Who knows how to date a house?

If they have a mailbox, check to see if the street number is on it.
If not, peek in the box to read an address.
Beyond that, ask the mailman or check with the post office.
Are we being 'played'?


Looks to me like the late 1800's or early 1900's.....If you are going to hunt it what difference does it make what year it was built???????? You will find the same things if you know when it was built or you don't know when it was built.......

Looks to me like the late 1800's or early 1900's.....If you are going to hunt it what difference does it make what year it was built???????? You will find the same things if you know when it was built or you don't know when it was built.......

I want to know things before I dig it. And for future reference these are typical style of old homes around me.

Looks to me like the late 1800's or early 1900's.....If you are going to hunt it what difference does it make what year it was built???????? You will find the same things if you know when it was built or you don't know when it was built.......

IMO, all that matters is that it's old and that you have permission to hunt there. Everything else will fall into place. Best of luck.

how i date and search houses that for any reason i can not get the street number is go to the county court house , go to the land deeds office and ask for information on the property , tell them what highway its on and give them a idea of location and if they know there maps at all they can pull up the area map and show you , then you point the lot out , they can print out a sheet telling you the owner, the last owner , when it was built. if there digital records do not go back that far to tell date it was built it will have a reference number on the sheet and you can go to the archives room and they will get the book out and help you locate the original written transcripts .

Who knows how to tell the age of a house by looking at it? I have a pic of one I want to detect really badly. Can someone PM me so I can send the pic to you? Sorry I don't wanna lose this spot!

I think the first thing you need to do is find out if it is already dating someone, then invite it to dinner and take it from there...good luck.
PS - is it a brick house?? :-)

I think the first thing you need to do is find out if it is already dating someone, then invite it to dinner and take it from there...good luck.
PS - is it a brick house?? :-)

Hahahaha. I knew someone would say that. She not a brick house. But she does look might mighty lol.

You're 13 with some time on your hands I'm guessing, you might offer to mow the grass, or do some other yard work in exchange for permission. :dontknow:


WOW you guys sure make a big deal about going to detect a old house.................. GOD just go hunt...

If it was in Oklahoma I would date it 1890 to 1910. The window style doesn't fit, but that might be a style peculiar to that part of the country. It matches architectural style here in Colorado from the late 1800's. You can get a pretty good idea of when a house was built by looking at how much lumber they used in it. Houses built when lumber was in short supply due to the economy will have pretty short eave overhangs. Easiest way to figure it out is ask the neighbors. Surely somebody knows.

If it was in Oklahoma I would date it 1890 to 1910. The window style doesn't fit, but that might be a style peculiar to that part of the country. It matches architectural style here in Colorado from the late 1800's. You can get a pretty good idea of when a house was built by looking at how much lumber they used in it. Houses built when lumber was in short supply due to the economy will have pretty short eave overhangs. Easiest way to figure it out is ask the neighbors. Surely somebody knows.

Haha I would but no neighbors. I got the address today and I'm gonna do some research. Depending on what I find out I might go try and get permission tomorrow.

Just found the year. For those interested, it was built in 1915. Time to try and get permission!

AK did you ever hunt the house on 290? I hunted part of that land many years ago

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