Where do you think the Lost Dutchman mine is?

Marius, Amigo,:coffee2::coffee2:
I was fully aware of the Treasure and the location,but not the map, back years ago there was a lot of electronic detection work done on freemont saddle, there were supposedly a lot of good signals picked
up there by an unknown organization at the time,they could never figure the entrance or how to gain entry into it,I had mentioned this once before in my thread,but was made aware of my mistake immediately by some one associated with this organization.so I haven't mentioned it since. I know of no one else that ever hunted for it.:dontknow:np:cat:

sounds like that might be the one ed piper was looking for

NP, I've been on that ridge many times looking for those monuments. I can say with a fair degree of confidence that they are not there to be photographed today. I've zig zagged the the north and the south side of the saddle in Joe's picture several times. My question is: How many markers did you find that were actually on that ridge and were they to the north or south of the saddle in the picture? Thanks, Larry
HI Larry ,:coffee2:please read what I posted that you are commenting on,I was aswering marius I have already given the location several times on my thread, I am not really comfortable talking on this subject, but whats already on my thread is already there.thank you.np:cat:

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The measurements on the map are in peaces and the directions are in this shape ( drawing made by me ) from a specific point .

map route.webp

How old is the map you are working off of ,It looks good,If you don't care would you help out goldenmotve by giving compass reading according to your map,thank you.np:cat:


The map is not too old . I believe is about 70 or 60 years old and is written in English .
I need to make a correction . I looked into the todays trails names , and what i wrote to be Fremont Pass trail is named today the new Peralta trail .
So , the question was from the region south of the junction ( the black circle on the below map ) of the new Peralta trail with Dutchman trail in the East Boulder Canyon .



I believe the map is to a place ( temporary cache ) where is buried part of a treasure which was took from another place .


The map is not too old . I believe is about 70 or 60 years old and is written in English .
I need to make a correction . I looked into the todays trails names , and what i wrote to be Fremont Pass trail is named today the new Peralta trail .
So , the question was from the region south of the junction ( the black circle on the below map ) of the new Peralta trail with Dutchman trail in the East Boulder Canyon .

View attachment 1180503
Marius, Amigo:coffee2:There may be some confusion on behalf of who ever copied the map. The main points of Interest with these people was a really old trail from freemont saddle to west boulder canyon
to horse mesa,there have been a lot of people interested in the areas that I just mentioned,but they were always a canyon or two off the trail that I just mentioned,maybe that's why things at some point would look familiar but not right.use to if you would triangulate from freemont mnt to west boulder canyon to horse mesa,and use west boulder canyon as your center point of focus ,It would point you were you needed to go,its been a long time when I was there last, I would not doubt that people have destroyed or removed markers from these areas, there use to be very few markers in those mnts,now
I wouldn't doubt there are markers in there showing how to get to were ever you want to go except to treasure.np:cat:


The map is 98% accurate and shows the region in the red rectangle . I asked if you have heard of it , because is close to your camp in the Supes .


Marius, Amigo,
what does the actual map look like,not a google map.the area you have marked off was hunted by a lot of people at one time or another.np:cat:


It's OK . I will archive the spot for a rainy day .


But , because I am not a greedy man , I will give a region for who are interested to do a trip .
Of course, not without a little effort . And the region is the number 54 , if you draw a grid with 64 equal squares/rectangles of the above map region ( the red rectangle ) .

And after you will be at the place


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Well all the questions and guessing and no found this mine it had to much pain involved with it and was hide for that reason it was bad times and way to many people have died because of it that is why it was hide for all these yrs, the whole world has issues I know were it is I have found the lost Dutchman mine my grandpa led me to it and it looks like I am the grandson of the Dutchman , there is no need looking anymore I have found this mine I am the one who found it I have figured it out . I will tell you all what I have figured out . Everyone has looked in the wrong mountain . Its in the( superstitious mountain) not the( superstition mountain) Jacob waltz his friend , name wasn't Jacob weiser, his friend was Ebenezer,my great great grandpa , Jacob he just called him weiser . Short for Ebenezer, they put Jacob and weiser in which was there first names . To through off the trail . Its on 160 acre ranch . This is why no miner will find it . It takes 4/5 maps to figure out where its at . The horse , the mine looks like a horse nose. I have been trying to get ahold of treasure net and no reply so hopefully they will see this if they would like to know more about this get ahold of me my grandpa has just past due to drugs that he didn't want or need I sat with him everyday for eight yrs and he fed me clues to this mine and sent me where it is to find it and right when. I put this all together my sisters and mother decided to tell him they were going to take the meds that the doctor gave him ,and give him somthing to help his breathing to help him go see grandma. This freaked us out we were running from them and I had to go to the store . When I got back they had force him in to taking the drugs he didn't need or want and asked them to please don't give them to him and asked me to stop them I tryed but it didn't work they insisted on doing this I pleaded with them not to . This was wrong to do to him he was 92 yrs old he had every right to say he didn't want drugs he wanted to be left alone I will never understand why . I was with him everyday and he was my best friend and my dad . They wanted me to sit there all night long and watch him after they drugged him and not let him get up and clean him up after he losses control . Watch this all night long when he asked them to leave him alone I felt this is wrong and told them this is wrong and to me and everyone else around says thats murder . So fare they have got away with it . They are also being that I wouldn't agree to do this with them they have tryed getting me attested several times and are trying to take my home and this mine from me this I have worked on finding this mine and figured this all out . Has been a five yrs of work and a total of ten yrs helping him eight yrs every day we took care of grandma till she died I took care of everything she needed . We got real close to thru out this . He gave me my home and this property and mine and he had this put on his trust . The lawyer has lied with them in court about it they have thrown out that and trying to take this from me we even went and had a paper notarized about this quartz vein I found and we all signed it my mother included . I feel this mine has had so much greed and so many people have been killed making it and trying to find it over the yrs . My grandpa has lost his life to over this its time to put a stop to it I have found this mine I have blessed it and talked to the spirits , you can feel them here . This mine is said to be the richest in the world by the storys this mine I want to help the world with it the money from it however much it can produce will be spent on helping disaster areas , schools ,homeless , homes for vets that have been hurt in the war. This should be for the world to share its wealth if this mine is the richest in the world . Then lets help the world with it My name is Chad Sainsbury and I have found the lost Dutchman gold mine . IV thought hard about bearing this but there is way to many people still looking for it . Its time to end the searchen for it should stop . Everyone should not forget all the people that have lost there lives on it for it there is nothing but heartack involved with it to this day . I read some of the comments about it just remember back then when the Dutchman didn't have much of a choice but to keep it hid there was death all around it this is why it has been hid for all these yrs . My grandpa trusted me to do the right thing with this . With the way things are going I have no choice but to let this out so it can finally come to a end i have to i cant let it be tooken this way . My grandpa led me to it . He trusted me with it This is what will be done with it no more pain god bless the world so many can be helped with this everyone on this earth has only a so many yrs, days,hours, minute's, to live on this earth everyone should be able to choose the way they go when you make it 92 yrs and you don't want drugs that should be respected at any age . . Have a beautiful day, god bless , sincerely Chad

Well all the questions and guessing and no found this mine it had to much pain involved with it and was hide for that reason it was bad times and way to many people have died because of it that is why it was hide for all these yrs, the whole world has issues I know were it is I have found the lost Dutchman mine my grandpa led me to it and it looks like I am the grandson of the Dutchman , there is no need looking anymore I have found this mine I am the one who found it I have figured it out . I will tell you all what I have figured out . Everyone has looked in the wrong mountain . Its in the( superstitious mountain) not the( superstition mountain) Jacob waltz his friend , name wasn't Jacob weiser, his friend was Ebenezer,my great great grandpa , Jacob he just called him weiser . Short for Ebenezer, they put Jacob and weiser in which was there first names . To through off the trail . Its on 160 acre ranch . This is why no miner will find it . It takes 4/5 maps to figure out where its at . The horse , the mine looks like a horse nose. I have been trying to get ahold of treasure net and no reply so hopefully they will see this if they would like to know more about this get ahold of me my grandpa has just past due to drugs that he didn't want or need I sat with him everyday for eight yrs and he fed me clues to this mine and sent me where it is to find it and right when. I put this all together my sisters and mother decided to tell him they were going to take the meds that the doctor gave him ,and give him somthing to help his breathing to help him go see grandma. This freaked us out we were running from them and I had to go to the store . When I got back they had force him in to taking the drugs he didn't need or want and asked them to please don't give them to him and asked me to stop them I tryed but it didn't work they insisted on doing this I pleaded with them not to . This was wrong to do to him he was 92 yrs old he had every right to say he didn't want drugs he wanted to be left alone I will never understand why . I was with him everyday and he was my best friend and my dad . They wanted me to sit there all night long and watch him after they drugged him and not let him get up and clean him up after he losses control . Watch this all night long when he asked them to leave him alone I felt this is wrong and told them this is wrong and to me and everyone else around says thats murder . So fare they have got away with it . They are also being that I wouldn't agree to do this with them they have tryed getting me attested several times and are trying to take my home and this mine from me this I have worked on finding this mine and figured this all out . Has been a five yrs of work and a total of ten yrs helping him eight yrs every day we took care of grandma till she died I took care of everything she needed . We got real close to thru out this . He gave me my home and this property and mine and he had this put on his trust . The lawyer has lied with them in court about it they have thrown out that and trying to take this from me we even went and had a paper notarized about this quartz vein I found and we all signed it my mother included . I feel this mine has had so much greed and so many people have been killed making it and trying to find it over the yrs . My grandpa has lost his life to over this its time to put a stop to it I have found this mine I have blessed it and talked to the spirits , you can feel them here . This mine is said to be the richest in the world by the storys this mine I want to help the world with it the money from it however much it can produce will be spent on helping disaster areas , schools ,homeless , homes for vets that have been hurt in the war. This should be for the world to share its wealth if this mine is the richest in the world . Then lets help the world with it My name is Chad Sainsbury and I have found the lost Dutchman gold mine . IV thought hard about bearing this but there is way to many people still looking for it . Its time to end the searchen for it should stop . Everyone should not forget all the people that have lost there lives on it for it there is nothing but heartack involved with it to this day . I read some of the comments about it just remember back then when the Dutchman didn't have much of a choice but to keep it hid there was death all around it this is why it has been hid for all these yrs . My grandpa trusted me to do the right thing with this . With the way things are going I have no choice but to let this out so it can finally come to a end i have to i cant let it be tooken this way . My grandpa led me to it . He trusted me with it This is what will be done with it no more pain god bless the world so many can be helped with this everyone on this earth has only a so many yrs, days,hours, minute's, to live on this earth everyone should be able to choose the way they go when you make it 92 yrs and you don't want drugs that should be respected at any age . . Have a beautiful day, god bless , sincerely Chad

Tnet - please meet the direct descendant of Jacob Waltz. He was shown where the mine was as a little kid and wants to excavate it and donate all the money to schools, homeless, etc.

How can we help? He claims the mine is not in the superstion mountains - but they are actually in the superstitious mountains.

Do you have any photos chad? What type of help do you need?


Welcome to the LDM topic . Relax and enjoy the debates .

BTW , where you said is that Superstitious Mt. ?

sounds like that might be the one ed piper was looking for


Ed Piper was looking for Jesuit Treasure under Weaver's Needle. When he was a child in Oklahoma (so his story goes), an old Indian used to bounce Ed on his knee and tell him about Indian history. When Piper got a little older, and was about to move away, the Indian told him about a treasure hidden in a cave in a mountain shaped like a Sombrero just East of Phoenix. It was left to the Indians to guard by the "Old Priests", and was under Weaver's Needle (I don't remember offhand if the Indian actually knew the name or told it to Piper). Piper moved to the area, and set up camp at the base of the Needle. He stayed there for many years searching but never found it.

Piper never looked for the Lost Dutchman Mine.


Tnet - please meet the direct descendant of Jacob Waltz. He was shown where the mine was as a little kid and wants to excavate it and donate all the money to schools, homeless, etc.

How can we help? He claims the mine is not in the superstion mountains - but they are actually in the superstitious mountains.

Do you have any photos chad? What type of help do you need?

Sounds like he needs an investigative cinematographer.


Ed Piper was looking for Jesuit Treasure under Weaver's Needle. When he was a child in Oklahoma (so his story goes), an old Indian used to bounce Ed on his knee and tell him about Indian history. When Piper got a little older, and was about to move away, the Indian told him about a treasure hidden in a cave in a mountain shaped like a Sombrero just East of Phoenix. It was left to the Indians to guard by the "Old Priests", and was under Weaver's Needle (I don't remember offhand if the Indian actually knew the name or told it to Piper). Piper moved to the area, and set up camp at the base of the Needle. He stayed there for many years searching but never found it.

Piper never looked for the Lost Dutchman Mine.


yep...thats the story i heard also...i'm pretty sure his base camp was located at pinon camp

The LDM is on Bluff Springs Mountain. I found it after deciphering Edgar Cayce's reading on February 10, 2010. I met with Kurt Painter aka Silent Hunter (on Desert Biomes - DesertUSA website) and Jim Hatt at the museum and gave them the coordinates. I was double-crossed after being sent five pics by Kurt of the waste pile, 2-room cave, outcropping Waltz covered up, marker resembles Peralta STONE maps, entrance to mine The Peralta never complete. I emailed pics to all the expert non-believers, Kollenborne, Clay WORST/SENATOR McCain and they said show me the gold. No one can claim it, so I quit trying and staked a claim on BLM land. Women were the first to search and this woman found it. I have been rescued three times by helicopter and paid my dues. My book is written and soon to be published. I will give exact location. Stand by.

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