Like Father like son........The acorn doesn't fall far from the oak that produced it.

Paul Morton......Paul Morton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first fifty years of the Equitable life assurance society of the United ... - Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States - Google Books

He served as the Secretary of Navy between 1904 and 1905. Here he is celebrating it at Arbor lodge with a bunch of monopolist. Notice who is standing and who is sitting. I don't think it was because they were taller than everybody else there....
arbor lodge meeting.webp

Previous to this, he had been vice president of the Santa Fe Railroad. When it came to light that the Santa Fe had given illegal rebates under Morton, he was forced out of the cabinet to avoid scandal, though Roosevelt maintained that Morton himself was unaware of the improprieties. After leaving government service, Morton was President of Equitable Life Assurance Society.

Where do you think ELAS got the idea for that Squirrel?:icon_scratch::laughing7:

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L.C. in bantering around even the smallest thing like a tree or a cup of coffee it may produce a gem of a idea or even a lead for some one. Yes J.S Morton and His sons Paul and Joy certainly did good and kept it close to the home base.

On another note one of the four remaining G.A.R. Memorial Halls in the state of Nebraska is located in Nebraska City. Not only that but in reading the history of the area I find the the Mayhew cabin the site of the only stop of the underground Rail Road in Nebraska. Not only that but Nebraska City was the home of John Henry Kagi second in command of John Brown's commandos at Harpers Ferry. And all of this took place under the noses of the J. Sterling Morton and S.F.Nuckolls. I have even read accounts of runaway slaves owned by Nuckolls. I understand that he owned six slaves total.

Time for a cup of coffee more study tonight!!!!!


Rebel did you mean Jamisons,Bushmills, or Bailey's. Sounds good. May have to put on the Fez.


L.C. in bantering around even the smallest thing like a tree or a cup of coffee it may produce a gem of a idea or even a lead for some one. Yes J.S Morton and His sons Paul and Joy certainly did good and kept it close to the home base.

On another note one of the four remaining G.A.R. Memorial Halls in the state of Nebraska is located in Nebraska City. Not only that but in reading the history of the area I find the the Mayhew cabin the site of the only stop of the underground Rail Road in Nebraska. Not only that but Nebraska City was the home of John Henry Kagi second in command of John Brown's commandos at Harpers Ferry. And all of this took place under the noses of the J. Sterling Morton and S.F.Nuckolls. I have even read accounts of runaway slaves owned by Nuckolls. I understand that he owned six slaves total.

Time for a cup of coffee more study tonight!!!!!


I will have a double shot just to celebrate leading you to the right hay stack S.D. :thumbsup: or should I say O.A.K. tree

We have spent a lot of time talking about where the money trail leads to, but Where did it begin?? This guy has a good explanation and is very well spoken if you are interested.

The firast two Governors selected for the Nebraska territory by President Franklin Pierce were from SOUTH CAROLINA.......:icon_scratch: Think about it..L.C.

We have spent a lot of time talking about where the money trail leads to, but Where did it begin?? This guy has a good explanation and is very well spoken if you are interested.

The firast two Governors selected for the Nebraska territory by President Franklin Pierce were from SOUTH CAROLINA.......:icon_scratch: Think about it..L.C.

YET! Very FIRST KGC "Cache" was near Nashville, Tenn.; HQ for KGC during CONFEDERATE WAR... Coal Mountain; BRENTWOOD, Tenn.! Check it OUT!

Then when REBELS (KGC) opened up to Yanks... it became O.A.K. with HQ in NYC (as 3rd Degree of KGC Castle); SOME $$$$$$$$$ went there, thence to Colorado Springs, Colorado... POST-Confederate War. O.A.K. Robber Barons had it ALL for the WESTERN "movement". Hard-core K.G.C. REBS (former Q's Guerillas) went against O.A.K. in the "FREE States" like Missouri, Kansas, etc. to re-coop $$$$$$$$$$ & had to "do" with Money Jar Banks "on-the-road". Read stories of Desperados (Outlaws) vs Robber Barons, Bankers, etc. and Sheriffs "looking the other way"; ppl "supporting" outlaws like Jesse James/Frank James & gangs; FORMER Q's Guerillas, who KNEW the FREE STATES)... with ENLIGHTENED "EYES"; MANY who WERE Freemasons!


Jesse James frequently visited a friend in Nebraska City. A resident recalled that Jesse, “with a price on his head, used to ride boldly down Central Avenue in Nebraska City.” One of the best photographs of Jesse was made in a studio in Nebraska City.

Otoe County also is the supposed setting for a popular tale about the James Gang. The gang reportedly rode to a widow's farm home one evening and asked for a meal. As she fed them, she began crying. The gang leader asked why. She said a banker was coming the next day to foreclose on the mortgage and she didn't have money to pay him.

The gang leader assured her things might work out. As she cleaned up after the men left, she found under the table a leather bag that contained enough gold to pay off the banker. The next day, as he rode in his carriage back to town after collecting the money, the banker was robbed by a gang of masked men. He said they looked like the James Gang.

Jim Potter, state historian, said he has not found verification of the story. “It sounds too good to be true,” ...In Mr. Potter's defense He did not know that j.S. Morton was actually a high ranking member in the inner circle of the K.G.C. or that S.F. Nuckolls and Logan Enyart...Jesse's friend in Nebraska city were also members of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Mr. Potter does however, mention that J.S. Morton received a letter from six men in Nemaha county Nebraska asking Morton to help them join the Knights of the Golden Circle....Potter said there was no proof that Morton attended the meeting........"Well now there is proof that J.S. Morton was a Knight in the K.G.C. and the O.A.K. and he was a 32nd degree FREEMASON" possibly a 33rd by the time he passed away in 1902.
:occasion14: cheers Mr. Potter I wish I could spell as good as you can, I have enjoyed all of your text and use it constantly.:thumbsup:

L.C.:thumbsup: Jesse James Gang in Franklin, Nebraska

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YET! Very FIRST KGC "Cache" was near Nashville, Tenn.; HQ for KGC during CONFEDERATE WAR... Coal Mountain; BRENTWOOD, Tenn.! Check it OUT!

Of coarse , but as you have said before.......temporary caches.....During the "Civil War II" or Reconstruction period Military law was put in place in the south. Do you think the Rebels would leave the hoard of gold and jewels down there or move it West with them to start banks and land speculation and railroads and telegraphs and.....I'm out of breath but the list goes on. Who was at the siege of Atlanta that could be trusted to know where it was temporarily placed? That person could get a wagon team and some oxen and take a little trip down south and retrieve the caches one by one and bring them back with him to place safely in the "VAULT" in K.G.C. control on Northern soil? If the Union found the cache in the south they would confiscate it on sight, just like the cotton and tobacco they found. I think the answer is in the siege of Atlanta and Dalton's retreat and the Knight that fought valiantly at both places.....

Just my 2 cents as always...L.C.:thumbsup:

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Read, reread, and the reread again. Only then after much thought and contemplation does it make much sense. Cause and effect chain of events all this chaos makes perfect sense. You are spot on L.C. The problem is having to connect all the dots that radiate out from the center point on the Circle. A certain point within a circle.

There are still BIG CACHES of the K.G.C. out there the problem is that you have to be in the inside in order to see what is on the outside. Now think about that for a while. I am lighting up another pipe and filling up the coffee cup for more study and research.


Of coarse , but as you have said before.......temporary caches.....During the "Civil War II" or Reconstruction period Military law was put in place in the south. Do you think the Rebels would leave the hoard of gold and jewels down there or move it West with them to start banks and land speculation and railroads and telegraphs and.....I'm out of breath but the list goes on. Who was at the siege of Atlanta that could be trusted to know where it was temporarily placed? That person could get a wagon team and some oxen and take a little trip down south and retrieve the caches one by one and bring them back with him to place safely in the "VAULT" in K.G.C. control on Northern soil? If the Union found the cache in the south they would confiscate it on sight, just like the cotton and tobacco they found. I think the answer is in the siege of Atlanta and Dalton's retreat and the Knight that fought valiantly at both places.....

Just my 2 cents as always...L.C.:thumbsup:

Coal Mountain (aka Brentwood, Tenn. KGC Treasure) was reportedly GREATLY booby-trapped; SOME $$$$$$$$$$$ WAS sent to NYC, THENCE to Colorado Springs, Colorado c/o of O.A.K. You are looking for O.A.K. treasure Caches/Depositories "points" WEST, post-CONFEDERATE WAR... PROBABLY GOLD/SILVER Bars & GOLD/SILVER coins. Whatever ROBBER BARONS had; Yanks in the Ranks, ya know...

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Rebel I hold a slightly different opinion. That the people of the south having heard the stories of death and destruction that the north was inflecting on the south. Millions and Millions of dollars and valuable were hid. Some never to be recovered. Whether by K.G.C./O.A.K. call them what you want. The Treasure is still there and some has to be in the beginning K.G.C. People in the late 1800's didn't trust banks and after the great Depression They sure didn't trust them. FDR confiscating all the gold out of the safe deposit boxes. No wonder that people use the Earth Bank like they have for centuries. Quick story to make my point. A old lady in N.W. Iowa lost her husband she went to the cemetery almost every day to tend his grave and talk to him. The town thought that she was touched. On her death bed she told here kids to dig up around Daddies head stone. They did and found over $50,000 buried. She had been thur the Great Depression and didn't trust the banks. True story I knew here son well. If that can happen with in the last 15 years how many died with out telling any one about the treasure buried out under the tool shed or behind the big tree in the grove.

Who ever buried this treasure did so by at least leaving a trail to follow. No matter how cryptic, it will lead some where and if you know how to find the right markers and read them right your fortune awaits you.


Rebel I hold a slightly different opinion. That the people of the south having heard the stories of death and destruction that the north was inflecting on the south. Millions and Millions of dollars and valuable were hid. Some never to be recovered. Whether by K.G.C./O.A.K. call them what you want. The Treasure is still there and some has to be in the beginning K.G.C. People in the late 1800's didn't trust banks and after the great Depression They sure didn't trust them. FDR confiscating all the gold out of the safe deposit boxes. No wonder that people use the Earth Bank like they have for centuries. Quick story to make my point. A old lady in N.W. Iowa lost her husband she went to the cemetery almost every day to tend his grave and talk to him. The town thought that she was touched. On her death bed she told here kids to dig up around Daddies head stone. They did and found over $50,000 buried. She had been thur the Great Depression and didn't trust the banks. True story I knew here son well. If that can happen with in the last 15 years how many died with out telling any one about the treasure buried out under the tool shed or behind the big tree in the grove.

Who ever buried this treasure did so by at least leaving a trail to follow. No matter how cryptic, it will lead some where and if you know how to find the right markers and read them right your fortune awaits you.


Quite possible, of course; "family caches" vs K.G.C./O.A.K. depositories. Depends on what you are looking for...

Rebel Betting dollars to donuts that there are still K.G.C. caches out there. Don't care what you call them Caches are Caches and Treasure is treasure. It is much easier to grab the small treasure or family caches I done it a few times. I am more intrigued to hit on one of the larger K.G.C./O.A.K. caches or depositories. I know in the mean time I will hit one or two family type caches if I can get out in the field again. For some people it is the thrill of the hunt the bag is just icing on the cake.

As we work toward a common end let us ever remember who best can work and best agree.


Rebel Betting dollars to donuts that there are still K.G.C. caches out there. Don't care what you call them Caches are Caches and Treasure is treasure. It is much easier to grab the small treasure or family caches I done it a few times. I am more intrigued to hit on one of the larger K.G.C./O.A.K. caches or depositories. I know in the mean time I will hit one or two family type caches if I can get out in the field again. For some people it is the thrill of the hunt the bag is just icing on the cake.

As we work toward a common end let us ever remember who best can work and best agree.


AGREE; show me the $$$$$$$$$$$!

I didn't say Eureka I don't believe. So that will be the code word. When you see that then I will. And if it is as big as what they say I might even share. A helpful workman must receive his wages.


I didn't say Eureka I don't believe. So that will be the code word. When you see that then I will. And if it is as big as what they say I might even share. A helpful workman must receive his wages.


YEP! 4th DEGREE...

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