What Is Left For One To Do

Can't speak for others, but all my comments come straight from my original, factory installed grey matter. View attachment 2096965

Seems like everything's going artificial these days, and me being an old fart, I'm not a fan of change. They've got artificial meat (yuck), artificial body parts, artificial people, artificial people dressed up like artificial animals....the list is endless.

Just the term, Artificial Intelligence seems like a contradiction in itself. They say it's also dangerous, so I'm not about to touch it lest I screw it up and single-handedly start a war with A.I. View attachment 2096966
Lol, i recognize that guy at the keyboard,Lol. Luv it.

Was there something wrong with the pretty picture I posted???Wasn’t the sky beautiful???

Ed T


Is this a cool picture or what???This picture was taken in broad daylight with an iPhone…

Ed T

Well people…I don’t know what else is left to say…I have been given one final instruction that I feel I should share…This is a one time offer to a person whom I shall not name…IF this unknown person is in possession of a small piece of diatomaceous earth which appears to be painted with gold and silver paint with an apple on on side and a small dot on the other that I believe needs to be returned to me before things get any worse…IF said person believes in his heart and prays to anyone that he believes that he should pray to…And IF he asks for forgiveness he just may be forgiven and granted permission to board what some people might call a cherubim…Who knows what might come of said encounter???Of course that person would have to leave all of his worldly possessions behind…Choices choices choices…

Ed T

Well…I guess I was wrong…Possibly about so many things…Mary…Mary…Mary…The merry 3…Poison Ivy…Princeton,Harvard, and Yale…Oh well…The one time offer has been withdrawn…lol

Ed T

Is this a cool picture or what???This picture was taken in broad daylight with an iPhone

Beautiful pic Ed...bit of moisture in the clouds being refracted by sunlight.

IPhones have got great cameras.. :occasion14:

Beautiful pic Ed...bit of moisture in the clouds being refracted by sunlight.

IPhones have got great cameras.. :occasion14:
Yeah…I thought it looked pretty cool…It almost seemed as if there was a rainbow in the sky on a clear day…I still don’t think it looked as cool as the dark cloud I saw with a cool circle in it…As if it could of had anything to do with, let’s say, PNC, Blackrock, and Vanguard…I find it pretty strange that it seems as if 3 is the reoccurring theme…Oh well…I guess it is just one of life’s little mysteries…

Ed T

I gotta wonder of this is what GW saw:

If the aliens do come, I just hope it's not these guys..

View attachment 2096935
Well…I’ll give GW one more chance to come clean and bear true witness as to the events that transpired near San Benito, TX, in the 70’s…I wonder IF he or any of his spies frequent this site…In the meantime, I will post my possible recommendation for the G7…Oh well…Then again…All of this can be nothing more than a silly little game…

Ed T

Here is a little picture I feel that I should share with Ya’ll…Make of it what you will…

Ed T


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I came across an odd item while on my walk today…I walked by it but for some silly reason I felt compelled to take a picture of it…The tiny object in question comes in a variety of colors but the one I found was just a plain old color…So I feel that I should share it with ya’ll…Without further adieu I present this picture for your scrutiny…

Ed T


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I wonder IF the saying 9 and the money is mine is a phrase used in the street game of craps???I wonder IF craps might be considered as casting lots???Oh well…Why should anyone care about such trivial things???

Ed T😂

Oh All Mighty Powers That Be…Riddle me this…

How many multiple anomalies were spotted on that day???Is there any correlation with that day and the day I stripped off my clothes at the Lompoc Public Library when I sealed myself with that which I call my signet seal???The day which I claim a Lompoc, CA police officer picked up said seal and did not return it to me…

I guess that we may never know…

For some silly reason I felt compelled to change connection to correlation…Go figure…

Ed T

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Well people…I don’t have any pictures of the dark cloud with the nice circle in it…But I feel I can toss you this little crumb…There is one of your little ants who’s granddaughter may bear witness to said event…She calls him papa Doug…Maybe someone should ask him to ask Sara about it…You just might have him ask her about the dark cloud with the circle she saw over her papa Eddie’s house…As I have mentioned…This happened in the evening prior to the Brunot Island incident and the D.C. thunderstorm…Here is a link for Ya’ll All Mighty Powers That Be to reach papa Doug…

Ed T🫣

So, this guy Doug, who's never been a cop, stole your signet ring? :icon_scratch:

So, this guy Doug, who's never been a cop, stole your signet ring? :icon_scratch:
No DizzyDigger…Doug is a little ant that works for Frito Lay…His granddaughter is a small girl who I made aware of the cool dark cloud with the ring in it…The signet seal is not a ring…It is a tiny piece of diatomaceous earth washed with what appears to be gold and silver paint, with a dot on one side and what appears to be an apple on the other…And the police officer who found it was an officer on duty for the Lompoc Police Department at the time of the incident mentioned in a certain book that I have mentioned, that has been removed from one of my previous posts…I saw him pick it up from the grass outside the Lompoc Public Library after I tossed it away, as I was being placed in the back of a police car after being wrapped in a dirty white towel that an officer had in the trunk of a patrol car…But then again…All of these events could be nothing more than figments of my delusional imagination…

Ed T🤗

But then again…All of these events could be nothing more than figments of my delusional imagination…
I don't know about that, but I know I'd have an easy time deciphering ancient treasure codes than figuring out what you're talking about. Sorry, but I just really don't get it.

Ed T, I have asked politely to stop the posts on religion, if it contines I will close this thread, politics and religious posts are only allowed in our politics forum.

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