1812 is before Andrew Jackson, who successfully won a battle against the European Bankers. He was also the first President to have an assassination attempt on him. The guy's guns misfired, and Jackson started beating the crap out of him with his cane. 1812 is just a few decades after the founding of this country. Going back even earlier puts a whole new twist on all of this and precisely how old some of these KGC marks may be and what folks like Jesse James were doing - maybe not as much stashing and more relocating/recovering and spending going on during his time, following up on older reports/rumors/maps. Merely speculation on that last part, on line of many I can see if your research is ultimately correct. That would be yet one more game changer for how to approach and research all of this stuff, for 'KGC' research could really start pre-1776, in the traditional KGC sense.

I think expeditions out to the west, namely the folks who ran them, like Pike, Frémont, et al, are people to look into and question their activities. I haven't made the dive into them completely, but I think a lot of those reports from those early expeditions to be important things to study carefully and see if there are things to be read between the lines.

Pike led a couple of exploration expeditions for General James Wilkinson. Wilkinson not only conspired with Aaron Burr to seize land west of the Mississippi and northern Mexico, he was also a Spanish spy. Wilkinson sent Pike up the Mississippi to scout for fort sites and, during this expedition, Pike stopped at the Dubuque lead mines in what is now Iowa. Pike questioned Dubuque about the output of his mines but Dubuque became suspicious and gave him false numbers on the low side. It could be that Wilkinson was looking for a source of lead to be used for ammunition. Some historians believe Wilkinson might have been responsible for the murder of Meriwether Lewis, even though his death was ruled a suicide.

Here's a story about Burr that seems kind of odd.

The Eye of Theodosia Burr | New York Rediscovered

There is a mountain in Colorado named Emma Burr and it seems nobody knows the origin of the name.

I think it ALL goes back to 1803; with the "conflict" between Prez Thomas Jefferson & Vice-Prez Aaron Burr. Prez Jefferson & the Louisiana Purchase made VP Burr envious... Burr wanted his own EMPIRE. The PREZ election of 1803 was CLOSE, with Jefferson given the "job" by US Congress at that time. ANYWAY, Burr's EMPIRE was to be over to Mexico, Cuba, etc. VERY similar to KGC's GOLDEN CIRCLE of late 1850's; THAT period of time is known as the "CLOUDY MIST OF TIME". Burr's EMPIRE was to be for BIG Plantations with SLAVES, "doing" cotton & tobacco; Burr lost & died penniless in NYC.

I find the part about Burr's empire interesting. I actually know a Burr, who is a decedent, and got $20 million for his 18th birhtday, with the money coming from the other side. Must be rough to have that kind of life. Indeed a murky time, including everything surrounding the War of 1812. Since the name has come up, one book I have wondered about is the Jefferson Bible. I think knowledge of the Bible quite important for some of this, and have wondered about Jefferson's Bible being used. That seems to be up your alley a bit, Rebel. Do you have any experience with the JB, or have you come across references to it in all of this stuff?

Yes, I have TWO copies; one, old & "falling apart" & a newer paper-back; it IS "on-line". TJ was a man of Science; DID NOT believe in MIRACLES. He cut out the miracles stories of Jesus, and said HE was a JUST & MORAL Man... it is NEW TESTAMENT, only.

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There is an undisclosed reason why the K.G.C. held Thomas Jefferson in high regards. J.S. Morton and others quoted him on more than one occasion. Was he a Freemason? Could his membership have been kept secret like J.S. Morton's was? Why do you think Benjamin Ficklin bought Monticello and left Jefferson's bust in the Fourier of the mansion? I would love to go there and take a thorough look. I have driven by it 4 times in the past 8 years without stopping to take a look at the place.....:BangHead:


I think it ALL goes back to 1803; with the "conflict" between Prez Thomas Jefferson & Vice-Prez Aaron Burr. Prez Jefferson & the Louisiana Purchase made VP Burr envious... Burr wanted his own EMPIRE. The PREZ election of 1803 was CLOSE, with Jefferson given the "job" by US Congress at that time. ANYWAY, Burr's EMPIRE was to be over to Mexico, Cuba, etc. VERY similar to KGC's GOLDEN CIRCLE of late 1850's; THAT period of time is known as the "CLOUDY MIST OF TIME". Burr's EMPIRE was to be for BIG Plantations with SLAVES, "doing" cotton & tobacco; Burr lost & died penniless in NYC.

Facts say that Burr was in it for himself...like an emperor or dictator. There is a reason he was turned in for treason by Lewis Cass to Thomas Jefferson. Burr may have got wind of another operation (plan) for the area in question.....perhaps he decided to jump the gun on them and establish himself as the ruler.


There is an undisclosed reason why the K.G.C. held Thomas Jefferson in high regards. J.S. Morton and others quoted him on more than one occasion. Was he a Freemason? Could his membership have been kept secret like J.S. Morton's was? Why do you think Benjamin Ficklin bought Monticello and left Jefferson's bust in the Fourier of the mansion? I would love to go there and take a thorough look. I have driven by it 4 times in the past 8 years without stopping to take a look at the place.....:BangHead:


TJ was NEVER a Freemason; greatly influenced by OLD Order of Rosicrucians in France. Monticello has MANY clues to that, as well as Poplar Forest (@ 5-6 miles west of me). PF has MORE clues...

"TJ was NEVER a Freemason;"

Until two years ago neither was Julius Sterling Morton.....he died in 1902. Morton has never been claimed by the local lodges as a member just as Jefferson was never claimed by local Lodges 60 and 90 as a member, either in a regular or honorary capacity. Secret societies within secret societies exist....because they were secret!


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TJ was NEVER a Freemason; greatly influenced by OLD Order of Rosicrucians in France. Monticello has MANY clues to that, as well as Poplar Forest (@ 5-6 miles west of me). PF has MORE clues...

Ben Ficklin purchased Monticello and 650 acres that surrounded it from the C.S.A.........


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Voltaire, Lafayette, and Jean Houdon were some of his closest associates in Europe. Masons whom he admired in America included George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Dr. Benjamin Rush, John Paul Jones, James Madison, James Monroe, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.
Jefferson was reported by Dr. Joseph Guillotin to have attended meetings of the Lodge of Nine Muses in Paris; that he had marched in a Masonic procession with Widow’s Son Lodge No. 60 and Charlottesville Lodge No. 90 on October 6, 1817, at the cornerstone laying of Central College (now the University of Virginia); that the Grand Lodges of South Carolina and Louisiana held funeral orations and processions for him following his death on July 4, 1826; and that a Blue Lodge at Surry Court House, Virginia, was named Jefferson Lodge No. 65 in 1801.

Perhaps T. Jefferson like J.S. Morton was not a CARD CARRYING MEMBER........

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Voltaire, Lafayette, and Jean Houdon were some of his closest associates in Europe. Masons whom he admired in America included George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Dr. Benjamin Rush, John Paul Jones, James Madison, James Monroe, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.
Jefferson was reported by Dr. Joseph Guillotin to have attended meetings of the Lodge of Nine Muses in Paris; that he had marched in a Masonic procession with Widow’s Son Lodge No. 60 and Charlottesville Lodge No. 90 on October 6, 1817, at the cornerstone laying of Central College (now the University of Virginia); that the Grand Lodges of South Carolina and Louisiana held funeral orations and processions for him following his death on July 4, 1826; and that a Blue Lodge at Surry Court House, Virginia, was named Jefferson Lodge No. 65 in 1801.

Perhaps T. Jefferson like J.S. Morton was not a CARD CARRYING MEMBER........

Grand Lodge of Virginia DOES NOT have him "listed" as a Freemason...

Rebel a question. What if he was and the evidence of it were hid during the Anti-Masonic period or records were destroyed during the War of Northern Aggression? Now for the most part I know that Masonic Lodges were left alone but there could have been some that wanted to keep this secret for other reasons. Just asking for your opinion.

Senior Deacon

Rebel a question. What if he was and the evidence of it were hid during the Anti-Masonic period or records were destroyed during the War of Northern Aggression? Now for the most part I know that Masonic Lodges were left alone but there could have been some that wanted to keep this secret for other reasons. Just asking for your opinion.

Senior Deacon

Lived in Charlottesville, Va. for @ 3 years; had a house in the County from 1985-1991. "Lived" at Alderman Library (UVA), reviewing TJ's ORIGINAL papers in "The Basement" for @ 10 years; NOTHING on Freemasons, Masons... OPINION:
NO info indicating anti-mason "conspiracy" (@1828) COVER-UP re TJ. NO membership, ANYWHERE; COULD have been with Freemasons/Masons in France as part of the ENLIGHTENMENT; friend with MANY Freemasons/Masons, Rosicrucians, Martinists (St. Martin), Illuminati, etc. across the "little pond"

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Lived in Charlottesville, Va. for @ 3 years; had a house in the County from 1985-1991. "Lived" at Alderman Library (UVA), reviewing TJ's ORIGINAL papers in "The Basement" for @ 10 years; NOTHING on Freemasons, Masons... OPINION:
NO info indicating anti-mason "conspiracy" (@1826) COVER-UP re TJ. NO membership, ANYWHERE; COULD have been with Freemasons/Masons in France as part of the ENLIGHTENMENT; friend with MANY Freemasons/Masons, Rosicrucians, Martinists (St. Martin), Illuminati, etc. across the "little pond"

BTW, Poplar Forest is AXIS MUNDI... Rosicrucian GEOMANCY Ley Lines.

Rebel : Thank you for your opinion. Yes I know that TJ was not a joiner. Might have been like his French buddy Voltaire. Was made a Mason on sight. I am thinking that the same thing that happened to TJ. And the records could be in France rather than the U.S.A. Funny that Dr.Guillotine would make a claim that he was in lodge with him in Paris back in the 1770's. I will say that there was a lot of drinking that went on in the lodge at that time and wonder if he might have been confused with Franklin and the crew all members. A good time was had by all. Or maybe TJ just showed up after the meetings for a few pints to rub shoulders with the people in power? This was just wondering out loud to myself.

Senior Deacon

Try again; WHAT facts...?

Jefferson was reported by Dr. Joseph Guillotin to have attended meetings of the Lodge of Nine Muses in Paris; that he had marched in a Masonic procession with Widow’s Son Lodge No. 60 and Charlottesville Lodge No. 90 on October 6, 1817, at the cornerstone laying of Central College (now the University of Virginia); that the Grand Lodges of South Carolina and Louisiana held funeral orations and processions for him following his death on July 4, 1826; and that a Blue Lodge at Surry Court House, Virginia, was named Jefferson Lodge No. 65 in 1801.
Joseph-Ignace Guillotin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is what I know to be fact...i wasn't there. :laughing7:


P.S. Jefferson expressed his firm belief in God in his writings. God is Creator and Nature’s God in the Declaration of Independence. In 1786, the Virginia Act Establishing Religious Freedom underlined the fact that Almighty God created the mind free. The letters to John Adams and the English scientist and theologian Joseph Priestley clearly showed Jefferson’s conviction that church and state must be separate, his opposition to creeds and dogma, and his insistence on tolerance and mutual respect among religions. In 1816, he authored The Life and Morals of Jesus. He would have heartily accepted the Masonic requirement of faith in the Great Architect of the Universe.
Thomas Jefferson may not have been a Brother in a Lodge of Freemasons, but he had all of the prerequisites for membership in the Craft. His life could serve as a role model for all Masons; and, like Voltaire, he fulfilled the obligations of our Fraternity. First and foremost, he was a Freeman.

Thomas Jefferson - Freemason?

As long as he lived, Jefferson expressed opposition to slavery, yet he owned hundreds of slaves and freed only a few of them.

In history as it is written, one has to recognize redundancy as a cover up to protect the politician from a stain on his apron......so to speak..8-)

Anti-Masonic Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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