The Mysterious Treasure of Deadman Cave


Jan 2, 2018
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I have researched this elusive treasure for awhile now. I find W.C. Jameson's account to be fascinating. If anyone in Colorado would like to partner up on this particular treasure, please contact me. Here is a summary:

"There is one cave in the Sangre de Cristo Range, however, that is much, much more. Deep inside this cave lies an unbelievable large cache of gold ingots, all bearing marks of a Spanish smelter. How this gold, millions of dollars worth of it, came to be stored in this cave is a mystery that has never been solved."

Basically three men who were all geologists and avid prospectors from Silver Cliff were out prospecting. The weather turned bad so they sought shelter under a ledge high in a canyon. They waited there awhile until they spotted an opening across the canyon on the other side. They all crossed to it and found a natural tunnel that went in twenty feet. They entered into a small chamber and soon found another tunnel in the back. This one led to a huge chamber for which their only flashlight could not illuminate. They went back outside and gathered wood and made a fire in the large chamber which illuminated the space enough to explore. The first thing found was a skull. They next found a half collapsed tunnel which they followed into another small chamber. Against the far wall the found a large pile of what they believed to be rocks. They ran a torch over the pile of objects. There was a heavy layer of dust that suggested the pile had been there for many centuries. They discovered the entire stack consisted of gold bars. They counted 400 of them and noticed each was imprinted with a Christian cross topped with an inverted carat. One of the men had noticed there were two more passageways leading from the large chamber. Their flashlight was fading so they each took a gold ingot and left the cave planning to return soon. When they made it back to Silver Cliff they had the bars assayed and learned that each was worth $900.00 in gold. They also learned the imprinting was of Spanish origin. They learned the last known mining by Spanish in that area was 400 years ago. All three men sold their gold bars to fund a return trip to the cave. (Here comes the rub) Since the winter season had set in they decided to wait for Spring. They set out again in April. As the snow had been melting they became disoriented as they climbed to the higher canyons. Trails split off in many directions and they finally had to admit after many days of searching that could not find the cave or the ledge they sheltered under. After two years of searching the three admitted defeat and gave up the search. The evidence being the gold ingots was witnessed by many. Many have tried to search but there have been no reports of discovery after this time. Somewhere around 13,000 feet lies a fortune just waiting to be claimed.


Welcome to our forum. I wish we would be closer geographically I would .

Awesome story

I live pretty far from Colorado right now, but plan a ten day prospecting trip in the summer of '19. I'll be following up on all the research then. Maybe you would like to partner up for that trip? I'll be looking for old mines or that elusive quartz and gold vein.

The three geologists are named in Jameson's book. I hope to run into one of them, but doubt they are still alive. There are several versions of this story btw.

Well run a check on those names! There is a chance you might find nothing on them. I have discovered some names added to some Montana stories, failed to turn up with train robberies.

Please don’t waste your time with this, I have already found this!

I remember something about after the storm cleared, they had a view of a few different prominent landmarks from the cave. A buddy of mine has a line of sight mapping app that narrows it down but still a big area to find a small cave opening. Best we could do was triangulate from their description to get a guess but we haven't been there yet.
I have too many of these I'm working on putting together haha. If I could find one it would finance the rest!
There's a gulch up the road from me called snowblind and two prospectors died there one winter. They were digging POUNDS of gold from the report but got greedy and stayed too long into winter. They were found in spring but no one has found their dig site. Another legend on the back burner to dream about!

I have been enjoying what you folks are sharing, thanks

What year was this alleged to have taken place?

Since you have already found the gold, can you at least share which cave it was in? My group would like to go to the cave for the adventure.
I’m still out here
Please don’t waste your time with this, I have already found this!
Can we see any sort of proof? I’ve been searching 2023 now and can’t find it but I think I’m on the nose with the newest cave.

Yeah I heard that story. I think it was reported in the Fairplay newspaper at the time, so you could search in Colorado historic newspapers for info. And I could be wrong, but based on some correspondence I had with a guy, that really may have actually already been found. Sounded like the real deal, and cool if it was.

I just bought land in southern Colorado, so I plan visiting there often. If anyone wants to team up sometime to look for this cave I’ll be very interested.

Hey Everyone,

I have some insight to this legend, I don't believe this has been found. I have been researching this for over a decade. I have looked not only at the tales but the geological evidence to pinpoint areas for search. I have also flown 8 aerial surveillance flights over the area in my personal aircraft. After contacting the National Forest Rangers to try and get access into the land because it is 15 miles from the closest point of access with a vehicle. Not even electric bikes are allowed on the trails, we even tried these but they broke down. If someone can get permission from the National Forrest I can meet you down there with a HMMWV and we can drive most of the way in. I don't think anyone's doing 15 miles in the sand. During my surveillance flights I did locate an area that appears to have collapsed and it also corelates with the limestone on the geological map (where caves naturally are found usually). [email protected] I live in Colorado Springs.

Sounds cool, Pellegrino Eric. The guy I talked with had the ring of truth and I'm sure he found something, but maybe not this one. (And I hear from a lot of folks telling me they found this or know where that is, but I've been in that area a lot, and he was dead on with his description.) I guess you're wanting to contact the forest service for permission to go in with a vehicle? I wouldn't go that route. If at all possible, it would be better to go in and scout that out on foot. Then you can give the feds a heads up, and say good-bye to what you've found. Good luck, and keep us posted on what you come up with.

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