what to get


Dec 9, 2010
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
ace 250
i am currently an ace 250 user and had great success for the last 5 years with it. I am now looking to step up to the big boy detectors and need some help before dropping that kind of cash for them. I live in lancaster pa and mainly use it to find coins/jewelry with the occasional trip to the beach. I am looking at the minelab etrac or the whites v3i. I understand that getting to know your detector is the key to success and this next detector i get will last me for a number of years. any kind of help would be appreciated, the pros and cons of each thanks :help:

Only you can make an informed choice of which detector is best for you. These detectors you mention are top of the line jobbies with more bells and whisles than most guys won't ever use. They can be very hard for most hunters to learn, though they all come with a bunch of presets.

I suggest you go to the manufactures websites to learn more. Or read some field tests.



Sandman is right. Another thing I like to do is research potential detectors and then do a name search on various forums to see what users are actually saying.

I don't put much stock in reviews done by MD magazines because they rely on those same detector companies too much for advertising to give an honest opinion.

Smudge said:
Sandman is right. Another thing I like to do is research potential detectors and then do a name search on various forums to see what users are actually saying.

I don't put much stock in reviews done by MD magazines because they rely on those same detector companies too much for advertising to give an honest opinion.

These reviews should always be viewed with only a grain of salt when it comes to the actual finds made. The review is a great help in telling about the features, knobs, buttons or coils for us to compare one with another. This part of the reviews are always 100% true because everyone can tell when this info is a lie. Andy Sabisch's name comes up very often as the author in the field tests and they are well written reports. I just wonder where the heck he gets the time to play with all these detectors. :icon_scratch:

One good thing to do it go to youtube and search these models and watch the 1000's of videos, its almost as good as seeing demo's.

thanks for the info. i guess i was wondering what the main differences are between the v3i and the e-trac. is depth pretty much the same? are they both dependable to use on the wet sand? is one better at seeing good objects next to trash? does anybody like one over the other and why. again thanks for all the previous info it was greatly appreciated!!!!

I was at the same point as you, only I have had my ACE250 for less than a year. I've been really happy with it but I want some more features. I was dead set on the Whites V3i or minelab e-trac. I have since been reading nothing but good reviews of the garrett At pro. It seems, for me at least, that detector is the way to go. It's 1/3 the price and has all the features I was looking for. The pro mode audio and better iron discrimination being key. It doesn't hurt that it's waterproof too. Check it out before you make a purchase, and let us know what you decide. I will be sure to let you guys know how I like the AT Pro once I order one.

Just beware of overinflated claims. I'm not going to point any fingers, but there's at least a couple of brands whose adherents verge on the rabid in their blind fanboyism. You'll run across those posts sooner or later. One thing I'll say about the V3 is that, given the vast number of settings available to adjust, the manual is rather poor when it comes to explaining them and, more importantly, how they interact with each other. Aside from that, it's one helluva detector.. but you'll have to do a lot of studying to get the most out of it.
One thing I'd like to mention is that, quite often, a mid range detector will do just as well as the high end machine. It all depends on what you're using it for and where. I have a V3 and have used many other detectors.. and will be getting an AT Pro in a few days. I might just end up just sticking with the AT Pro and selling the V3. This isn't a knock against the V3, just my getting older and certain meds causing me to lose patience with complicated systems. I just want to get out there and swing and, this is something I noticed, a lot of really good finds are NOT being made with top-of-the-line detectors. ..Willy.

I have a DFX and find I have less patience with all the bells and whistles, not to mention it's comparatively heavy and hard on the arm after a couple hours. I have an AT Pro that I haven't had the conditions to do much with yet. It's lighter and I bet it gets more use due to ease of use and light weight. For me lighter and simpler are going to get the most use.

I've had many great detectors over the last forty years from about every major detector manufacturer. I was able to get an Etrac a few month ago as I always wanted to try one just to see if it was as good as many had said. I had never spent that much money on a detector but I decided if I didn't try one now I never would. I don't know if it's worth two to three times as much as many of the others, but it's clearly better in just about every application than anything else I'd ever tried. Not as fast as many, but I went back to an iron infested homesite on our farm that I've hunted for the last 20 years and my finds had dried up. I was able to find a few more coins at good depths in heavy trash that I couldn't find with anything else. So I think while it may be expensive, for me it met my expectations. Maybe exceeded them a little.

thanks for everyones input it is greatly appreciated. the at pro sounds promising and was wondering if you can "hear the deep faint signals" with it. the ace 250 has nothing like this and i like that feature to find the deep silvers.

Sandman said:
Smudge said:
Sandman is right. Another thing I like to do is research potential detectors and then do a name search on various forums to see what users are actually saying.

I don't put much stock in reviews done by MD magazines because they rely on those same detector companies too much for advertising to give an honest opinion.
Andy Sabisch's name comes up very often as the author in the field tests and they are well written reports. I just wonder where the heck he gets the time to play with all these detectors. :icon_scratch:
I have read a lot of reports written by Andy Sabich and all i can say is that he never met a metal detector he didn't like...Read his reports, in almost all of them he ends up at his mother-in-laws tiny fenced in yard and he always manages to pull one more silver coin from the ground that was previously scoured by scores of other machines....these articles are good for detailing the basic workings of a particular unit but not much more than that....we really need an independent firm in this hobby to come up with a standardized battery of tests that allow a true comprehensive comparison of the various detectors out there....

i agree why cant consumers report do tests for metal detectors? or do they?

Ah ha! what to get or not to get, that is the question.
Well asking that question will usually get you as many opinions as there are models of detectors. Don't forget, opinions are like butt holes, everybody's got one :headbang: But levity aside, by asking the question and then reading what all these guys have to say and also reading about the various detectors on their forums and even looking at the classified forum will usually lead you toward the detector you feel best fits your situation.

2 things that irritated me regarding the F75 was (especially considering the price) the lack of ground tracking and that the notch capabilities aren't full range. ..Willy.

True Willy!
Every machine has things I like and things I dont. I wish we could esign our own personal machine. ha ha For pure raw depth a F-75 LTD is "THE MAN" though! Specially in tall grass in Boost mode! VERY impressive.

I am a Fisher and Tek dealer. Holler at me about the price...... I can hook people up!!! :thumbsup:

stoopstroop said:
True Willy!
Every machine has things I like and things I dont. I wish we could esign our own personal machine. ha ha For pure raw depth a F-75 LTD is "THE MAN" though! Specially in tall grass in Boost mode! VERY impressive.

I am a Fisher and Tek dealer. Holler at me about the price...... I can hook people up!!! :thumbsup:

You are here too! I didn't even notice it was you till after I was going to reply.

On coins do you think the Omega keeps up with the T2/F75? My Omega gets better depth (on silver and copper) coins than my V6 T2, GB is around 60 and very low mineralization. I had that T2 for 3 years and after one weekend with the Omega I was consistently digging coins at 6" plus, with good signals. I ran both pretty much wide open. Seems like the Omega, from reports, hits around 10" on many coins. I've found small silver coins (dime sized) down to 8" with a good signal.

Willy - Ground tracking would be nice, particularly if you think of how deep the machine already is. In semi clean ground, ground tracking might add an extra 1/2" or so. I really did love the build of the T2 compared to the Omega, and I do miss that trigger for pinpointing. The first few weeks with my Omega I still tried pulling the trigger :'(
Phantom Trigger Syndrome :laughing7:

Regular F75/T2 yes! New LTD and SE with boost mode? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Allot deeper! F75 has the edge.

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