what do you find in your backyard



Did anyone ever find anything good in their backyard?

New mom here with 4 month old, not sure how much exploring I'm going to be able to do at this point in time
Live across from the beach though and so far in my backyard all I'm finding are keys (and an old bucket).

Anyone here ever find anything good in their own backyard?

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Dearest NFN. ?Congratulations on your newbie! ?Your question is very subjective, depending a great deal on your backyard. ?I've got a 10 acre backyard with history. ?My first day I found 4 silver coins in about 3 hours. ?In your yard, I'm assuming sand if you're on the strand, I would have bet you were going to find keys. ?This is what I would expect people to drop there. ?I used to live on the strand in Redondo Beach California, and had more hide a keys than you could imagine as we were always coming home from parties and dropping the key just inches from a safe entry to our home. ?Either way, while you're doing close range detecting waiting for your baby to get a little older, use the time to get used to your detector. ?Put various items in zip-lock storage bags and bury them near your back door. ?That way you can get a read on various metals and sizes of items and the bags make them easy to retrieve when you're done. ?Speaking from experience, I would have loved to have a neighbor like you in the 70's to find my key and let me into my house!~CO2

Colorado2 hahaha! I live right off of A1A the party strip in Daytona Beach. There are two hotels within prox. to my house but not too close to my backyard. All of the keys look the same with different room numbers so I would imagine each one belonged to a drunken spring breaker at some point in time. How they ended up in my backyard though! I did hear a stripper lived here once;) lol <sorry>

I've found so many so far and they're showing up as coins so I'm not having much luck. I also would like to know what a gas line looks like I just dug something up but left it be as it looked like possibly some kind of pipe in the ground but not really sure. It has something on the top that looks as if you can twist it open. Either it is a really cool old canister full of treasures or it is a pipe full of toxic fumes. I'm not really sure I want to take the risk it looks like it's burried pretty deep.

NfN, post a picture of the pipe, I'm in the HVAC business and may be able to ID it for you. Congrats on the little one, I've got an 8 week old at home my self, it definitely cuts into the free time a little LOL!!!


NFN, I dont think you would have gas lines in daytona would you??? Everything in your house should
be electric? I may be wrong...
P.S. I hate cooking on electric stoves!!

ill go take a pic now i was scared to dig any deeper and kind of tired after digging up the bucket be right back

ok here it is ...something for the house, cesspool? water pipe? i dunno thats all i dug sorry if this is something common i just dont know what it is



  • pipe.jpg
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How deep you diggin' NFN? ?Does sound like a gas pipe to me. ?Iron pipe can be wrapped in a teflon wrapper to belay corrosion. ?It looks like a spongy 2" wide tape wrapping the pipe (usually white or silver looking) which creates a spiral pattern. ?Be Carefull! ?How bout the pic of your found bucket? ?Treasure is treasure, and your first find is always treasure!~Good luck, and stay away from the pipe!~CO2

first i thought it was a bowl or something with a lid so i hit it with the shover a few times then decided maybe i should figure out what i'm looking at before i go hitting stuff

It looks like a waste pipe clean out, I should have asked for a size comparison but if its in the 3 to 6 inch range its a waste pipe heading out to the cesspool or sewer.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? kenb

That looks like a water pressure regulator. ?In Colorado they have to be inside the foundation as does the water line riser. ?Outside they have to be buried 4' deep. ?In Florida, I don't know if the code would vary that much. ?Maybe it's associated with a sprinkler system. ?Give a call to a locator company like Utiliquest, and you can have them all marked for a small fee.~CO2 ?

Good call Kenb. I'll bet you're right. That would solve the depth issue.

Yep good ole, sewer clean out. Don't worry about it, just don't go using any picks or sledgehammers trying to move it.
Biggest problem will be detecting around it.


Four months is perfect to get one of those stap on front mounts for yur baby and head to the beach with your detector! The kid gets fresh air and you get the extra exercise you need. A win win situation. If you get a long handled scoop you can get most things without even bending over. ;D

The best find I found in my backyard was on Mother's Day 2004. I had been out hunting at a very old cemetery, that had not been kept up, and was not finding anything but ticks. And since Lyme disease is pretty common here, I decided to call it a day after only approximately 30 minutes.

I got back home, and got to thinking, I never hunted around my apartment, and since it had a dirt basement, thats where I went first, however, being that I am 6'4" and the basement is really just a crawl space, this did not last long. Plus the previous tenants liked throwing pull tabs down there I guess.

I just knew I had to find something this day though, since it would be one of the very rare chances I would get this year. At the time, I had two boys, 5 and 3, and a child on the way. My wife had taken the kids to her mothers, but time was running, so I headed out to the very small backyard.

The apartment I live in was built in the 1940's, so I figured there had to be some wheat cents there at least, and maybe some silver. Well, I started out finding alot of clad. Did not even really need a detector for most of it, since it was not even really buried. I was up to 54 cents before I found the first wheat cent, 1958. Nothing to get excited over. Next coin I found was a 1947 wheat cent. Again, no real excitement, but at least I was finding stuff. Found a couple more clad coins, and then one last signal. I dug two inches down and there it was. A completely dirt covered coin, about the size of a penny, but otherwise, indistinguishable, other the fact that it seemed oddly thicker then a regular penny. But the kids were now running down the backstairs looking for me, so I just stuck it in my pocket, and when I got inside, threw it in with my clad coins I keep in an old coffee can.

Well, about three days later, I was still thinking how oddly thick that coin felt, so I decided to run it under the sink and wash some of the dirt off. The first thing that I noticed was a bird wing all the way on the right, on the front of the coin. It was still pretty dirty, but for some reason, I was thinking a 1967 Canadian cent. But the coin still seemed a little thick. So I kept washing the dirt off, and then I noticed United States of America above that wing, and about 25% of the bird came into view. Turns out, I had found my first flying eagle cent. I have found about 50 Indian heads, and a total of 6 large cents, including a 1794 and an 1803, but never a flying eagle cent. Unfortunately, the coin is in such poor condition, you really can not make out much else. The date is not legible, although from the parts that are there, you can tell that the coin is either an 1856, which I am not 99.9% certain that it is not, or an 1858. Would be nice if it were an 1856, but the condition the coin is in, there just is no way to verify.

As for the 1794 and 1803 large cents mentioned above, those were found in my fathers backyard, when I was a kid of 12, with my very first metal detector, a Whites 1D/B. The house he lived in was built in 1774. I also found there an 1861 Indian head, several tokens, lots of relics, but never any silver. Would be nice to go back there now with the detector I have.


Awesome story Anthony....... 8)

and welcome to the site!

About all I find in my yard is pulltabs and spent shell casings. Bikers used to own the land we have now. Even found bullet holes in the ceiling of the old singlewide that used to be here. :o

I was hoping maybe someone dropped some jewelry while in their drunken stupor......but havent found any yet, just a few pennies.

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