Wheres The Beef?

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"If" the lawyer angle is accurate, then it's certain to be someone who was comfortable to place his trust in Ward. By acting as the agent Ward would have been the shield, or the pre-screener of the possible contacts and claims, this arrangement then allowing Ward to pass the information to the attorney so he could evaluate each inquiry or claim without exposing his own identity. So basically, in this sense, the Beale Pamphlet would have been the bait. And if this is the case it would have been this way, otherwise claims would have started piling in the moment the public realized an attorney was looking for possible unknown heirs to a yet recovered fortune. Can you imagine the amount of bogus claims that would have come rushing in. It would be like running an ad in the newspaper asking who lost the winning multimillion dollar lottery ticket you just found. :laughing7: But with Ward in place the attorney could then pick and choose which claims he felt could be valid. Remember, as an attorney, he would have to create a casefile on every claim that walked through the door otherwise.

Don't YOU know about the attorney who had VLoN...? DIRECT descendant of Hutter...? VLoN is VERY LEGALISTIC (English-language) "on-line"...

Don't YOU know about the attorney who had VLoN...? DIRECT descendant of Hutter...? VLoN is VERY LEGALISTIC (English-language) "on-line"...

There were many lawyers who frequented the area and passed back and forth to Richmond. There were several lawyers with prior business and/or with family relations connected to Ward, Sherman, Morriss, etc., and there is no guarantee that it was any of these men, could have been any lawyer, "if" this lawyer connection actually ever existed. However, there may actually be a way to weed him out if he did actually exist. I think people are leaning to Hutter and his connections too much as there is nothing to suggest that he actually knew anything about the affair. At this point we need to backup and start anew and if the facts return us to Hutter then so be it, but right now there is nothing to confirm that Hutter was directly involved in any of it or that he held any knowledge about the actual true events. What is out there is just unsupoorted theory, like most everything else.

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There were many lawyers who frequented the area and passed back and forth to Richmond. There were several lawyers with prior business and/or with family relations connected to Ward, Sherman, Morriss, etc., and there is no guarantee that it was any of these men, could have been any lawyer, "if" this lawyer connection actually ever existed. However, there may actually be a way to weed him out if he did actually exist. I think people are leaning to Hutter and his connections too much as there is nothing to suggest that he actually knew anything about the affair. At this point we need to backup and start anew and if the facts return us to Hutter then so be it, but right now there is nothing to confirm that Hutter was directly involved in any of it or that he held any knowledge about the actual true events. What is out there is just unsupoorted theory, like most everything else.

ORIGINALLY "posted" by ECS, I think... about Edward Sixtus Hutter [10022]; "Newpaper article in RAGLAND [descendant of HUTTER] possession (2004)... "Among the most prized prized possession of ATTORNEY H. M. Gibbs is a volume that once formed part of the LAW Library of the Confederacy.... VATTEL'S LAW OF NATION....". "Major E. S. HUTTER was Mr. Gibbs' father-in-law."

I will try to find "on-line" source of MY info, that IS congruent with the HUTTER "connection"... attorney, who HAD Hutter's copy of VLoN... LATER; there are at least TWO.
"Google" LIVELY ROOTS: Edward Sixtus Hutter [10022]... THEN; LIVELY ROOTS: Descendants of Johann Ludwig Hutter 1726; look at #23.

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Been all over Hutter in the past and there's just nothing there to suggest that he had any direct involvement in the Beale story. Hutter's life and activities have been picked apart again and again over the years by some of the best in the business so if anything was there I'm confident that it would have been found by now.

Been all over Hutter in the past and there's just nothing there to suggest that he had any direct involvement in the Beale story. Hutter's life and activities have been picked apart again and again over the years by some of the best in the business so if anything was there I'm confident that it would have been found by now.

REALLY?!!! Share with us, what cha got!

BTW, WHO are the "best in the business"...?

So as Robert Morris is coming to the end of his life, he abviously wrote a will. So does anyone have any info on his will? Who was the attorney that officiated the will?

Also are there any archives left to Sherman's newspaper? And where can they be located?

HH Jay

So as Robert Morris is coming to the end of his life, he abviously wrote a will. So does anyone have any info on his will? Who was the attorney that officiated the will?

HH Jay

Tat, now that is a most excellent notion. I like where you are possibly going with this idea. :icon_thumleft: If Morriss knew/suspected he was on his way out in 1862, then time to get his affairs in order.

REALLY?!!! Share with us, what cha got!

BTW, WHO are the "best in the business"...?

"REALLY?!!! Share with us, what cha got!".....absolutely nothing to connect Hutter. And that's the point.
BTW, WHO are the "best in the business"...? - Why, the NSA, of course. :laughing7:

"REALLY?!!! Share with us, what cha got!".....absolutely nothing to connect Hutter. And that's the point.
BTW, WHO are the "best in the business"...? - Why, the NSA, of course. :laughing7:


"THE BEALE PAPERS"by E F BEALE,published 1850

Edward Fitzgerald Beale(1822-1893)published his journals in 1850,detailing his adventures in New Mexico,Colorado ,and California.They were titled "THE BEALE PAPERS",and are available from the LIBRARY of CONGRESS.E F Beale brought an 8lb gold nugget to Washington,DC,and was one of the first to tell of 1848 gold strike in California.
How does this relate to Ward's Beale Papers?
Many of the events in E F Beale's jounal parllel events in Ward's papers,the party, gold,buffalo,indians,places and several words and terms used,also are in Ward's.
When reading both,it seems that Ward's version was plagarized from E F Beale's papers,with the treasure story and codes,with B2 DOI solution added as a teaser to sell copies for profit.Far to many coincidences to ignore.

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Edward Fitzgerald Beale(1822-1893)published his journals in 1850,detailing his adventures in New Mexico,Colorado ,and California.They were titled "THE BEALE PAPERS",and are available from the LIBRARY of CONGRESS.E F Beale brought an 8lb gold nugget to Washington,DC,and was one of the first to tell of 1848 gold strike in California.
How does this relate to Ward's Beale Papers?
Many of the events in E F Beale's jounal parllel events in Ward's papers,the party, gold,buffalo,indians,places and several words and terms used,also are in Ward's.
When reading both,it seems that Ward's version was plagarized from E F Beale's papers,with the treasure story and codes,with B2 DOI solution added as a teaser to sell copies for profit.Far to many coincidences to ignore.

"Coincidences"....you said a mouthful there as they are everywhere.

Been all over Hutter in the past and there's just nothing there to suggest that he had any direct involvement in the Beale story. Hutter's life and activities have been picked apart again and again over the years by some of the best in the business so if anything was there I'm confident that it would have been found by now.

NOT as a "COVER-STORY" (aka "indirect involvement), tho... LOL!

OK... Hutter's INDIRECT involvement; BP as "Cover-Story"... www.bealetreasurestory/id10.html
THEN... http.//www.peterv.com/confed_treasure.htm

PV said it was a NOVEL (aka FACTION... FICTION, based on FACTS); PV said it was from Rugerman family papers; REALITY is, it is from the RAGLAND family papers. The RAGLAND family is DIRECT Descendants of HUTTER; they WOULD know... HARD to get a-hold of those papers... "all in the family", ya know... HA! TYPE IN "ADDYS" in Address Bar. it WAS indeed...
a COMPLEX Enterprise. A VERY new... ENTERPRISE!

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OK... Hutter's INDIRECT involvement; BP as "Cover-Story"... www.bealetreasurestory/id10.html
THEN... http.//www.peterv.com/confed_treasure.htm

PV said it was a NOVEL (aka FACTION... FICTION, based on FACTS); PV said it was from Rugerman family papers; REALITY is, it is from the RAGLAND family papers. The RAGLAND family is DIRECT Descendants of HUTTER; they WOULD know... HARD to get a-hold of those papers... "all in the family", ya know... HA! TYPE IN "ADDYS" in Address Bar. it WAS indeed...
a COMPLEX Enterprise. A VERY new... ENTERPRISE!

Reb, I really don't care what P.V. may have suspected, at nearly every conclusion to his factual research he almost always closed it with all the what ifs because he had no proof of anything connecting any of it to the Beale Pamphlet. P.V. was a fine researcher, don't get me wrong, but in the end he was just another author who penned speculation while being smart enough not to make any claims. In the end, after all of his efforts, the best P.V. was able to do was to connect Ward directly to the Beale Pamphlet publication and hell, we already knew that. All else was pure speculation.

Reb, I really don't care what P.V. may have suspected, at nearly every conclusion to his factual research he almost always closed it with all the what ifs because he had no proof of anything connecting any of it to the Beale Pamphlet. P.V. was a fine researcher, don't get me wrong, but in the end he was just another author who penned speculation while being smart enough not to make any claims. In the end, after all of his efforts, the best P.V. was able to do was to connect Ward directly to the Beale Pamphlet publication and hell, we already knew that. All else was pure speculation.

HOWEVER! PV indicated what others had already done; MY sense is that PV ALREADY knew the REAL story. Alluded to in his LAST book, on BT/CSA Treasury. Confederate Treasure Coverup

HOWEVER! PV indicated what others had already done; MY sense is that PV ALREADY knew the REAL story. Alluded to in his LAST book, on BT/CSA Treasury. Confederate Treasure Coverup

My sense is that he was only exploring the possibilities and speculating and that he was also far too smart to voice any claim that he knew he couldn't confirm. again, there's just nothing out there yet connecting anything to the Beale Pamphlet story. And so we keep looking.....

FURTHER, study the COVER of his book; there is LIGHT, at the "end of the tunnel"... ALMOST like Dan Brown's covers. LOL!
The RR Tracks alludes to the Tennessee-Virginia RR Tracks, leading out of Lynchburg, Va.; the "old" V & T RR "bed", now Blackwater Creek Bike/Walk Trail Way. LOTS of carvings on the boulders of the bluffs... found "Balance Scale of LIBERTY",
"1883", numerous others that are unknown. Want to do MORE R & I on it, soon.

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