It is hard to say where the business began and the O.A.K. stopped. Some of those hostile take overs were planned mergers I believe. Big brother came up with the FCC and FTC in the early 1900's to do battle with a foe they really never recognized, but it would be hard to prove. I believe the money kept coming and the organization kept dieing off and regrouping. There are some companies out there that may not have any idea where their O.A.K. and K.G.C. roots came from not ever knowing that the links were in their foundations. One can speculate based on known facts and still not sew them up in the blanket so to speak.
You likely have known ,and I risk annoying repetition and getting some what off topic.....
Near me in the Midwest was an older couple who ran a produce outfit. Great folks ,great produce. Always cheerful and friendly. A regular stop when I was a kid.
Anyway ,after they passed and before the old home was leveled , a false wall was found in the attic with K.K.K. robes and some membership records.
Of note....Members were not all representing what the klan in the south were.
Rather it had evolved into a social circle not focused on race ( evolved indeed) in which ,you do business with me ,and I do business with you.
An old concept to be sure. Though the formality stood out in this case.
Would be interesting to know how members likely to be denied elsewhere were treated ,but the hints were that it was simply social business assurance. Like a club of sorts. A large part of that was likely due to not just the geography ,but of the era too.