its going to be hard to top that weekend! The onlything better would be finding a horde of Gold coins!

Good luck,

Robert in SC

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