Whitewater canyon gold by Cabazon

Well, I am living back in Palm Springs again and decided to go hike around white water today.. What I found surprised me QUITE a bit... I found 4 quartz crystals about 4" long each.... They are the shape of chandelier crystals... I was only out there for a few hours, I ran out of water and it was fairly hot/humid today... I won't disclose the exact location but I will tell you that it wasn't near the actual stream. I will get pictures up of the quartz once I find my camera in one of my box's.. I will head back out there in the next couple of weeks with more supplies.

I drove by there a couple of times last week. The water level must of risen quite a bit, cause the banks of the stream were wet from the rise. It looked about 2-3ft high. I wish I knew that happened I would have loved to been there and take some pixs....I would love to see the quartz, I too believe that there is gold out there.. somewhere.


pegleglooker said:
  I drove by there a couple of times last week. The water level must of risen quite a bit, cause the banks of the stream were wet from the rise. It looked about 2-3ft high. I wish I knew that happened I would have loved to been there and take some pixs....I would love to see the quartz, I too believe that there is gold out there.. somewhere.


Last week(I think), we had almost 1" of rain within 1 hour. The whole Palm Springs/Desert Hot Springs area flash flooded like crazy. We had logs that looked like they belonged to pine trees float into town! I too believe there is GOLD!

Last weekend I tried to detect in the washout but it was too hard. Still too much overburden.

I got 3 days off this week Mon-Wed anyone want to get together and take a look ???

Let me know


hey gang,
I was rereading some of my books and came across a interesting story from Choral Pepper. She talk about some " desparado's " that used to hold up in a cave somewhere near the hatchery. It's just kinda wierd the way she talks about it though. At one time she says the cave is near the Devils Catcus Garden ( off of Hwy 62 ) and then near the hatchery... She also says it's close to where 2 trails come together:
" An old map shows two roads leading from the Whitwater Rancho ( the hatchery area ) into the desert at that time, one entering via San Gorgonio Pass ( I-10 ): the other through Morongo Pass ( SR-62 ).

Then she continues with:
" Gaping caves nearby, tumbled boulders and shadowy little canyons suggest myriad places where early bandits as well as ranchers could have stashed treasure hordes "

So is it off the 62 or is it in Whitewater Canyon ?? I am off work Mon and Tues and I think it's time for a little road trip...

I'll let you all know if I find anything.


Mission Creek Road, off Hwy. 62.

hey gang,
ant- I knew the garden was off the 62.. But how can you get there with a new hosing tract there ( it's fenced all the way around ). The old path is still there... but the tract cuts it off on both ends.


I'm not sure of the " two roads leading from the Whitewater Rancho ( the hatchery area ) into the desert at that time " unless she is referring to the I-10 and the 62. I'm thinking there ' must " be another path, but the question is where is the starting point. The Toutain ranch is where the hatchery is today and is that what she is talking about ??? or is it the stage station ?? If its the ranch, then there must be a " back " way. She does refer to a old Indian path that " the Yuma and Chemehuevi Indians used to come to visit their Cahuilla and Serrano neighbors." She then talks about how hwy 62 was a path used by " gold prospectors and trappers " in later years.


I was down there today and the only " back way " I saw was too close to the ranch.


So that only leaves this path...


Unless someone has another thought ???


I almost forgot... look what I found while I was there.... and in black sand. I took a sample home and will pan it in the morning just to be sure...



She must be talking about the Pipes, Pipes Canyon, that’s the only place the fits your description in that area. Pipes Canyon is one of the trails that Willy Boy is said to have taken during his escape attempt. If you can make the Pipes Canyon trip it will have you coming out up in Pioneer Town, no vehicles. It is said that the Pipes is an old hideout for bad folks. Back in the day horse and jeep trails lead up to the pipes dranage from the hatchery. Now a days they are closed and only hikeing trails are open, same with Mission Creek Road :(.

hey gang,
Well I just panned the find yesterday and ....... pyrite :( :( :(.... But I did have a coool trip with some GREAT fotos.. Here ya go








I don't know this area but from the photos you've posted I'd say that bedrock is buried under 30' + of sand. Thats where any gold would be. I think your best chances would be way up canyon or on the shelves on the hill sides.

Watch were you go there are open mining claims all along that canyon. These are just some.

hey gang,
WAIT!!!! Mining claims in the " Whitewater Preserve " ??? How can that be possible ?? There are signs everywhere that says you cannot remove anything.... so how can one have a mining claim ??? It's not that I don't believe they " may " have existed before the preserve... but to still be able to mine today... That I would question. Or are these in the canyon before the Preserve ?? Can you tell us where in the canyon these locations are.. are they hard rock or placer rights ??? Well to say the least you piqued my interest.... Your move...lol


pegleglooker said:
hey gang,
WAIT!!!! Mining claims in the " Whitewater Preserve " ??? How can that be possible ?? There are signs everywhere that says you cannot remove anything.... so how can one have a mining claim ??? It's not that I don't believe they " may " have existed before the preserve... but to still be able to mine today... That I would question. Or are these in the canyon before the Preserve ?? Can you tell us where in the canyon these locations are.. are they hard rock or placer rights ??? Well to say the least you piqued my interest.... Your move...lol


The CAMC # are open claims you can go over to the BLM office and take a look at all the open claims for free. You can see all the dates and who owns them. It's very cool, check it out. Also If you want to file a claim you must look at this to see that no one has a claim on that zone. I have many claims myself. There is also a web site that will show you the same thing. www.geocommunicator.gov/blmMap/Map.jsp?MAP=MC (Have fun with this)

Hey srferjo714,
That was a cooool site. I, and I'm sure anyone who has been out there know about the sites at the I-10. But I was TOTALLY surprised that there is a placer claim behind the hatchery. That is exactly where I was the last time I went out...I don't understand then, That whole area is considered a preserve.... so how can there be a claim on this kind of land ??? and can anyone go out and stake a claim as well ??? It looks like the guy has had the claim since 2002, and it also states that it is a " trust " account, maybe he inherited it. But I don't see where it states what kind of material it's for ( gold, silver etc ). I assume it's for gold. Thankx for the info....


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