When there is total lack of any evidence that can confirm that this great perilous adventure of the Beale Party outside of Ward's copyrighted and published 1885 Beale Papers, what stands out as the only real fact is that the Beale Papers is and always will be a work of fiction.
There has been considerable effort by several writers over the years and many, many posters on these Beale threads to prove the story true, but all fail to present even the smallest piece of documented evidence that can validate that this perilous adventure of Beale & Co every took place.
One can show proof that there Robert Morris and Sarah Mitchell existed, and at whose house were they each, provide endless genealogy connections of those mentioned in the job print pamphlet, period newspaper book reviews of the pamphlet- but this does not prove that the Beale expedition ever happened...and for that matter, NEVER WILL.
The same applies to attempting to equate real expeditions of that time period, of which there is proof, with the Beale tale told in the Beale Papers, that is not evidence, that is forcing real facts into fiction, or wishful speculation at best.
Then there is the claims of mediums, psychics, clairvoyants, the discovery of missing letters, of an iron box, of empty holes, of discarded brine pots, or floods, or sand cast gold and silver bars, false bottom wagons, or worked mines without a definitive direct connection to the alleged Beale Party, mean absolutely nothing as evidence.
Recently there have been as rash of insults aimed at those who have presented actual facts that conclude due to the lack of outside documentation, the Beale Papers were and are nothing more than a period adventure treasure dime novel with the ciphers added as parlor entertainment.
To those who disagree, instead of posting insults, please post actual real documented facts instead of this endless could be, maybe speculation.