What are the current theories?

A handful of those 1554 Coins would sure buy a nice big salvage/dive Boat!
We didn't get much of the hurricane.
Just about a one foot higher tide!
I'll have to wait for another, or, for the winter currents.
Which come in at a slightly different angle and bring up coins!
I'll be putting in a 50 hp larger motor (Inboard Engine) that'll give me more power to lenghten (about 4' longer & a dive platform) the boat and carry more equipment

cptbil said:
!!!? ?No! Theories? ?!!!!
The Truth!!? ?:o
Doc Noss's Grandson, one of them, is my New Mexico partner!
I have seen some documents that would really rattle your cage ( To the very! foundation, too! ) !
I have heard from some of the actual particpates!
Our Govt. "? ' of the People !? "....
Really, Scary,? ?:-? Believe me!
I saw a series of satellite images, bulldozers, moving equipment , the whole nine yards. then, they "rebuilt the mountain top like they were never there. It was military from start to finish. And, the cover up continues to this day, screwing all of Doc Noss's decendants out of their rightfull inheritance. Which btw, was whisked off to a mid-eastern desert ally-country location as payment. For what, i have no idea....stvn.

Next meeting is late Sept / early Oct - invite only. Close to the site.

To begin
Vicky is a deposit site
ancient bars
not spaniard
El Chato stuff is all in the Organs ( whats left of it)
He did not put all of that stuff there
some was already there.
start on soledad road at the base of soledad peak
there are cat-tails growing at a small surface spring
that croses the road from south to east.
look north from the cat-tails at the road
you will see the wash descends to the north and out into the mouth of rucker canyon.
in that wash are the small scoupes cut into the bedrock
to catch the gold
above those on the east side are the stone monuments
go to them
look at the smaller peak on the east that this is a part of
seek an entrance into that little peak
the entrance is covered.
further north, walk over the many boulders and stay at a level
to your right ( east ) will be a very large boulder
under it is a round tunnel descending straight down
with steps carved spiraling down like a staircase.
this is before you reach the ruins of the old beasley trading post below.
you can see to the north of that boulder, out below you
the tortugas stone monuments.
back to the south across canyon look up at the bluffs.
near the top of the slope of ground leading up to the bluffs,
is a hugh boulder wedged at the confluence of a couple of washes.
this boulder has several rooms carved underneath it.
this is hotel rock as my dad called it.
It is one of El Chato's dwellings as he called it.
As you walk towars that boulder, watch all large boulders for stones on top of them.
a pointer stone will be on top of smaller boulders close to each
There is a low flat boulder close by, on top are small turtles pulling wagons
these are all rocks set up to appear to be turtles and carts
beneath this, is some of the burro loads of silver
Later, if this post remains, instead of disappearing, i'll say more
Out, Roger Snow

No One has approached me about the 2nd entrance to the "Peak" that can be accessed from off the W.S.M.R.
How come ?
Are there no adventureers out there ?
Doc and his partner "Guy", (now living in San Diego) not the one who shot "Doc", used to hide bars near where it came out!
(for emergency use )
I am certain that no "DogFace" ever found this tunnel/entrance!
It is "Miles" long !
Anyone care to explore it?


It is also full of refuse , wreckage, and STUFF.
Give me an email when you are ready to chase this entrance.
Gad to meet and chase with you if the trail is worth following.
Personally I don't thoink so.

You say
" It is also full of refuse, wreckage, and stuff "
How do you know this?
Do you know where this "entrance " is?
I am afraid that I cannot guarantee that any "Trail" that I am on, or ever be on,
will be
"worth following"
I have had many, many "dry" trails.... :-\
Where I come away with just the pleasure of being "out" !
I will never make such a remark/statement !

Hey Cptbill

Im ready when you are....It would be an honor and a privilage to accompany you and "BUGS" on this Trek.You just say the word.............!

Hey Commanchero, I have read the book 100 tons of gold and someone was supposedly drilling a tunnel into the peak this past year or so. The pictures Ive seen of VP it is not that big of a rock pile and entrance to the cavern should have been made already and if so where are the pictures. I also know from my reading that Doc Noss liberated another cavern of gb's and hid them out on the peak, which he later moved just before he was killed. There is another cavern linked to the treasure cave I believe,again from my reading. If NASA can confirm the cavern from space, then it should have been confirmed on the ground with ground penetrating radar. Should you gain entrance then post the pictures and end the endless B>S>.

Amusing thread.

More than one person across the years tried to get into the range. Some did and by doing so disclosed there maps. I would love to see the records of these the government has. LOL

As for the TaxLawyer amusing set up you got going. Do a search for treasure Caballo and see if you can find some more variations of the copy of the map you talk about.

As for Noss, well when you get through the stuff added through the years it comes back to the cave in and him trying to tunel back in. He missed and tried again. That failed also then tried to go back in through original entrance. Only seen one place that fits and it is now Wilderness study area. Regrettably it was an area that produced gold. Would have loved to get back in the old mine that I could see the shoring in down that crack.

What happen to my last post in this thread from yesterday

was there too much information in it or something?

Freaky forum dudes, what do you do, save the best post to your private folders?

anyway, for readers who wish to read what i wrote here
ancientlosttreasures yuku .com
they at least left it up for ALL people to read

Rog >:(

I am looking for an experienced person with extensive knowlege of the Organ Mts. North East of Las Cruces New Mexico. The location that I am looking for is of a particular mountain that lies East and West, not North and South as the majority of the mountain range runs. According to the map that I have which was drawn by an Apache indian and sent to me years ago by my uncle, it shows a natuarl limestone cavern system that runs more or less North and South for many miles. Whether such a system exists , who knows, but has anyone heard of this cavern system?
Supposedly the entrance is covered by a very large rock which could be rolled back and forth once the indians entered into the system. It was large enough to allow horses to be lead into the system and according to the Apache, this is how the entire tribe would dissapear while being chased by the cavalry. Any comments would be appreciated.

I've heard similar stories about an Apache cavern hideout in the Tres Hermanas range near Columbus, NM. Mr. Snow (treasure minder) may be able to help you with the Organs.

Yes before he was killed

Willie Doughit-Doc Noss
Doughit found Nosses stash in the Caballos... I have found the stump of the tree that Wilie used to raise the gold bars up the side of the mountain and found his fire pit in the side of the mountain which could not be seen from any direction. I also found a hidden tunnel covered by a 2' dia. rock which appears currently to being worked by someone trying to find Willies original entrance. Very interesting in these mountains.

Unbelievable!!! Long story short here folks. I was having lunch with one of my reps I deal with and someone else at the table (a coworker) said "Hey Mike, tell him the story of the cache you found last month" (I found a small time capsul left by a teeneager on a mountain trail). So after I get done telling him about it he asks me if I have any knowledge of the Victorio Peak lost gold..... I say "yes, I have heard the stories". He proceeds to tell me about how his Grandfather, Doc Noss and and some other person (forgot the name) were the ones that found it....well, actually Doc Noss found it and he was friends with my friends grandfather and trusted him (plus he had a couple trucks). I think he said the other guy had some mining experience so he was brought in. Anyway, my friends grandfathers cut was to be 10% and they did get a little of it out but the story was that upon crawling down into the shaft (keep in mind he literally told this story to me an hour ago and gave me the short version but said he would tell me all about it later because after lunch he had to head home to Santa Barbara) there came a point in the shaft where there were two "stacks of rocks". The opening was very small and you had to crawl on your belly for aprox 100ft to get to where it opened to a large cavern where the bars were stacked.
Now, the miner friend suggested they blast that area to make the entrance larger, my friends grandfather said NO, and that they would be in danger of callapsing the entrance. Doc, agreed to the blasting and they in fact collapsed the low lying entrance. Once that happened they needed to dig it back out and needed help and thats where the secret got out. Once they had to find help digging (supplies and equipment I assume) the secret got out and one morning they showed up to dig and the Military was there, armed and not letting anyone onto the site.

I think my friend said his Grandfather died in a car accident after having a heart attack, and also said the miner guy was shot dead in a bar altercation and was ruled self defense and I don;t remember what he said about Doc but he basically said the government killed all three. He was very serious about this and told me he would tell me more later so I will be able to give more details about his as I talk to him.

Hey TOK,

Be careful with the "New" version of the story. It has a couple of gaping holes in what you posted. Milton "Doc" Noss found the cache in 1937. At that time, there was no White Sands Missile Test Range. None of that land was procured by the Government until WWII.

Noss took on a partner named Charley Ryan to help fund the excavation. (Long story short)Ryan got word that Doc was going to dupe him, and confronted him. Doc was heading for his truck to get his gun, and Ryan shot him in self defense. No government secret there.

It has also been speculated that Doc found out that Ryan was going to double-cross him, and he rehid many of the gold bars they had already taken out. Ryan shot Doc, then bribed the judge to get off.

Who knows. Just be careful about what you hear and whom you hear it from. There are a lot of people who would like their names associated with a well known treasure story!


Ahh !!!
Not! Quite So simple!
If you look at the photo of "Doc's" death
You'll see that he is slumped across the front bumper of his PU
Going toward the drive's side
Past the open passenger side window
"Doc" used to keep his revolver in that glovebox!
If he were going to get his gun, why did he walk past the glove box ? ::)

Kind of makes you wonder about the self defense thing.
Thats for sure.
If it's true, there is the reason to bribe a judge right there.


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