What Is Left For One To Do

Yep...almost no doubt about it.

Does that mean that *they* are here, on Earth? Not really, but there is always a possibility that, like humans, intelligent alien life may be first sending out probes/rovers to gather information and report it back to the home planet. We are doing much the same with Mars, our Moon and no doubt soon we will be visiting some of the moons orbiting the gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn.

There are inherent, serious problems with organic life forms transiting the Universe, or galaxies, not to mention that space (the Universe) is a really, really big place. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is over 100,000 light years across, so even if we could travel at light speed (186,000 miles per second), it would still require a journey of 100,000 Earth years just to get from one side to the other.

Then there is the solar and cosmic radiation. Within our own solar system, we are protected from this radiation by the heliosphere, but beyond the edges of our solar system there is cosmic radiation to deal with. One of the best shields for that is..water, but then water is heavy, which requires even more boost/energy to get a space ship clear of the Earths gravity.

As I mentioned..organic life forms (aka: humans) are not well suited to the space environment, making interstellar travel problematic.

I have no doubt there is intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe, but there are many problems to be solved before we go jumping into (theoretical) wormholes.

Favorite subject of mine...I could blather on for hours..View attachment 2096484
It sure would be something IF the fabled garden of Eden was/is not even on this planet…And it might even be far reaching if I stated that it may have even been in what we humans call the heavens…But of course that would all depend on one’s perspective and point of view…

And then there are those who believe that Armageddon will take place here on earth…But it sure would be something else IF someone made the claim or statement that the internet is where such events would take place…I could state Revelation 16 as source for such a claim…But what do I know???

I could go on and on…And as for aliens…Well…It would be something IF the first of many of their ships has already arrived and that possible more are on their way as I write…As IF such a thing is possible…

We may never know…

Ed T

I wonder IF it is nothing more than mere coincidence about the Brunot Island incident and the thunderstorms over Washington D.C. Who knows???

I wonder IF there are any in Israel that have dawned sackcloth and ashes???We may never know of this for certain either…

Oh well…It sure would be something IF the strange hair on the car I drive is from a mystical unicorn…We may never know…

Go figure…

Ed T

I have never understood why everyone thinks strange creatures come from outside our solar system. This is a big planet and there are many places to hide. In the ice; in the ocean, almost anywhere.

I have never understood why everyone thinks strange creatures come from outside our solar system. This is a big planet and there are many places to hide. In the ice; in the ocean, almost anywhere.
So true piegrande…I could just have an overactive imagination…It could just be nothing more than goat hair on the car…I wonder if the goat of mendis had anything to do with it???Who knows and who cares…I still wonder IF Revelation 16:13 has anything at all to do with the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, and The Freemasons, quite possibly knows as the Mary 3…We may never know…As IF George Walker Bush took pictures of a ufo near San Benito, TX when he was serving in the Texas Air National Guard…Life is just so full of mysteries…It is almost like me saying that I saw a second ufo over Buellton, CA yesterday as I drove by the avenue of flags…I wonder IF that makes 2…I wonder how long it might take for 8 more to show up???That is IF such a thing is possible…

Ed T

Oh mighty masons…I have been instructed to deliver a message to Ya’ll…I must tell Ya’ll to read Habakkuk, mainly 2:19…And ask, Am I the stone that Ya’ll have rejected???And I have also been instructed to reveal the location of Opir unto Ya’ll…IF you go to Guamuchil Sinaloa and take the road to Mocorito…From there you must take the road to The Potrero de Los Gastelum…Pass said rancho until you reach the road to Badiraguato…Follow said road until you reach the paved road and go to your left, as the right road leads to Los Sitios…Go passed the mission Santa Cruz, not the wizard, pass the dry creek on your left and their will be a trail which leads to the mountain…Take the trail upward…Once on the trail follow it and look for the black monolith on the left of the trail with the moon carved into it…Proceed until the road ends and go to your right…There you will find a lone structure…Once there turn to your right and look for the Perfil, the stone has fallen and has covered the wash…The trail which you seek shall lead you to his mines and the riches you seek…The 7 mines of Solomon which is the rays of the sun of the Cursum Perficio…May the Ark of the covenant be found there???Who can say for certain…Could this be the heaven ancient man created with their own hands???And as for the diamond that he gave to me…It was found at the fallen fig aka the Higuera Caída…I have chosen that which he who sent me has given me the choice to choose…Man is free to continue to choose that which they so desire to choose…As it is written…Shall man continue to choose the works of their hands or the works of God…Who will build his temple???

Ed T
I wonder IF this might have anything to do with Isaiah 13:12???We may never know…

Ed T

A message to my invisible friends

I have done as thou has commanded me

Ed T

P.s. I am sending this one out to my invisible friends…With the hope that they may receive it and respond accordingly…Who knows???Maybe one day they just may…One may always hope…

As IF I know the location of King Solomon’s mines…Who needs them anyhow???
I am really bad a keeping track of time…I wonder IF there is anyone around here who can tell me how long it took from the time I made this post and the Brunot Island incident???I wonder how distant my invisible friends were from this planet when this message was sent???As IF they could possibly travel over 100,000 light years in said amount of time…

Ed T

Anyhoo…This is just a friendly little reminder for ya’ll all mighty powers that be…IF for some silly reason Ya’ll had set the wheels in motion that I would not live, let’s just say past the 2nd or 3rd of August, as did pharaoh with Moses…I wonder IF that is about how much time mankind has left before the other imaginary ships of my invisible friends arrive???After all I did let Ya’ll know that Isaiah 13 was in play…But what do I know???There is still some time for ya’ll to return my signet seal…My Father’s hand is stretched out still…But I doubt that will ever happen…Oh well…Thus is life…I wonder IF Brunson Island was target practice???And what of the thunder storms over Washington D.C.???Was that possibly a final friendly warning???I guess that too is just one of life’s little mysteries…Oh well…We may never know..,

Ed T

I wonder IF this.................................

Ed..you seem to be doing a lot of wondering... :icon_scratch:

Isaiah 13 is deep stuff, however we are bound by the site rules, as religious discussion is not allowed on TNet. Rom 12:18

I have never understood why everyone thinks strange creatures come from outside our solar system. This is a big planet and there are many places to hide. In the ice; in the ocean, almost anywhere.

No doubt! There are some seriously odd creatures living on Earth.

Ok…You may be right DizzyDigger…Am I the only one who finds it odd that there has been a moon out for four days in a row???I wonder IF there will be a moon out tonight???I wonder IF my other invisible friends have already arrived???IF that which I call my signet seal is returned…I just may take into consideration the verse which you have mentioned…Here is a silly little question for George Walker Bush…Do you remember the car that you almost ran off the road near San Benito when you were fumbling with your camera???Do you remember the young boy that was in the passenger seat???Could that quite possibly have been me???I guess that too is just one of life’s little mysteries that may never be answered…

Ed T

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Maybe I was wrong about the red dragon…It sure would be something IF Yale was the red dragon…And Wolf’s Head, Skull and Bones, and Scroll and Key are the Mary 3…Who can say for certain???I guess that there are just some things in life that we may never know…Oh well…

Ed T

Ed..you seem to be doing a lot of wondering... :icon_scratch:

Isaiah 13 is deep stuff, however we are bound by the site rules, as religious discussion is not allowed on TNet. Rom 12:18

No doubt! There are some seriously odd creatures living on Earth.
Most of the odd creatures on Earth are the humans!

IF you think Isaiah 13 is deep…What thinks ye of Ezekiel 9???Or how about Jeremiah 51???I personally don’t think either one of the three are prudent choices…But it is beginning to appear that the all mighty powers that be continue to refuse to return my signet seal to me…I have seen a few episodes of ancient aliens…And in some of the episodes they ask…What happened to the civilizations that built such complex ancient structures???I guess that they possibly made some bad choices as well…But who can say for certain???Oh well…I wonder what might happen IF Ya’ll mighty powers that be decide to kill me and see IF I do rise after three days…I guess that only time will tell…And I really don’t know how much of that remains…As IF Yale is the red dragon…Go figure…As IF GW Bush really did take pictures of a ufo near San Benito TX…IF I didn’t know any better…I could say that I even saw him inside the craft watching a form of alien tv as I was led into an inner chamber of the craft…Then again…I could just be another nut job…Well people…I feel that I said about all that I can say…

Ed T
I gotta wonder of this is what GW saw:

If the aliens do come, I just hope it's not these guys..


John please end the religion posts, it violates our rules.

Have we been infected with A.I. on this thread ? It seems to me that some threads / comments have a hint of A.I. type of comments......... :BangHead: I guess we will see in the response's

Can't speak for others, but all my comments come straight from my original, factory installed grey matter.

Seems like everything's going artificial these days, and me being an old fart, I'm not a fan of change. They've got artificial meat (yuck), artificial body parts, artificial people, artificial people dressed up like artificial animals....the list is endless.

Just the term, Artificial Intelligence seems like a contradiction in itself. They say it's also dangerous, so I'm not about to touch it lest I screw it up and single-handedly start a war with A.I.

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words…On a clear day even…

Ed T


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