That's the advantage of having a freezer, actually 2, plus the side x side 'fridge/freezer, and an extra 'fridge with a top freezer in the garage. Also we have 3 small 'fridges, one in the dining room, one in the grandson's room, and one in my room. I really hate to have to go to the kitchen every time I want cube of ice to cool my coffee, or a soda, etc..
We buy meats that are 'on sale' when we can. If I watch the local Albertson's, I can find 85/15 hamburger in 5 to 7 pound packages for around $2.69 a pound. When I find it that cheap, I buy 2 to 4 packages of it. The rib-eye steaks we had the other day were on sale for $5.99 a pound; don't find 'em that cheap often, so we buy several when we do. Normal is around $9. We find fresh boneless, skinless chicken breasts for $1.88 a pound quite often. We also buy some of the cheaper cuts of meat for making stew and such.
The son-in-law has been on a strict diet for a couple of months. My daughter does a lot of the cooking now and prepares meals that are great tasting, yet healthy. We've all benefitted from his diet. We are eating a lot of fruit and veggies. I love a garden salad several times a week. I like an apple or banana for breakfast with maybe a couple of cookies and coffee.