My "net handle" is "cptbil" !
I am a Full Time TH'er !
With yrs of experience, TH'ing, (made a nice find while living in St. Pete, & then Moved out west)
I have been a diver, Since, Before "US Divers" came to the States !
That'll kind illustrate that I do have a couple of yrs, under the sea(s)!
Have we met before ?
I had an offer of a vessel when I mentioned a LARGE treasure that I know of, just off shore in Fla..
That's, Been a couple of yrs back
Was That person, You ?
But, back to the subject :
Are you still looking to take this project FULL TIME?
Need FULL TIME management/help/etc ?
Along with all of this Fun Stuff experience..
On the Serious side...
I, have a Master's in Engineering !
A few bucks....
Most important ....
I have UNLIMITED TH'ing Time!
I am presently living on the TEXAS Gulf Coast !
Drop me a line if you'd like to discuss this !
Cptbil n Bugs