When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain

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aarthrj3811 said:
Is this why they use the words Science and proof as interchangeable thoughts?

I was referring to this statement, artie.

Yes, proof needs to be scientific, not fictional.

Unless you are hunting for fictional money.

Get it?

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
When will you man-up and take Carl's test?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Very well Tayopa and Fenix, you both are aware of the chakras. Congratulations for this noble knowledge. I will only give a quick review so others who are not aware might follow.

We have basically 7 chakras or 'centers of force'. Those are (upwards to downwards):

Coronary Center, where are located the supporting energies of the nervous system.
Frontal Center, governs the other centers and also the cortex.
Laryngeal Center, controls breathing and phonation.
Cardiac Center, directs emotion and the base forces.
Splenic Center, located in the spleen, regulates circulation and the vital resources.
Gastric Center, responsible for the food and fluid absortion in the body.
Genetical Center, powerful management system for the sexual energies of life.

Taken from a computer perspective, one might understand the chakras as directories in a hard drive where all related information are stored regarding the operating system.

In a healthy individual both of mind and body, these 'centers' are in perfect equilibrium, tough they are not easily acessed. But under the influence of ilegal drugs for instance, a disastrous imbalance effect happens to the point of causing 'unsynchronous openings' and mixed and corrupted data access, again similar to file download corrupted data in computers.
However, through special techniques such as those of 'magnetization' and deep meditation, these centers can be accessed the correct way and all of their data consulted.

One of the amazing abilities of Mr. 'H', whom I have studied, was magnetic reception of data through the palm of his hands.
By placing his hand over one tested male person's genetical center, he was able to aquire the name of her future wife (the tested person was single at that time), how many children would be born and their sex and names. In this case he 'saw' one boy and one girl.

Four years later, this person met a woman, one year later they married and they had two children. One boy and one girl. All the names involved proved to be correct.

In my next post I will link Miroslaw's case with all of this and will talk about the magnetic mass, when two of them can be equal or multiple of each other.

hung said:
Taken from a computer perspective, one might understand the chakras as directories in a hard drive where all related information are stored regarding the operating system.

Actually, there are certain areas of the body, in most people, where "spiritual entities," as they could be called, reside. These are very different than the sentient being himself, however, because they are each dumber than a sack of hammers.

Why would a person need to fool around with these things, when he can take care of everything himself, though? It's a waste of time. They have some very bad habits, and tend to just foul things up with the body. The solution is to just get into communication with your body, and bypass these things. Eventually they will give up and go away, then you will have no trouble with your body.

Just sayin'....

P.S. It goes back to the question of, "Why would anyone need an LRL, or even dowsing rods?"


Actually, there are certain areas of the body, in most people, where "spiritual entities," as they could be called, reside. These are very different than the sentient being himself, however, because they are each dumber than a sack of hammers.

Why would a person need to fool around with these things, when he can take care of everything himself, though? It's a waste of time. They have some very bad habits, and tend to just foul things up with the body. The solution is to just get into communication with your body, and bypass these things. Eventually they will give up and go away, then you will have no trouble with your body.

Just sayin'....

WHAT ??????????????? Now it makes sense.

Oh my. A modern marvel. The Quote button/feature does work.
Are you sure that it works ?

Evidently....one can master a magical treasure-finding pocket calculator....but not a simple message board feature.
What’s Wrong SWR…No one is giving you anything to spin, twist, dodge or duck ? Please Eyeball this photo and tell me what I should do to Master this Scientific Calculator..Art


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aarthrj3811 said:
Please Eyeball this photo and tell me what I should do to Master this Scientific Calculator..Art

1. Send me the money.
2. Toss the calculator in the dumpster.
3. Go find some treasures.

Thank you, in advance.

1. Send me the money.
2. Toss the calculator in the dumpster.
3. Go find some treasures.
Thank you SWR for eyeballing my photo…Good response from a guy who has had me on Ignore for over a year..Art

EE THr said:

1. Send me the money.
2. Toss the calculator in the dumpster.
3. Go find some treasures.

Thank you, in advance.

Why toss the calculator ? At least it has a use. Toss the Rangertell, and use the calculator at tax time. :D

HI swr, a good belly laugh is goood, but be careful of the ticks and fleas on the floor.

I wish that I had had the the Tech scientific calculator in the 50's sigh. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Don Jose deLa Mancha

Magnetic mass is a convention created by physicists regarding and 'ideal' point where all the punctiform magnetic region is located. And also by convention, two magnetic masses are either equal of multiple of the other one. So, the intensity of attraction or repulsion is proportional to the product of each mass.

It's well known in physics the 'mineral' magnetism where tetroxid of triFe attracts iron. But in fact there are inumerous aspects of magnetism and electromagnetism which remains puzzling to current physics. As I have stated before, I took part in a project that dealt with modified Maxwell equations and I can say that there are several 'avenues' open yet to be explored.

There's also the human, animal magnetism. Different from the mineral type in some regards.
Mesmer found out that just like a magnet, hands and even eyes of certain individuals could irradiate magnetic 'fluids' that could affect animals and even other individuals.

Now comes the interesting part. Actually it's not a magnetic attraction per se. But indeed a receiving magnetic irradiation.
This radiation is received and also registered in the same way our eyes do not attract luminous vibrations nor our ears attract sound waves.
They receive them and this is registered. When the irradiating source has its 'weighted mass' smaller than its 'weighted force', this irradiation, not only the fluids or radiation that moves with them but also the own radiant body are 'draged' together.

This radiant magnetic energy is also responsible among other things for the tuning of chakras and therefore the biomagnetic system, telepathy and also magnetic healings.

The result of F/m brings us a constant vectorial quantity in both way and direction to a determined point.
The greater the magnetic mass, the greater its extension and strength. Both repulsive and attractive.
Imagine the power of induction inherent to this magnetic form in its fluidic form.

Now, let's go back to Miroslaw's case and think a little bit.
We know that the magnetic induction or density of magnetic flux is the number of lines of flux per unit of area in a magnetic field. It's a vetorial quantity which its direction in any point in the magnetic field is the direction of that field in that point. Remember what I said about 'punctiform magnetic region' in the begining?
Well, Miroslaw's ability deals with a magnification of the magnetic lines of force, a concentration of magnetic flux over a specific point.
We know that B=F/A, dealing with ferrous substances.

But what about non ferrous and even synthetic materials being attracted?

Now tell me... Can a non-magnetic material exibhit magnetism?
We'll see...

Hey hung..Don’t get this deep into Scientific proof…It will only confuse them more..Art

hung said:
It's well known in physics the 'mineral' magnetism where tetroxid of triFe attracts iron.

I guess you couldn't have just said "lodestone," huh?

Or even just "magnetite"?

No good pseudoscientist would actually want to be easily understood, that's for sure. Gotta make it sound exotic!

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's test?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

EE THr said:
hung said:
It's well known in physics the 'mineral' magnetism where tetroxid of triFe attracts iron.

I guess you couldn't have just said "lodestone," huh?

Or even just "magnetite"?


This is not the kind of information I normally enjoy bringing to the group, but sometimes things must be done.

I have recently aquired extensive and convincing evidence that the TreasureNet member using the handle "hung," has been a long-time user of Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO). This has not been by medical perscription, but rather, all evidence indicates that it has been totally of his own choice.

In case anyone is not familiar with this substance, here is available information on it---

Dihydrogen monoxide:
  • Is called "hydroxyl acid", the substance is the major component of acid rain.
  • Contributes to the "greenhouse effect."
  • May cause severe burns.
  • Is fatal if inhaled.
  • Contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
  • Accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
  • May cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.
  • Has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:
  • As an industrial solvent and coolant.
  • In nuclear power plants.
  • In the production of Styrofoam.
  • As a fire retardant.
  • In many forms of cruel animal research.
  • In the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.
  • As an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

If anyone has any doubts concerning the mental health implications of this behavior, please see for yourself at Dihydrogen monoxide.

May God have mercy on his soul.


EE, neither you, swr, nor randy sat answered his post?-->Now tell me... Can a non-magnetic material exhibit magnetism?

Listening for your google results.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
EE, neither you, swr, nor randy sat answered his post?-->Now tell me... Can a non-magnetic material exhibit magnetism?

Listening for your google results.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Not that it has anything to do with LRLs (or Lodestone :laughing7: or DHMO :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:), and I'm not in a Googling mood, but I have heard of ceramic magnets, and something about super cooling. Is that what you're talking about?


P.S. You didn't bother to ask hung-up if he has actually measured "animal magnetism" coming out of people's eyeballs with a magnetometer. Wait a minute, don't tell me, he can't because it's a "different kind" of magnetism! Oh, that's right! Sorry, I forgot it's based on pseudoscience, his newly found la-la land with a big name! Shame on me.

:laughing7: He talks about his new discovery, "pseudoscience" like it's just a another branch of real Science!

SWR said:
pronghorn said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Good response from a guy who has had me on Ignore
for over a year..Art

But who's counting, right. ;D

Shhhhh.....don't tell the 'expert' treasure hunter SWR quoted/responded to EE THr :-X

What? I thought every post here was about art and
every response was about art and this whole forum was
about art? You actually had the gall to respond to
someone other than art, and he responded to you even
though your post wasn't directed at him, the nerve!

What? I thought every post here was about art and
every response was about art and this whole forum was
about art? You actually had the gall to respond to
someone other than art, and he responded to you even
though your post wasn't directed at him, the nerve!
I would say about 85 % of the posts are about Art..Why is this..Real simple…the skeptics do not like to answer questions…So they play a silly game of spin and twist then duck and dodge..I just happen to be your favorite target..Blame the messenger is not a good way to post proof…I know it is in the skeptics bible but still will not work…Art

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