Since we're discussing the Harts, I wonder what spurred their original interest in the story? It's almost as if they were already motivated in some way to seek out the source of the tale. So I have often wondered if, perhaps, they didn't already have some prior knowledge of the tale even before the pamphlet was published? Pure speculation? Probably, but then again, maybe not?
I have always been curious if there may have been a reason why the author listed the names of Marshall, Jackson, Coles, Clay, etc. When we look into these people we learn that one of Clay's most famous clients was a, "Hart". This makes me curious if, perhaps, George and Clayton weren't already privy to the same story or possibly some of it's details? Odd that both brothers pursued the mystery with such passion right out of the gate and then continued chasing it for so long in spite of the lack of success. Just seems as if there might be something more here.
And Reb, no matter how you wish to look at it, when you follow the genealogies, Ward and Sherman were related through bloodlines/family ties regardless how distant. Sherman had Otey blood and Ward married into the Otey family.