What are the current theories?

Seems to me that treasure-minder aka Roger Snow(?) has an aweful LOT to be aggrevated about. When the forum moderators delete his posts is like adding insult to injury, from my perspective. His being a descendant of Doc Noss(this is what I am assuming as factual), it also seems to me he should be shown an extra modicum of respect by all members here. Everyone OUTSIDE of this forum has been pissing on this man's leg and telling him it is raining, most of his life. His life has been a nightmare, I am sure. The moderators should be ashamed for doing what they did. They should have gone the extra mile with this man, at the very least asking him to accept their apologies for the wrongs they have done to him here. I don't see him flaming anyone. But, my experience has been that some people try to provoke others that are very tightly wrapped, as Roger is, JUST FOR SICK REASONS.And, they do it in such as a way as not to get noticed by the moderators.I'm NOT stating that is what has happenned here, but I have seen it on many other forums.They just kinds gently touch maybe two or three "buttons", then sit back and wait.Kinda like gentle-baiting. But, I personally am very supportive and sympathetic of his plight. People should take his long hard battles into consideration, and try to understand.

morbiusandneo said:
His being a descendant of Doc Noss(this is what I am assuming as factual), it also seems to me he should be shown an extra modicum of respect by all members here. His life has been a nightmare, I am sure. But, I personally am very supportive and sympathetic of his plight. People should take his long hard battles into consideration, and try to understand.

I see what you're saying..however, he's been on multiple forums for several years, telling increasingly bizarre stories...then when people question him, he disappears, and pops up on some other forum under another name. He disappeared from here in January, never to return...and I'm sure I'll stumble onto him sooner or later on some other site, telling his tall tales under another moniker.

You even admit that you have to assume what he's saying is true. If you're going to spin outrageous yarns, ranging from having "tracking chips" implanted in his body, being "followed" for his entire life by a cadre of "government agents", then being periodically kidnapped, tortured, and set free...only to have the entire cycle repeat itself, have all of this tie into the Kennedy assassination, plus having multiple family members supposedly murdered by the same agents that have been torturing and releasing him for the better part of 40 or 50 years......then eventually someone's going to question it.

It's human nature to want to believe those tall tales. I could register here under a different name, and tell a completely fabricated story intertwining government conspiracies, Area 51, "men in black", lost treasure, the KGC, the CIA, and military coverups, and find an audience that not only laps it up and agrees..but eventually someone will even spice the story up by adding on corroborating experiences of their own. It's happened everywhere else he's posted.


Roger never claimed (that I know of) to be descended from Doc Noss. His dad came along after the fact and Roger states that he knows not only about the tunnels under Victorio, but tunnels under another mountain nearby, which was why he was (supposedly) murdered by Uncle Sam.


You are correct about Tom Whittle. He wrote the most referenced and well researched article about the story that I have yet to find. I have links to it (and the official WSMR Article) on my website (1oro1.com). Tom also spent many months living with the Noss Family while writing the story. He has many pictures (including one where a Noss Family Friend is wearing some of the Spanish Armor from the cave). Tom is also in the process of writing a book on this subject, and doesn't give out much in the way of information.


Mike, thanks for posting your website address again, haven't visited it lately and had lost the link. I could not remember it but won't lose it again. My compliments on your website BTW, excellent! :icon_thumleft:

Oops - almost forgot to add this.

Gollum wrote
Roger states that he knows not only about the tunnels under Victorio, but tunnels under another mountain nearby,

That is interesting, for while we were visiting relatives in Alamagordo, <2 years ago> there was local "talk" about the existence of other tunnels in a different mountain which lies outside the restricted missile range. I wonder now where this rumor is founded, fact or fiction?
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Sorry, I probably should have posted the exact link.

I haven't talked to Tom in a few months, but I can't wait to get more info on his new book. I'll post more when I find out.


This whole story has amazed me for years. In the article gollum referenced, there was a Captain that discovered a different cave than Doc Noss. He mentioned counting one pile of gold bars in that cave being 600 @ 60 pounds each. He said that there were several piles in that cave. I conservatively put the value of that small treasure(compared to what Doc Noss found) at $4.5Billion!! :icon_sunny:

Roger is in no way related to the Noss family. He is the son of the late Harvey Snow. The alleged 'other cavern' was identified as being located under Hardscrabble Peak, but this was disinformation given by Harvey to the guy who wrote 100 Tons of Gold. There allegedly is another cavern in the San Andreas Range - whereabouts unknown.

littlejohn said:
I was told lone ago from my friend,who is now dead. that Victorio Peak and others in the southwest,and up into utah was where the really the true King Solomon's Mines .long lost and not found. there is some info. to prove they was over here. think about it,it the best hidden place of all,in a place no one knew about.untill the 1400
and if these are real ancient bars.
and i think thay are,it could very well be one of King Solomon's Mines
and most likely the indain found it long ago and started putting other loot on top of if.
i am not a real smart man,not like some of the guys here,but i do read a whole lot.
what do u guys think?

I agree with everything you've said here, littlejohn. I also believe that these locations are not, and never have been, 'lost', but are still under control of their owners.

According to some the of the stories related to this tale, Doc Noss leased the land from the State Gov. and filed a Treasure Trove claim.


In the spring of 1938, Doc Noss and Babe went to Santa Fe to establish legal ownership of the find, filing a lease with the State of New Mexico for the entire section of land surrounding Victorio Peak. Subsequently, he also filed several mining claims on and around Victorio Peak, as well as a treasure trove claim. With legal ownership established, Noss began to openly work the claim, but he also became increasingly paranoid, hiding the gold bars all over the desert.

I have just finished reading the autobiography of Col. Charles Askins. According to him the land Victorio Peak is located on was privately owned at the time of Doc Noss's alleged find. It was a 50,000 acre cattle ranch owned by the Cox family. Col. Askins was good friends with the Cox clan, whose father was the same W. W. Cox involved in the killing of Pat Garrett, and he hunted all over that ranch at the time of the discovery. Now that begs the question, how can someone lease privately owned land from the State Government?

I should also point out that Col. Askins makes no mention of Victorio Peak or any gold discovery but that he was an avid hunter and lamented over the lost hunting ground do to the establishment of the White Sands Missile Range. He stated it was some of the finest quail hunting land he had ever known. I also feel that the amount of activity described in the Doc Noss tale wouldn't have gone unnoticed by the Cox family, considering that it was a working cattle ranch and the frequent hunts by the family and friends.

A little background on Askins:



Now based off his book, the above article, and the history of the Cox Clan something tells me that they wouldn't have abided some guy and his wife poking around on the ranch and living in a tent without at least confronting them. If not outright running them off.

AOinNH said:
According to some the of the stories related to this tale, Doc Noss leased the land from the State Gov. and filed a Treasure Trove claim.


In the spring of 1938, Doc Noss and Babe went to Santa Fe to establish legal ownership of the find, filing a lease with the State of New Mexico for the entire section of land surrounding Victorio Peak. Subsequently, he also filed several mining claims on and around Victorio Peak, as well as a treasure trove claim. With legal ownership established, Noss began to openly work the claim, but he also became increasingly paranoid, hiding the gold bars all over the desert.

I have just finished reading the autobiography of Col. Charles Askins. According to him the land Victorio Peak is located on was privately owned at the time of Doc Noss's alleged find. It was a 50,000 acre cattle ranch owned by the Cox family. Col. Askins was good friends with the Cox clan, whose father was the same W. W. Cox involved in the killing of Pat Garrett, and he hunted all over that ranch at the time of the discovery. Now that begs the question, how can someone lease privately owned land from the State Government?

I should also point out that Col. Askins makes no mention of Victorio Peak or any gold discovery but that he was an avid hunter and lamented over the lost hunting ground do to the establishment of the White Sands Missile Range. He stated it was some of the finest quail hunting land he had ever known. I also feel that the amount of activity described in the Doc Noss tale wouldn't have gone unnoticed by the Cox family, considering that it was a working cattle ranch and the frequent hunts by the family and friends.

A little background on Askins:



Now based off his book, the above article, and the history of the Cox Clan something tells me that they wouldn't have abided some guy and his wife poking around on the ranch and living in a tent without at least confronting them. If not outright running them off.
Col Bigmouth is a pretty leaky vessel to be shipping much hope on .

truckinbutch said:
Col Bigmouth is a pretty leaky vessel to be shipping much hope on .

Care to elaborate on that? His "fame" was before my time so all I really know about the man is what he wrote in his book.

The Truth of the Victorio Peak Gold is plain and simple about what happened.

LBJ was a greedy crook and a murderer, if anybody had gold fever it was LBJ.
Only after many decades will the REAL truth be told.

nothings changed to date, Government still does the same thing to many Americans as they did to Ova and Doc Noss.

The Victorio Peak story is the biggest "government secret cover up" ever to be told!

The American people have the right to know how corrupt our government is, and how far they would go to steal, lie and cover up
the biggest story ever to rock this nation!

LBJ's Greed! deceit, lies,theft,....... will finally be told!

I look forward to this date, American People deserve the truth!

Click: http://www.victoriopeak.com/ to get the biggest story to ever rock this nation! :thumbsup:



gollum said:
I read through these forums a lot, but have never registered or posted until now. I am currently working with a tribe from the AZ/NM area on something in Eastern Ca. In our discussions, the story of the VP Gold came up. This tribe fought against the Chiricahua Apache all through the late 1700's until the mid 1800's, until the whites became the common enemy. They believe that the gold was amassed from years of raiding Mexicans and Whites. My friends said that their tribe at first left any gold right where it fell as they had no use for it at the time. Later they took to hiding it so the whites and Mexicans wouldn't come looking for it. Some think it is all in one spot and others think it is all spread around so nobody could accidently find it all at once.

This could not be Padre LaRue's gold for the simple reason that the directions given to the Padre by the old man were; "One days travel North of El Paso del Norte until you see three peaks. Upon first site of these peaks turn Eastward and cross the desert towards the mountains. In the mountains you will find a basin, where there is a spring at the foot of a solitary peak. On this peak you will find gold." Padre LaRue moved his flock to that basin. Nowhere near Victorio Peak which is near the Western Edge of White Sands Missile Test Range.

Not likely to be Maximillian's Gold either as most current wisdom places that square in Texas.

Montezuma's Treasure seems out because there would be nothing newer than the 1500's, and none likely to be in ingot form.

It's amazing the things that some people post without doing even a little research.

A lot of activity going on in Caballo right now.

Clue us in buddy!

I'm always up for good gossip!


Marc said:
What do you think? Was the gold really in a cave at Victorio Peak, as Doc Noss stated? Did the government get the gold in the 1960'2 or 1970's????
YES TO ALL THREE QUESTIONS !! In 1961-2, and again in 1973 (during Thanksgiving ) Read the new book !

Who did the Army give the treasures to?

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