Well, I just Googled "Amazing Randi Pedophelia."
It turns out that he has said that he is gay.
And there are claims that organizations to which he belongs are pedophelia related.
So you may be right about that.
But if were are going to talk about LRLs, and testing LRLs, then getting into one skeptic's possibly ugly background has no bearing on the LRLs hoax, does it? I mean, why bother to go there on the LRL forum. Hopefully, we are trying to stick to proven facts about the topic, LRLs.
Proof about the truth of LRLs should stand by itself, not rely on other criminal things.
My point has always been that either they work or they don't. With a metal detector, for example, you can take any popular brand, and test it against it's stated specifications, under ideal conditions, and it will pass
every time. If LRLs were real, then the same would go for them.
I've heard a lot a gobbledygook excuses, why LRLs can't pass a test, but it they were all true, the things would
never work in the field, either!
And that's what is in question about LRLs: Do they really work, or not?