Who owns the treasure you find?

There was a big issue in Florida this yr about NA Indian artifacts. They have since closed quite a few artifact sites on the net due to this type of thing and have put some in jail for selling the "stolen" artifacts and then selling them for personal gain. Thats what they say anyway. I dont believe some of the ones convicted actually even knew they were looted on Govt land. How can anyone know if a artifact or a find was found yrs before or recent? The laws change every yr it seems. How can you get convicted of a crime you didnt even know happened? So yeah it happens.

They knew exactly what they were doing, when they were doing it.

One thing people need to keep in their minds- a particularly common fallacy among 'internet lawyers'- is just because you can fabricate some hypothetical scenario that holds you harmless subsequent to breaking some law doesn't mean a judge and/or jury is going to find your BS credible and hold you harmless when sentencing time comes.

I, for one, am no fan of the Florida laws governing this sort of thing. As noted, those prosecutions back in March were not of 'hobbyists'. They were of traffickers. Still, it's only a matter of time before a 'hobbyist' is very much caught up in that net so while the state may lean on the whole 'we're only going after the dealers' excuse now, eventually, they're going to have a much different narrative when they're prosecuting some guy who saw some stone tool (or as they call them, "priceless historic artifacts") sticking out of the mud at a state park, picks it up, puts it in his pocket and a ranger sees him do it.

Either way, lets not get too far off course here. The people the state got in the last sweep were pretty much openly flouting the law.

When you do that, the law will eventually come knock on your door and prove itself to you.

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It's too bad we don't have a system like in England where the government buys finds and gives you 101% of the value.

They're a more intelligent people than we are in almost every regard.
They approach matters practically, first and foremost. Our political dialog is almost never governed in that way.

They realized that if they didn't pay market price for such things, they'd only get 1% of them. Oh, sure, they'd get a few token prosecutions, but 99% would be lost so they passed that law and now, probably get 90% of it.

In our country, we're happier with a few token prosecutions of law breakers than we are passing a sane and reason-based law that might see legitimate in-roads made towards artifact preservation. Instead, people just keep their mouths shut, put it on the mantlepiece and when they die, the context goes with them.

Yeah I only hunt on private property where I have permission to hunt. That is why it is in the bottom of every post I put on the site. I have a few fields I am able to hunt on and enjoy it. All surface finds at that. The red clay here is like trying to chip stone and I even hate trying to plant a bush in my own backyard so no digging for me. Thanks for all of the info, rock

It's too bad we don't have a system like in England where the government buys finds and gives you 101% of the value.
They give you what a committee decides, which is usually well under value.


Which is why I don't stay strictly within the law and always get a good find valued before reporting it. Two opinions are best but even then you won't get the true (higher) value.
The plus side of the argument is that if they return the item (because they hold cellars full of similar items) and you go to auction then your stuck paying tax and auction costs so your caught either way.

Which is why I don't stay strictly within the law and always get a good find valued before reporting it. Two opinions are best but even then you won't get the true (higher) value.
The plus side of the argument is that if they return the item (because they hold cellars full of similar items) and you go to auction then your stuck paying tax and auction costs so your caught either way.
The only value I hold having something sent back from the Treasure Act, is that you have a written description from the BM, and the return consent, this certainly helps, when it comes to sell items on, especially to a high end jeweler.


I own what I find. Your an idiot if u would find something of value and turn it in or even post it online.

Weel I doubt if I will ever have this particular problem but if by an act of God I did. I would be selling it to the highest bidder on the black market with funds sent to an off shore account and I would be on a beach in Jamaca or The Virgin Isles, or some island resorts area that does not have extradition with the USA. I learned that trick from Romney LOLOL. Oh and no insult intended but the thought of even speaking to a Lawyer send shivers down my spine as I trust them about as much as I trust the Feds and I worked for the Feds for over 10 yrs. Go ahead, guess how far I trust the Feds??!!! Wow, I really need to go MDing again!!!

Why does one metal detect? To give away there best finds? No heck no, to find and charish your best finds.

Oh here is my very rare coin, but I had to give it up and now all I have is this picture...


hey here is my sweet find, would you like to hold it?

the choice is yours...

Taking stuff from the tax payers is perfectly ok just ask the Gov!!! LOL They been doing it for years!

As Karl used to write and say: Keep your big mouth shut. Talk to a lawyer in the state that you want to treasure hunt. I am from Stratford, Connecticut.
Yes keep your mouth shut and keep away from lawyers.......... The best thing to do is tell no one not even a lawyer.... Or your best friend............ Why so many want to tell about what they find i have no idea......... AS my signature always read's below is what i have always went by and still do.... LET NO ONE KNOW , WHAT , WERE , OR WHEN........... If you are smart you never tell...........But to many have big ego's and have to tell........

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My' Remingtons, Winchesters, Mausers, Marlins and a few others say that I own them!

...But when some one hears about what you own................... And they have more and bigger toys .." Guns Weapons "....than yours.... Then that person will own them...... But then also our wonderful government has no problem about stealing what we find ....... And then tell you it is not yours it belong's to them.......

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...But when some one hears about what you own................... And they have more and bigger toys .." Guns Weapons "....than yours.... Then that person will own them...... But then also our wonderful government has no problem about stealing what we find ....... And then tell you it is not yours it belong's to them.......

I doubt that will ever happen! I held Expert with the M-16 in the U.S Army and shot the West German Military's G-3 Combat Rifle from 50 meters out to 1,500 meters with only Graduated Sights and the targets were only half silhouttes. At 1,500 meters, my first shot clipped a small limb of a tree hanging into my' firing line but I still put 4 out of 5 shots in the kill zone of the silhoutte. In case you are wondering, 1,500 meters is 4,921.26 feet or roughly 0.9320568 of a mile. I am really not trying to boast about my skills in long range shooting, just making a point but it helps when you have better than 20/10 vision which I do!


I'm always amazed when people always wish hat we had a system like another country, doesn't say much for the pride and faith that they have in their homeland!

Huntsman, I hope you're not on meds buddy.

No meds other than for my' heart and cholestrol! Why do some think that a person is crazy and/or on meds for psychological problems when they state that no one is taking their' property and the reasoning why? Just because I have skills that many do not have that were taught to me by my Dad and the U.S. Army and God gave me the vision (eyesight) to accomplish those skills, some folks always think you are nuts! Do you really think that the Feds as in the FBI would have allowed me to serve this country and it's people for over 38 years, if I was crazy or even remotely suspected of being nuts? No and the FBI kept a file on me like they do all Federal Government Employees, so ask them. They (anyone seeking to take my' property) only need to know that I can see them long before they ever see me and that my Optometrist's equipment can't even give an accurate assessment of my' longrange vision due to it being so much better that 20/10!


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I'm always amazed when people always wish hat we had a system like another country, doesn't say much for the pride and faith that they have in their homeland!

This is what happens when people become too complacent and lazy to react to Laws and governmental Policies that adversely effect them and when they begin to feel the effects of those Laws and governmental Policies, they finally decide that they want change!


No meds other than for my' heart and cholestrol! Why do some think that a person is crazy and/or on meds for psychological problems when they state that no one is taking their' property and the reasoning why? Just because I have skills that many do not have that were taught to me by my Dad and the U.S. Army and God gave me the vision (eyesight) to accomplish those skills, some folks always think you are nuts! Do you really think that the Feds as in the FBI would have allowed me to serve this country and it's people for over 38 years, if I was crazy or even remotely suspected of being nuts? No and the FBI kept a file on me like they do all Federal Government Employees, so ask them. They (anyone seeking to take my' property) only need to know that I can see them long before they ever see me and that my Optometrist's equipment can't even give an accurate assessment of my' longrange vision due to it being so much better that 20/10!

It takes a little more than good eyesight to keep them in the black... as I'm sure you know. It also takes practice, dedication, and MONEY! When I was working, the dept only gave us 5000 rounds per season. I re-loaded 15,000 to 18,000 every year to keep in form. Today, that's a part time job.... just for ammo! The last time I did Camp Perry, I shot 85% from the 500 yard berm. And that was with glass. I don't think open sights are in my bag anymore. TTC

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