When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain

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That's what happens when you don't use protection. (Or at least wash once in a while)

Judy, good post about the ground radio. Ordinary science has yet to hit the mark on those "anomalies"

Maybe I'll change my handle to Trojan LRL man. Lots of good ideas for a new avatar.

Tayopa asked how Miroslaw does it.
I asked if a non-magnetic material can exhibit magnetism.

How long will we have to wait for these questions to be answered by the enlighteds?
Don't be afraid, it won't bite you.
Post your opinions.
Do you need a week more? Sure I can give you people more time to think about.

I promise that if it's not the usual BS from some skeptics here, I may consider hit the 'show' button to read it and who knows... take you out of ignore.

Darn hung….how dare you ask these Con-Artist for proof..It is not their job to prove that something will no work. Art
"Folks just do not understand that something has be be proven to work...first...before you can prove that it doesn't"

hung said:
I promise that if it's not the usual BS from some skeptics here, I may consider hit the 'show' button to read it and who knows... take you out of ignore.


How would you know if it meets your standards, until after you "hit the Show button"?

Unless, of course, you are a psychic. But in that case, you wouldn't need to hit the Show button, would you.


Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's test?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
EE, neither you, swr, nor randy sat answered his post?-->Now tell me... Can a non-magnetic material exhibit magnetism?

Listening for your google results.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Tayopa, neither Elaine or our other little friend will be able to produce a tangible answer to that.

So, as I know you are capable of bring light to them and to the membership here, I would like to hear your impressions on the question I proposed.
And right after we discuss the subject data displayed with aditional elements I will provide, I also intend in a few days, when I return, to introduce pieces of evidence regarding the magnetic field produced by humans in different levels.
Luckily I found a documented video of experiments the 'agency' did in the 70's I finally could trace in the internet after some years looking for it.
You have now my attention, Tayopa my friend.

HI HUNG: what is bothering them is the wording "non magnetic", they haven't the slightest
as to whether this means a materiel that is non magnetic in a static state or --- > ????

Don Jose de La Manhca .

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HI HUNG: what is bothering them is the wording "non magnetic", they haven't the slightest
as to whether this means a materiel that is non magnetic in a static state or --- > ????

Don Jose de La Manhca .


There is no such thing in the physical univers as "static state."

If a material exhibits magnetism, it is, by definition, magnetic at that point in time. So your question is self-contradicting, and thus moot.

Why are you so far off topic?

Are you trying to promote a hunch of yours that LRLs somehow function on some kind of magnetism?


Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HI HUNG: what is bothering them is the wording "non magnetic", they haven't the slightest
as to whether this means a materiel that is non magnetic in a static state or --- > ????

Don Jose de La Manhca .

I think you mean a 'steady state' right?
In this state they form concentration gradients.

But Tayopa my friend, you were right. If the mambo boys (this is how I call the funny skepthics in Carl's forum) had googled the internet, they would quickly find the answer that you, me and probaly others know.

May I remind again that the purpose of this thread is first, to demonstrate that Miroslaw's case is real and the pheonemon involved is perfectly explainable by current 'academic' science despite terminologies as 'fluid' and 'quantum mechanical magnetic reception at distance' among others, are not completely understood by some yet, and second, to point that much of the behavior involving magnetic moments in the 'fluid' are present in the working principle of the swivel type LRLs and MFDs.
It's so funny seeing in the LRL forum so many endless discussions about proofs, contraproofs, claims that science proves something impossible, while the LRL proponents and users care to refute, and etc and etc.
Actually I never bother to take part in those discussions because it's just silly, futile and most important... Endless. The real purpose of some, if not all, skeptics here is to involve LRL users in an endless empty discussion so that none of the skeptic's balloneys get disproved and the arguings remain forever only stoped when someone dies and gets replaced by someone else. :laughing7:
Egos, money, also lack of money and decrease in sales is mortal to some small corporations involved in 'estabilished technogies' for decades right? Well, mortal to some big guys too.
From an audio perspective, remember what happened to the DAT players when the CD recorders jumped in? Mine is still all dusty in a shelf frozen in a time lapse, he,he,he. Remember what happened to the giant multitrack tape recorders with the advent of the digital and much smaller units? Today high quality multitrack recordings are done inside a PC simply interfaced by good AD/DA converters. And if you remember well, the tape industry still tried to push claiming of the bells and whistles regarding tape quality against digital. Then 96 and 192KHz converters and even simple high quality 48KHz converters popped up and the tape industry were 'gone with the wind'.

Next Tayopa, let's look at what science is been up to these days regarding those matters and also see why most of these things have long been studied and why it's not much 'adequate' to divulge the results. Capitalism loves the money making side, but definitely hates and panic at the loss aspect.
But I think I have talked about that enough already.

Let's go. Can a non magnetic material exhibit magnetism?
You bet!

"Non-Magnetic Materials Display Magnetism"

'Two non-magnetic materials showing magnetism on their interface: scientists of the University of Twente and Radboud University of Nijmegen show that it is possible, in the coming issue of Nature Materials...(sic)

The materials showing these unexpected properties are so-called perovskites. The Inorganic Materials and Low Temperatures sections of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology have examined the properties of these materials for some time now. They are oxidic materials showing other surprising features like high-temperature superconductivity and ferroelectricity. Combinations of materials, made by layering them on top of each other, yield interface properties totally differing from those of the bulk material. The interface between strontium-titanate (SrTiO3) and lanthane-aluminate (LaAlO3), both insulators, shows high current conductivity. Joint research at Twente and Stanford University show that, apart from charge that is intrinsically built up, oxygen vacancies play a major role. The research now presented in Nature Materials shows that the layers aren’t just highly conductive: the interface is magnetic as well...(sic)'

Now pay attention to this:

'Whenever a layer with a net positive charge is placed above a layer with a negative charge, and so on, configurations are possible with an extra positive layer. These layers provide electrons, and take care for conductivity and magnetism.'

'They found out that the electrical resistance is a function of the external magnetic field. In a strong field of 30 Tesla, the resistance is 30% lower than without a magnetic field. This implies that at the intergace local magnetic momenta are present, of which the alignment has an effect upon the resistance. Apart from that, resistance and temperature are logarithmically related, which points in the direction of the so-called Kondo effect. This quantummechanical effect describes localized magnetic momenta shielded by free electrons. At extremely low temperatures (300 millikelvin) hysteresis appears in the resistance: this is a strong indication for magnetic ordening at larger distance.'
OK. So we now know that not only non magnetic materials can dispaly magnetism but also that under certain conditions this is acomplished.
Most important is the bolded parts that demonstrate that electrons have a major involvement in the process.

How's that Tayopa?
Now let's give some time to others to jump in with their points as well and to give us some more time to digest the information.
Next we will discover some amazing properties of human magnetic fluidic transmission that was studied decades ago and documented in a video.
Prior to this, I leave a few questions:

1 - Can really a human being pocess a magnetic field to the amount comparable to the Earth's itself and if so, can it be measured by an
ordinary mean say, a magnetometer?

2 - Can the magnetic field of a human being affect a compass?

3 - Can human thoughts aquire an electromagnetic pattern in a 'fluid' so that all inherent data becomes electric and magnetically
organized to the point that it can be transmitted and received, in a comparative similar but not exact the same as radio waves?

Regarding #3, we already know the chinese case in that solid objects were teleported and among them, radio transmitters. Their signals were found to be drifting when set somewhere in time and space during the process.
What about thought patterns arriving transmissions with all data integrity? In other words... Telepathy.

I'm all ears.

hung said:
Let's go. Can a non magnetic material exhibit magnetism?
You bet!

"Non-Magnetic Materials Display Magnetism"

'Two non-magnetic materials showing magnetism on their interface: scientists of the University of Twente and Radboud University of Nijmegen show that it is possible, in the coming issue of Nature Materials...(sic)

The materials showing these unexpected properties are so-called perovskites. The Inorganic Materials and Low Temperatures sections of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology have examined the properties of these materials for some time now. They are oxidic materials showing other surprising features like high-temperature superconductivity and ferroelectricity. Combinations of materials, made by layering them on top of each other, yield interface properties totally differing from those of the bulk material. The interface between strontium-titanate (SrTiO3) and lanthane-aluminate (LaAlO3), both insulators, shows high current conductivity. Joint research at Twente and Stanford University show that, apart from charge that is intrinsically built up, oxygen vacancies play a major role. The research now presented in Nature Materials shows that the layers aren’t just highly conductive: the interface is magnetic as well...(sic)'

Now pay attention to this:

'Whenever a layer with a net positive charge is placed above a layer with a negative charge, and so on, configurations are possible with an extra positive layer. These layers provide electrons, and take care for conductivity and magnetism.'

'They found out that the electrical resistance is a function of the external magnetic field. In a strong field of 30 Tesla, the resistance is 30% lower than without a magnetic field. This implies that at the intergace local magnetic momenta are present, of which the alignment has an effect upon the resistance. Apart from that, resistance and temperature are logarithmically related, which points in the direction of the so-called Kondo effect. This quantummechanical effect describes localized magnetic momenta shielded by free electrons. At extremely low temperatures (300 millikelvin) hysteresis appears in the resistance: this is a strong indication for magnetic ordening at larger distance.'
OK. So we now know that not only non magnetic materials can dispaly magnetism but also that under certain conditions this is acomplished.
Most important is the bolded parts that demonstrate that electrons have a major involvement in the process.

How's that Tayopa?
Now let's give some time to others to jump in with their points as well and to give us some more time to digest the information.
Next we will discover some amazing properties of human magnetic fluidic transmission that was studied decades ago and documented in a video.
Prior to this, I leave a few questions:

1 - Can really a human being pocess a magnetic field to the amount comparable to the Earth's itself and if so, can it be measured by an
ordinary mean say, a magnetometer?

2 - Can the magnetic field of a human being affect a compass?

3 - Can human thoughts aquire an electromagnetic pattern in a 'fluid' so that all inherent data becomes electric and magnetically
organized to the point that it can be transmitted and received, in a comparative similar but not exact the same as radio waves?

Regarding #3, we already know the chinese case in that solid objects were teleported and among them, radio transmitters. Their signals were found to be drifting when set somewhere in time and space during the process.
What about thought patterns arriving transmissions with all data integrity? In other words... Telepathy.

I'm all ears.

My dear Dr Hung,

One should not confuse the material property of magnetoresistance with the property of being magnetic. They are quite different.

My dear Dr Hung,
One should not confuse the material property of magnetoresistance with the property of being magnetic. They are quite different.
Instead of Ducking and dodging it would be better if you would explain how what we saw in the first post was accomplished?..Art

Rudy(CA) said:
One should not confuse the material property of magnetoresistance with the property of being magnetic. They are quite different.

Three simple questions for a skeptic to answer...
How about #2?


Just answer yes or no. Too hard for you?
It won't hurt.

hi hung you asked -->1 - Can really a human being process a magnetic field to the amount comparable to the Earth's itself and if so, can it be measured by an
ordinary mean say, a magnetometer?

2 - Can the magnetic field of a human being affect a compass?

3 - Can human thoughts acquire an electromagnetic pattern in a 'fluid' so that all inherent data becomes electric and magnetically
organized to the point that it can be transmitted and received, in a comparative similar but not exact the same as radio waves?

Yes on all three. but ---. Incidentally human thought has successfully been utilized for controlling the flow path in a liquid or air separation tech., for certain selection uses.

May I ask how and why the Japanese egg industry relies so heavily and successfully on humans for determining whether an egg is fertile of not and the sex? And this, horrors, by pendulums.

Don Jose de La Mancha

hung said:
Rudy(CA) said:
One should not confuse the material property of magnetoresistance with the property of being magnetic. They are quite different.

Three simple questions for a skeptic to answer...
How about #2?


Just answer yes or no. Too hard for you?
It won't hurt.

A human with no tools at their disposal (e.g. magnets, wire coils & batteries, etc., foreign magnetic materials, etc.) can not produce
a magnetic field that affects a compass. Now you can proceed to show us an obscure pseudo scientific video archived in YouTube to "prove"
that a human can do that.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
hi hung you asked -->1 - Can really a human being process a magnetic field to the amount comparable to the Earth's itself and if so, can it be measured by an
ordinary mean say, a magnetometer?

2 - Can the magnetic field of a human being affect a compass?

3 - Can human thoughts acquire an electromagnetic pattern in a 'fluid' so that all inherent data becomes electric and magnetically
organized to the point that it can be transmitted and received, in a comparative similar but not exact the same as radio waves?

Yes on all three. but ---. Incidentally human thought has successfully been utilized for controlling the flow path in a liquid or air separation tech., for certain selection uses.

May I ask how and why the Japanese egg industry relies so heavily and successfully on humans for determining whether an egg is fertile of not and the sex? And this, horrors, by pendulums.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Very well Tayopa.
You have answered all three questions with simplicity and firmly without hesitation.
It did not hurt did it? :laughing7:
Incidentally human thought has successfully been utilized for controlling the flow path in a liquid or air separation tech., for certain selection uses. May I ask how and why the Japanese egg industry relies so heavily and successfully on humans for determining whether an egg is fertile of not and the sex? And this, horrors, by pendulums.
Very interesting... I did not know that.
What I came to know is that water that has been magnetized has had a lot of use for human health. Among them, the purpose of dissolve kidney stones in a brief time.

Dr. Rudy:
A human with no tools at their disposal (e.g. magnets, wire coils & batteries, etc., foreign magnetic materials, etc.) can not produce
a magnetic field that affects a compass. Now you can proceed to show us an obscure pseudo scientific video archived in YouTube to "prove"
that a human can do that.
Isn't it wonderful how as psychiatrists say, a lot of information can be filtered and gathered about someone in his own writings?
I am no psychiatrist, but I feel we all have this talent to some extent.

I feel some insecurity and prevention in advance from your part.
You answer the first part but then proceed to make use of a counter argument to use as a possible explanation in case your first assertive might be incorrect.
You would not need to employ this kind of resource if you were absolutely sure of what you claim. If you are absolutely sure of something, no counter argument is ever needed as preventing backups to this fact.
Maybe you are 'sensing' what is underway? Well, one thing you said is already incorrect. What I will show and discuss next, is no 'obscure you tube video' at all. This footage covers scientific experiments and came from the private files of one of the physicists involved in the project.
Now, your attitude resumes at best what happens among skeptics in this forum. They rely on science and their apparent knowledge of scientific facts as a possible support for their agenda. None of us know everything so when I say apparent, I refer to aspects of science, research and developments that we might not be aware of. And much of this research is not conveniently divulged for the reasons I have already talked about.
But then comes the BIG difference between us and the skeptics. We search for satisfactory answers when the ordinary ones keep the doubts while skeptics discard the doubts to keep the ordinary answers.

Regarding the questions I posted, since your anwer was a NO for the second one, then I assume it will also be a NO for the remaining two.
And since you happen to have some scientific knowledge I would like to hear your line of thought to back up your answers just to know in what basis and logic you are constructing your thesis, if you don't mind.

Finally, based in your scientific logic, you could first tell us once and for all how Miroslaw can attract iron and plastic to his body.

http://www.magneticman.org/movies/Magnetic Man part 3.mp4

And please, as several scientists have studied him personally already, do not state he's a trick, trying to assume a definite judgement just by watching a video and making a fool of yourself. I think you can make better than that.


Kind of amazing isn't it? I wish some of my professors could have seen these posts. They would have make good homework

"When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain," no worries---Science Fiction can!

Mr. Magnet has been shown to be a hoax.

Paid actors say they are "scientists." What's new there?

I suppose you believe that Chris Angel levitated above the Luxor, too.



"When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain," no worries---Science Fiction can!

Mr. Magnet has been shown to be a hoax.

Paid actors say they are "scientists." What's new there?

I suppose you believe that Chris Angel levitated above the Luxor, too.



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