TheSentinel said:
Howdy everyone,
I just spent an afternoon taking the family out to Whitewater, brought the rookie gold panning set, and saw the dark sand and pyrite at the bottom of my pans, but no gold as ya'll have mentioned in your previous posts. Had no luck and hopped on google and here I am. I live in the San Gorgonio pass area and am interested in teaming up and learning from seasoned vets. I got turned on to gold hunting by recently discovering a family tie to William "Grizzly Bill" Holcomb (fascinating fella, credited with discovering gold in Holcomb Valley along with killing many of the Grizzlies in the San Bernardino Mountains). Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Hmm....Us too...wonder if we saw each other? LOL, We ran a sluice box about a mile past the preserve....mild trickle running through. We started up closer to the preserve and a ranger asked us, "Do you know where you are?"

I told the hubby it was a no go on that area. Does he listen to me? Of course not. Anyway, we had fun-but like the sentinel said...lot's of black sand and pyrite. No gold. Hopefully we have better luck next time.