What are the current theories?

Treasure minder, the things I was refering to were these quotes:

"Whenever i attempt to set facts in this forum, the post go missing
That condition pisses my ass off, so i stopped posting in this rag site."

"and this one is for Darrel Friesen
You Canadian freak of nature
next time you pledgerize my material and claim YOU figured stuff out"

"Most have already figured you out to be a fraud.
You could'nt de-code a symbol if it came on a cerial box with a child's de-coder ring included.

The swearing, racism and name calling are not needed.

Good Morning Peerless: I tend to agree, when one is too defensive it just might be because they are on too shaky a ground, or lack simple self confidence for one reason or another. Personally, I welcome criticism on
my posts and projects. Many times they have pointed out thingies that I brushed over or was mistaken in.

SHADDUP !!! Peeless.

However I might add, that doing as I do on posting another's question is far more effective , simply copy and paste the point in question, instead of using /posting a huge amount of space in blue, leaving the reader to have to find out by themselves by reading and sifting through the entire post to see just what and where you / they are responding to.

As for Daryl, I have no idea if he obtained his data from you or from one of the mountains of previous stories that were published on the subject before you were born. However I would refrain from such statements in the future, especially on a public forum. It could lead to a defamation / liable suit because it could lead to loss of reputation and business.

The place for that in EM or PM.

I enjoy Reading your posts , but it does get a bit tiresome when they are very long and skip around. SOO relax and be a bit more concise my friend. Remember the old story of flies, sugar, and vinegar..

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa wrote:
Personally, I welcome criticism on
my posts and projects

Well okay amigo, but remember you asked for this...

Real de Tayopa also wrote

I can't seem to find this word "shaddup" in my dictionary amigo, can you enlighten me as to what it means? Thank you in advance, ::) ;D :D :tongue3:

hey oro,
I think it's a compliment directed to the ladies ( wifes etc... )... at least that what the single guys say. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Really? WOW then I must get "compliments" ALL THE TIME! :o ;D ;D :D :wink: :thumbsup:

aaaaa ( hey oro ) psssttt.....( in a whisper voice ) You might not want other people to know that... ok ?? Just trying to help mi amigo :wink: :wink:


AHA! I got what you are saying amigo - we don't want to make folks feel JEALOUS of how many "compliments" I get! :wink: Thanks for the tip amigo, I would hate to ruin someone's day by making them feel jealous of my "compliments"! :thumbsup:

??? whot n l is a lil "r" among friends?

Pegger, As for ORO , did you ever drink his coffee ?? I understand that it burns out the urinary system lining, and the buggie shells act as an aphrodisiac a la Spanish fly. hence the descrptive word ---peeeless..

I am sure that PEERLESS agrees with me.

Don Jose de La Mancah (waitng for more data on La vicroria goodies Treasure Minder)

p.s. I wonder how ORO knows about Spanish fly? Is that part of a line shacks basics?

Don Jose', gambusino explorador extraordinaire whispered...
p.s. I wonder how ORO knows about Spanish fly? Is that part of a line shacks basics?

Spanish fly? What is Spanish fly? ;D :D :wink: :o ::) (Hey the sheep are not so dumb you know, they don't often get tangled in a fence! :o ::) :icon_pirat: :wink: ) Do they work the same way as blister beetles? ???

How did you know about the line shacks? :icon_scratch:

this is for the " lovers " in this post.....and you KNOW who you are :sign10:





Pegleg - you sure know the way to a SHEEPherder's hart! ;D :D :wink:

Side note - I have been trying to talk the boss into "less cattle, more sheep" and he may be seeing the light - the cattle have only broken even or ran a loss for the last seven years, while the sheep have shown a profit <admittedly small, but the number of sheep is small> even through the drought. You can run four to six sheep for every cow on the range, so it would mean increasing the sheep flock quite a bit and would have to pay much more attention to keeping the predators away, but heck I would sooner work with the sheep any day than the cattle! :tongue3: :thumbsup: Besides, grilled lamb chops over a mesquite fire...MMMMM! Too bad we don't have any mesquite around here. Sorry for getting side-tracked there amigos.)

hey Oro,
My ex was from Australia, and we ate a LOT of lamb or mutton. Boy could she cook a mean chop. My mouth is watering just thinking about. She also made a GREAT shepherds pie....


Man, Pegleg - Shepherd's Pie! I haven't had that in at least a year. Dang it I am getting hungry now too! I just wish that lamb was not so durned expensive nowadays.

Okay now I am going to drift here, having already drifted quite a bit.

What do you guys think about the possibility that there could be OTHER caches of treasures located in the same general region as VP, but not in Victorio peak? When we were visiting relatives in Alamogordo on the way here, I heard there are stories of other treasures being in some other caves, in the hills on the west of White Sands. Just stories, or could there be something to it? Thank you in advance,


Yes, my Dads murder, my sisters murder
and myown torture by O.S.I. agents of the U.S. Government
is all factual.


Since the gold's gone, why don't you just discuss this? It's interesting in a "Bad Saturday Matinee" way. I've read your wanderings on a couple of different forums covering everything from being tortured to being shot at to King Solomon to the KGC.

I'd like to hear what you've been through.

Yes, my Dads murder, my sisters murder
and myown torture by O.S.I. agents of the U.S. Government
is all factual.


Since the gold's gone, why don't you just discuss this? It's interesting in a "Bad Saturday Matinee" way. I've read your wanderings on a couple of different forums covering everything from being tortured to being shot at to King Solomon to the KGC.

I'd like to hear what you've been through.

Well JT, i prefer that you stick to watching your TV

Very interesting comments! I am surprised at how many comments were so close to the truth, and that the 'pros' outweighed the 'cons'------you 'pros' were mostly right...........and Tom Whittle knows what he's talking about !! He was paid by Jack Anderson to investigate the entire story, and uncovered a lot of documentation.......He writes with authority ! But, whoever that was who said he had handled the crown is a liar ! NOBODY alive has handled that crown !

Wrong information! Doc Noss did NOT need Ryan to fund any excavating---------Ryan claimed to have a source in Mexico where the gold could be sold---so Doc gathered up most, if not all, of the bars he had stashed in various places to make up a sizeable lot for sale-----and the day before the 110 bars were to have been flown to Mexico, Doc apparently overheard a conversation that convinced him that Ryan planned to double cross him, and would not be coming back with any money ! So, enlisting the aid of an acquaintance, Tony Jolley, he spent the entire night hiding the 110 bars in various places----in some cases, the very same spots where they had been previously hidden...I know that he returned the final 30 bars to their original hiding places---it is the only way he could have found his landmarks at 4 AM-------they were in a grassy field---each hole exactly 25 paces from the barbed wire fence, running along the road----and the 3 holes were exactly 1100 paces apart----Also, each hole measured 2 ft by 3 ft with the long axis pointed toward the fence---the bars were laid down in 2 rows of 5 bars, and only 6 inches deep ! It was a MILLION dollars in each hole ! some friends of Jolley were successful in finding them, using his clues----------Evidently, the copper impurities in the dory bars leached out into the soil, preventing the growth of grass, because there was a healthy growth of grass everywhere else! There is another place where Doc buried the same number of bars, alongside a barbed wire fence, in a certain canyon, far enough away from the rest that they MIGHT still be there--------but unfortunately, they are also inside the missile range boundary------in a very pretty spot, and a very secluded area----Old Doc certainly knew his way around in those mountains !

treasure minder [/quote said:
Well JT, i prefer that you stick to watching your TV

About what I figured...all that nonsense about being followed around by "Government Agents" your whole life...being kidnapped and "tortured" multiple times...multiple "attempts" on your life by "Government Agents"...and it seems like I recall from either here or another forum you claiming that these "agents" inserted a tracking chip in you, too... :icon_jokercolor:...I'm not even sure you can keep your stories straight anymore...

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