When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain

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Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Hi guys, Vaseline has many excellent uses, but I don't believe that it has anything to do with his ability ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

You said before you knew how he did it. How'd he do it?

~Tropical Tramp`
Hi guys, Vaseline has many excellent uses, but I don't believe that it has anything to do with his ability ?
I tried to do the experiment with Vaseline…No way will it work..Art

Heck, probably the same amount of people over the age of 5 that think you can find gold from miles away with a calculator. :dog:

JudyH said:
Rudy(CA) said:
You are so sophomoric. I also don't offer rebuttals to wether or not Tinkerbell is really able to fly.

I'm curious, Rudy, how many people over the age of 5 believe Tinkerbell is real?

Do you have a problem with rebuttals in general....or only with people over the age of 5?


Judy, probably as many people as the number that believes that Miroslaw Magola really has
magnetic powers. For example, look at your boyfriend's (DJ) post. ::)

Rudy, hi mi good buddy, want a beer, or ? errr, ah, do you think that you could arrange a
date with her? sigh I just love tinker Belle.

Don Jose de La Mancha

I don't have a problem with rebutting serious discussions but it's not productive to
engage in rebuttals with a child or with someone that believes Tinkebell is real, or
something just as outlandish.

I'd rather belive in Tinker Bell than believe that you work as an EE or involved in physics by profession. And I also believe SWR has no background in electrical engineering of any kind.
I think you both are hoaxes.

Prove me wrong.

Real scientists research.
Fake magicians escape.

PS. Randi thinks he found his trick... Bad Hygiene.
I think someone outta tell this elder what 1 million dollars means. I doubt he still knows.

The true story about Mr. James Randi and me, Miroslaw MAGOLA, the „Magnetic Man“

Our first contact dates to 1996 when I learned that my „human bio-magnetism“ ability (magnetism not in the original physical sense) may fall into the area of the JREF prize organised by James Randi http://www.randi.org/.

Although so far I have not applied officially, and although James Randi keeps a list – „I have a little list“ http://www.randi.org/jr/031204busted.html – of 178 applicants as of 2004 (in which he includes my name), he thought enough of my internet publications that he dealt with me in two further publications (twice in 2004 – http://www.randi.org/jr/032604why.html as well as in http://www.randi.org/jr/082704gluton.html – and latest in March 2008 – http://www.randi.org/joom/swift/swift/swift-march-14-2008.html).

About my abilities: Details of these can be found in my interviews with Mysteries magazine ( http://www.mysteries-magazin.com/index.php?menu=journal&op=journal&func=covers&id=2008 ) and Mind-energy.net (http://www.mind-energy.net/archives/281-Interview-with-Miroslaw-Magola-the-magnetic-man.html). Just to give you a few examples I am able to lift various items of different materials (metal, wood, plastic, ceramic) with palms, forehead and chest in a vertical direction and – if using palms – to bang them together without the objects falling down. I have proved my abilities not to be a hoax during several public appearances and demonstrations, e.g. at the Basel PSI days (http://www.psi-infos.de/2002_fahigkeiten.html), and on television, e.g. in a live show for the British ITV programme „Beyond-Belief“ (http://www.uri-geller.com/bb.htm), SF1 and Telebasel (Switzerland), RTL and PRO7 (Germany) (http://users.aol.com/mmagola/mh.html) and „Unbelievable“ on Fuji-TV in Japan . All demonstrations can be viewed on the internet and I’m inviting anyone whoever is interested to do so. (http://www.magola.com/English/welcome.html http://www.magneticman.org ).

These are the things that I can do. How do you choose to call them, is up to you. I call it „human bio-magnetism“ Several reputable scientists have conducted research in this area. To name few: Prof. Dr. Ruhenstroth-Bauer and Dr. Friedbert Karger of the Max-Planck-Institut in Germany, Prof. Alex Schneider Msc, Dr. U.E. Hasler of Switzerland, Dr. Alexander Imich , Barbara G. Koopman of USA, Prof. Dr. Konstatin Korotkov, Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia.

Getting back to Mr. James Randi and me.

He doubts my abilities and thinks they are down to „trickery (i.e. like adhesive, glue etc.)“. I can reassure and prove to you that adhesive or glue do not play any role, neither does suction with the help of humidity such as „natural perspiration“ or „the natural skin oil“, or any other similar things. These suspicions are also a reason why he suggests to „dust [my] skin with talcum powder before such a test“. With regards to his thoughtful concern that „perhaps Magola is allergic to talcum powder“ I can put your mind to ease – I won’t need medical assistance any time soon. If you look closely at the photos and videos you will see that in these demonstrations I use talcum powder and even rubber gloves ().

To precisely define the terms:

My abilities are not about „drawing physical force“, but instead about bio-magnetic power producing movement of objects wchich stick to a part of my body even when dusted with talcum powder.

Furthermore, I am appalled by Mr. Randi’s allegation in his article „That Pot Head Man“ (http://www.randi.org/joom/swift/swift/swift-march-14-2008.html#i14, 14 March 2008) where he accuses me of bad hygiene ; I see this as a personal attack of the lowest kind. I understand that Mr. Randi „has no urge whatsoever to travel across the world to see yet another ‘sticky skin’ demo“ (“A sticky person“, http://www.randi.org/jr/032604why.html). Therefore, I’m willing to accept his conditions to coordinate a meeting in a place and time convenient for Mr. Randi, where I would be able to demonstrate my human bio-magnetic abilities on a public forum through a television program or any other way Mr. Randi would agree to. We can establish before hand the type of materials ,their weight and any other details necessary, including „a few grams of talcum powder“.

I also assume that Mr. Randi carries his
cheque book when he travels.

Notice how fast he picks that pot up?

I used to do the same thing when I was a kid. It's a standard method of palming coins.

Also notice how he uses his other hand to press it down real hard? That's to get all the air out, so the suction is as good as possible.

Better suction is created if there is a thin layer of vaseline, because it creates a better seal. But body oil will work, too. That's what makes playing cards stick to people's foreheads.



Coathangers, kids tricks, and nano bio-energy. OMG. What a crew!

hung said:
I'd rather belive in Tinker Bell than believe that you work as an EE or involved in physics by profession. And I also believe SWR has no background in electrical engineering of any kind.
I think you both are hoaxes.

Prove me wrong.

I knew it! You believe in Tinkerbell !!

As for me, the operative word is "worked". I retired a few years ago. And I really don't care wether you
believe I was a EE with a minor in physics or not. Really.

What difference does someone's personal background have on the truth?

If a person post accurate data, it's accurate data. Any data can always be researched, as just about everything is on the Internet these days.

Why try to divert attention away from facts, by talking about people. It's the LRLs that are of interest on this forum, right?


Unless the facts become uncomfortable for some. :laughing7:

Rudy(CA) said:
And I really don't care wether you
believe I was a EE with a minor in physics or not.

Well, if you change to 'a minor EE without physics', then it starts to be 'more believable', Doc.

hung said:
Rudy(CA) said:
And I really don't care wether you
believe I was a EE with a minor in physics or not.

Well, if you change to 'a minor EE without physics', then it starts to be 'more believable', Doc.

When someone resorts to insults, rather than offer factual data, it shows they have none to offer.

Also, the forum is about LRLs, not people, so your insult is obviously only an attempted diversion.

RUDY, you said -->but it's not productive to engage in rebuttals with a child or with someone that believes Tinkebell is real,
You're kidding Rudy no? I 'saw' her flying just the other day in my Screen. How can she do that if she isn't real? snifff

Honest, you ARE kidding aren't you rudy, she really 'can' fly etc no? sheehs Hey gang he 'IS' kidding no? Judy ?? sniff

Don Jose de La Mancha

It's all good Real Deal. She'll fly till one of them actually goes outside and starts Experimenting. She'll be up there for a while.


Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
RUDY, you said -->but it's not productive to engage in rebuttals with a child or with someone that believes Tinkebell is real,
You're kidding Rudy no? I 'saw' her flying just the other day in my Screen. How can she do that if she isn't real? snifff

Honest, you ARE kidding aren't you rudy, she really 'can' fly etc no? sheehs Hey gang he 'IS' kidding no? Judy ?? sniff

Don Jose de La Mancha

I see, you also believe anything you see on a video. Wish I could say you are in good company. ;D

Geeze Rudy are you going to try to tell me that "GENIE" isn't true also? That would tend to destroy my faith in you. Barbara rates with La Unicorn and Judy in my dreams. sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Geeze Rudy are you going to try to tell me that "GENIE" isn't true also? That would tend to destroy my faith in you. Barbara rates with La Unicorn and Judy in my dreams. sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Barbara is real enough DJ, but a bit past her prime. Now, if I was going to be dreaming about women past their prime, I would probably
choose this one.

Rudy, and just what is wrong With Eleanor Parker in her prime may I ask?? (I must ask Stewert Granger for one of his foils)

Now for the present, we have mi Uunicorn and Judy. sigh

If you behave yourself I can arrange a date for you with my lovely Mule. She never talks out of turn.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Rudy, and just what is wrong With Eleanor Parker in her prime may I ask??

You referring to the pic I posted?

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