Where to find bottles



Well I want to ask where to go look for bottles. I thought I might search for them for a while.

The first answer usually is where you find them is where they are. This means where ever people decided to dump them is where you will find them today. Might be anywhere.

1. What about bottle factories. Were there businesses that made oldbottles and would Ifind them there today.

2. how about manufacturing where they put suff in bottle to sell.

3. old dumps. Is there a national list of old dumps?

4. old dumps in rivers.

Well........round these parts there was no trash collection until the turn of the century. In the eighties I shared my diigging time between the local dump (Chester Pa.) and kitchen middens along Darby creek. Most houses near the mills were built with commanding views of the mills. Trash was literally thrown out the back door and gathered at the base of the hill and eventually eroded over. When in search of I look for glass sherds and shells(oyster) on the surface and usually am successful in that spot. I lucked upon a dried up mill race once and hit a goldmine of beers.sodas,medicines.inkwells etc. mostly from 1875 thru 1900. The dump proved to be a great place to dig but many bottles came up burned.

Hope this helps,


I know in rural IA all you have to do is drive along a back country road till you find a crick and there will be bottles in the bank. There are dump sites all along the ditch behind our house that leads to the river. Someone informed me that running water ways are public but I won't risk that until I look into it more, you're likely to get some buckshot in the rear for that in these here parts. ;D

Okay. Thats good. I'll look for outhouses (old) and trash dumps. I suppose some small cities also had trash dumps circa 1800 since they couldn't dump it all in back yard.

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