What are the current theories?

Glad to hear it TaxLawyer!

My idea is to put what I have or can find out as a basic skeleton on some of the more popular treasure tales and hopefully will have others come forth with more info or theories as we go along.

Kind of a reference database that can be added to, edited, etc by others and used for quick reference.

To whom it may concern, in the matter of the victorio peak treasure. Remember the story of missing gold from Fort Knox somewheres around 1970 to 72. I beleived back then and still do that there was a conection between the missing gold story of fort Knox and the Dock Noss treasure being of the same gold. only it may have been deposited at the denver mint or fort Knox and switched for currency. At any rate some one evidently knew of this gold movement, and didn't know if it was taken out of or placed in fort knox in that time frame of the early 70s. Seems as there would be some records of deposits some wheres to track such an large amount of gold.. Just my thoughts on the subject thanks nickel

nickeyl said:
To whom it may concern, in the matter of the victorio peak treasure. Remember the story of missing gold from Fort Knox somewheres around 1970 to 72. I beleived back then and still do that there was a conection between the missing gold story of fort Knox and the Dock Noss treasure being of the same gold. only it may have been deposited at the denver mint or fort Knox and switched for currency. At any rate some one evidently knew of this gold movement, and didn't know if it was taken out of or placed in fort knox in that time frame of the early 70s. Seems as there would be some records of deposits some wheres to track such an large amount of gold.. Just my thoughts on the subject thanks nickel

Don't think so nickeyl,

Doc Noss found this cache in 1937, and it was supposedly mostly removed by about 1965 (give or take a few years).



I know a guy who is extremely knowledgeable about the Victorio Peak situation past and present. He is strongly convinced that the government *did* swipe a bunch of gold (but not all of it) from the peak. His reasoning and knowledge of the case are convincing, but my opinion is that they never could find so much as a bar of lead, let alone a bunch of gold bars. Of course, I know my position could be incorrect, and I am willing to listen to his opinion and review his research. It is somewhat an academic pursuit for me, but it is interesting to discuss the mystery and share knowledge and understanding of such an important historical phenomenon.

Everyone has the right to their interpretation of the truth surrounding this legend. My habit is to consider the positions and evidence offered by others. Minds are like parachutes - they can't function unless open.

The latest release from my (formerly) secret collection of Army documents from White Sands.
wsmr dox.webp

I was just doing some research for the great granddaughter of Ova Noss, it's very interesting all the postings. The grandson showed me many documents, photos, even a gold bar when the daughter (his mother) of Ova Noss died. He spent many hours telling me the story. At this point I have encouraged him, if anything, to have the story published, since there are many points that many don't know about which I think are more intriguing than any Hollywood movie (i.e., National Treasure). Problem is finding someone who knows how to write. Any suggestions?

As far as finding someone to write... thats easy. There are 100's of writer out there that would do it for a fee or a % of the book. Just ask some of these writers for a sample and then choose one. You might what to find someone who is into Thing. That way it should read ALOT better. Just goggle writers and freelance or for hire.


Ever look at a map of the area. If you go north from El Paso it follows I 25 towards T or C and if you were to turn East around a days ride from El Paso it would put you right in the Hembrillo basin which is the location of V peak. You are right it is on the western edge of the range.
gollum said:
I read through these forums a lot, but have never registered or posted until now. I am currently working with a tribe from the AZ/NM area on something in Eastern Ca. In our discussions, the story of the VP Gold came up. This tribe fought against the Chiricahua Apache all through the late 1700's until the mid 1800's, until the whites became the common enemy. They believe that the gold was amassed from years of raiding Mexicans and Whites. My friends said that their tribe at first left any gold right where it fell as they had no use for it at the time. Later they took to hiding it so the whites and Mexicans wouldn't come looking for it. Some think it is all in one spot and others think it is all spread around so nobody could accidently find it all at once.

This could not be Padre LaRue's gold for the simple reason that the directions given to the Padre by the old man were; "One days travel North of El Paso del Norte until you see three peaks. Upon first site of these peaks turn Eastward and cross the desert towards the mountains. In the mountains you will find a basin, where there is a spring at the foot of a solitary peak. On this peak you will find gold." Padre LaRue moved his flock to that basin. Nowhere near Victorio Peak which is near the Western Edge of White Sands Missile Test Range.

Not likely to be Maximillian's Gold either as most current wisdom places that square in Texas.

Montezuma's Treasure seems out because there would be nothing newer than the 1500's, and none likely to be in ingot form.

It's amazing the things that some people post without doing even a little research.

Welllllll,,,, Hello kiddies, I read here where i've been quoted much To answer the many querys ,,, hell NO the government has not succeded in killing me as yet,,,I'm still alive and investigating. El chatos loot is in Soledad canyon and adjoining areas as i before stated , the blorf I read here is disturbing. uninformed 3rd hand snot. sorry dudes, thats why i bailed the bs popstand,,,,,, see ya's Rog'

Rog , check your emails , been trying to get a hold of you !

This is the first time I've been on this site in a few years. I have kind of scrolled through some of the posts in here. Pretty wild how many people there are connected to this in one way or another. I am 40 yrs. old and live in Las Cruces,NM. I had become friends with a grandson of Ova Noss up until he passed away summer of 2003 from stroke then heart attack. After the funeral at Ft. Bliss, I got to meet some of the people who were on the Victorio Peak project at the house that used to be their home base here in Las Cruces. I got to find out many interesting things, including seeing actual maps of the two tunnels they were digging to reach the room up until they got into it again with the Army.

Also, I saw some of you mention the book "100 tons of Gold." Don't know how many of you are aware that author Jack Staley has been re-writing that book with things that should have been included in the first version. I believe it's going to be re-titled "400 tons of Gold."

I had determined a long time ago that Victorio Peak is not only the La Rue mine, but also is the Seven Cities of Cibola as well. Even though I gave up on this story long ago and prefer to hunt Pedro Nevarez's cache's, it is nice to see there is still so much interest in this legend which may very well be one of the biggest tales in the treasure hunting realm.

Hi all,

Got the book, 100 tons of gold. Fascinating.

If only Doc Noss had approached the recovery a bit differently.

And burning all those historical documents makes me sick....

Hey, Capt. Bill what else can you add in the way of information that might not have been in the book??

Gold Needle:
The German "U" Boat that I mentioned, is going to be much easier/cheaper, to salvage/locate/ & to dive on!
Than the one you are referring to in San Francisco Bay!
First off!
I have seen u/w actual photos of this/the "Bot" ...
Not! Taken by me, but by the original finder, now deceased! :-\
It is in about 60/70 foot (deep) of water, clear water too!
Not like the conditions, anything like, around S.F. Bay ! :P
There are no currents, like there are in San Fran Bay !
Besides, I live here and have been to, camped on the shore, opposite & within 1 1/2 miles of this "scuttled" ( NOT SUNK!) Sub!
The logistics of a "salvage dive" in California, for me, would be "Horrendous" !
Why hasn't anyone out there done a "dive" ?
Or! Atleast
Dropped an U/W Camera down on it, to see or prove it's exsistance ? ???
They're, U/W cameras, are not all that expensive, I own two of them !
By the way,
"ROV" = Remote Operated Vehicle"!
In this case, U/W ROV !
I'm working on building one, right now!

Hi Capt Bill,

Well, this sub has been located by others but the Navy runs off people from the site or near it.

The old Navy vet. could not find the exact location but had a company called Video Ray offering a ROV.

You are right about the diving conditions, horrible and dangerous. And you did forget to mention the sharks. That area is the breeding grounds for the Great White Sharks. If they invite you to dinner politely decline and clear the area.

But what makes it so attractive is the fact that it is lost, and denied by the Navy and such an interesting piece of history.

But as you said, very difficult to find and dive on.

Gold Needle:
If you ever get down this way, So. Texas....near Padre and Matagordo Islands, let me know!
I am going to be refurbishing my boat and I hope to have it in the water by the end of summer!
"We" can take a trip over the "Sub" and see what it looks like w/my U/W Camera!
Maybe, make a "dive" down there !
Any one else want to get involved ?
Drop me and "Bugs" a line
Reply here!
For more info!

Hi Capt Bill,

If I get down that way I will let you know.

How did you, the boat, and bugs weather the hurricane? Boat okay?

Must have churned up a lot of coins and jewels on the beaches there. Are you out with your metal detector looking for them? Some lost loot would pay for much of the boats overhaul.

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