What are the current theories?

at rennes

on a bluff

sits the horse of God

a stone monument

I sit on the north side of the river

In Soledad canyon

on the brink of a bluff of the main wash

north side of the wash

sits the exact same monument to a T as the Horse of God in Rennes France

where Knights Templar Artifacts are all over the area.

Found there By Berringer , a priest , were documents that led him to treasure at Rennes

a portfolio of photos of all the Monolithic stone markers at Rennes exist

as I looked through these photos'

Each monument had it's twin here in New Mexico

as I said

not good to account everything to a Spanish origin .

They were not here when much was laid away .

In the previous episode of America Unearthed (S03E04 Montezuma's Gold) they were diving in Utah. It was some little pond where a protected species of snail lives. I'd seen an episode of some other series where this same place was investigated. This is one of those places that have an alleged curse associated with it, I'm sure there's been talk about that place in the forum but I don't remember the exact name of that place so can't do a search.

*spoiler* The underwater cave was blocked because of too much silt. They dredged it but it was not effective in removing this type of silt, it filled half of the hose. As often happens, the episode ended without a conclusion although it was a realistic task to remove the silt in some other way as far as I know. If using the dredge was allowed despite of the protected species, then someone else could see this thing through by continuing where they left off. The owner of that property said in this episode that they don't want 'drilling' to be done anymore because there has been too many tragedies, but maybe they would allow further attempts to open the cave entrance. But I'm not encouraging anyone to bother the land owners without serious and honest intentions of taking it forward - they probably get enough cold calls as it is.

Edit: as to 'removing the silt in some other way', I would try a bigger dredge with more suction power, or just use an army shovel to dig the entrance even if it brings visibility to zero. It takes a month but so what - some progress is a good trade-off for no progress. There was also some carved rocks in the water before that were taken out. Scott identified them to be modern, being a geologist. Maybe some of you have better cost-effective ideas to remove or move the silt.

Honestly speaking I'm surprised that this has taken so long - what was the factor slowing down excavation/opening of that underwater cave so far? Are the land owners too selective and restricting in who they let to attempt opening the underwater cavern or is this particular lead not credible enough to motivate people? So far I've thought it was about the species protection laws, but then they took out that dredge all of a sudden...

I accidentally posted this to wrong thread, has nothing to do with Victorio Peak, sorry.

Wolter explains some things in his blog. I didn't notice the blog earlier and assumed the reason they didn't go further into the cave was the silt only, but it was in fact also because they ran out of filming time.


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No One has approached me about the 2nd entrance to the "Peak" that can be accessed from off the W.S.M.R.
How come ?
Are there no adventureers out there ?
Doc and his partner "Guy", (now living in San Diego) not the one who shot "Doc", used to hide bars near where it came out!
(for emergency use )
I am certain that no "DogFace" ever found this tunnel/entrance!

It is "Miles" long !
Anyone care to explore it?

just found this post.
did you ever get anyone interested in attempting to find this entrance?
if not, I am interested and ready to go.
pm me if you still want to pursue this. I have the time, resources and desire.

just found this post.
did you ever get anyone interested in attempting to find this entrance?
if not, I am interested and ready to go.
pm me if you still want to pursue this. I have the time, resources and desire.

I remember Capt Bill from when we lived in T or C he had a pretty white Jeep Wagon and was telling big funny stories all the time . i heard he is gone
now and that was 2 years ago when i was in town to visit . Bill was every where out in that wilderness camping out all the time . when we went
driving out to camp on weekends we always saw him around and whiskers would bark and bark at us . were you guys trying to contact him for that entrance from the joranado ? it is not really a tunnel into the vick peak . it goes for a ways under a ridge north of that basin . it can be found on google earth the wash where it comes out at can be seen easy it's really wide wash always dry but a little water stream that sinks in the sand after a ways .


I believe the tunnel Bill was referring to was the one described by Harvey Snow to David Childress for his book. Snow told Childress about a tunnel of around 1000 steps under Hardscrabble Peak (about ten miles North of VP). Snow never actually knew the location of the cave (it is not on Hardscrabble). He described it as being many miles long, and he came out near the Caballos:

"On the second day I found the cave with the sloping steps. I went down the steps; down and down. I don’t know how far. I estimated maybe thirteen hundred or fourteen hundred steps. The bottom step, the last one was rounded at the bottom so that when you stepped on it, it would roll. It was tied to a bow and arrow with rawhide, but the rawhide had rotted a long time ago. I got in there. At the bottom of the steps Snow described a big room with a stream of hot water running through it. Snow followed the tunnel from room to room; sometimes the tunnel would become so narrow that he had to get down on his hands and knees. In one room Snow reported, I found some things. I found small stacks … one of gold, one of copper and one of silver. I figured I would come back for that and went on. I next came to a big room. Here there were a bunch of side tunnels running north and south. They were all natural, nothing man made. Here where they intersected, they made a big W. I did not go down these tunnels, I stayed with the stream going west … At the far end of the main room I found some things I cannot tell you about…” Snow’s story is fascinating and virtually unbelievable to most people. He walked 14 miles in an underground tunnel. The 1400 steps or so that he walked down to the subterranean river must have been a good 800 or 900 feet below the entrance. The tunnel was crossed at least in one spot by another tunnel running at a right angle to the one he was following.

There was supposedly a second lower entrance to VP, but Doc never showed anybody where it was.


I remember Capt Bill from when we lived in T or C he had a pretty white Jeep Wagon and was telling big funny stories all the time . i heard he is gone
now and that was 2 years ago when i was in town to visit . Bill was every where out in that wilderness camping out all the time . when we went
driving out to camp on weekends we always saw him around and whiskers would bark and bark at us . were you guys trying to contact him for that entrance from the joranado ? it is not really a tunnel into the vick peak . it goes for a ways under a ridge north of that basin . it can be found on google earth the wash where it comes out at can be seen easy it's really wide wash always dry but a little water stream that sinks in the sand after a ways .

can you give gps coordinate to where it can be seen on google earth?
I would still like to see this tunnel.
I enjoy your posts, keep it coming.

You are wrong about Mike (Gollum).
Might want to listen to him....

here we have Gollum once again calling a person a liar
Whiskey Gollum doesn't know Harvey Snow nor any of the people he says he knows
Gollum is to fat to know anything


adtofca is only Michael Canning (2daystravel) coming back under a different avatar. Don't pay any attention to him. I showed him up as a huge liar. I guess he didn't expect that I was in contact with Claude Suddreth's Widow.



adtofca is only Michael Canning (2daystravel) coming back under a different avatar. Don't pay any attention to him. I showed him up as a huge liar. I guess he didn't expect that I was in contact with Claude Suddreth's Widow.


Thanks for the heads up.


I believe the tunnel Bill was referring to was the one described by Harvey Snow to David Childress for his book. Snow told Childress about a tunnel of around 1000 steps under Hardscrabble Peak (about ten miles North of VP). Snow never actually knew the location of the cave (it is not on Hardscrabble). He described it as being many miles long, and he came out near the Caballos:

There was supposedly a second lower entrance to VP, but Doc never showed anybody where it was.


Sounds legit lol

Did you know Tony? I did. Tony came back ten years after the first recovery and pulled another 10 bars. It was in the earl 70's. He had help, the owner of the mining company and his son. The owner retired. I have the proof but made a promise. The bars where about 45% gold, 25% silver and the reset copper and other metals. I was in the US Navy in the early 60's and I have a photo of Tony in uniform at a bar, like he always loved.

I read through these forums a lot, but have never registered or posted until now. I am currently working with a tribe from the AZ/NM area on something in Eastern Ca. In our discussions, the story of the VP Gold came up. This tribe fought against the Chiricahua Apache all through the late 1700's until the mid 1800's, until the whites became the common enemy. They believe that the gold was amassed from years of raiding Mexicans and Whites. My friends said that their tribe at first left any gold right where it fell as they had no use for it at the time. Later they took to hiding it so the whites and Mexicans wouldn't come looking for it. Some think it is all in one spot and others think it is all spread around so nobody could accidently find it all at once.

This could not be Padre LaRue's gold for the simple reason that the directions given to the Padre by the old man were; "One days travel North of El Paso del Norte until you see three peaks. Upon first site of these peaks turn Eastward and cross the desert towards the mountains. In the mountains you will find a basin, where there is a spring at the foot of a solitary peak. On this peak you will find gold." Padre LaRue moved his flock to that basin. Nowhere near Victorio Peak which is near the Western Edge of White Sands Missile Test Range.

Not likely to be Maximillian's Gold either as most current wisdom places that square in Texas.

Montezuma's Treasure seems out because there would be nothing newer than the 1500's, and none likely to be in ingot form.

It's amazing the things that some people post without doing even a little research.

So this is your primal post eh ?

and in 10 years time , by reading my postings and some funky books , you are now " The Treasure Expert " of the Treasure Forums ?

Talked to a Ranger out by 29 Palms did you ? and they told you about a soldier that came back after the War to get a treasure
he found during Tank Maneuvers ,,, but he was shot dead just as he reached the fence line ,,, right ?

B--llS--t dude

that's a story I told you ,

jebus dude , get some psyche help

you're out there and in time , you'll never get yourself back to anything close to sane .

stay out of my forum with your trolling , we copy pasted your IP and Harassment .

quote Gollum : " Hey GT,

29 stumps eh? If you haven't, you might want to check out the Bullion Mountains (over by the Impact Area). About fifteen years ago, a lady from the (I think) Joshua Tree Historical Society told me a story. During WWII, while training for North Africa, some guy found a cave with some gold bars. As he was in the process of being shipped out to Africa, he left the bars alone. Sometime after WWII ended, some MP's patrolling around where the Impact Area (Bullions North of Cleghorn) saw a guy on foot hiking towards Amboy Rd. When they tried to call him over to them, he shot at them. They returned fire, and killed the guy. Turned out this was the guy that found the cave, and they found a single gold bar in his ruck. The cave has never been found. I never did a ton of research, as it lies in an area I typically stay away from (buried unexploded ordinance HAHAHA). Unless I am chasing something very specific (like going through the Carrizo Naval Bombardment Range looking for Hank Brandt's Lost Mine), I usually steer clear. Although, once while stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC a couple of buddies and I spent the night in a bunker in an Impact Area while AC130's put down 105mm Howitzer, 40mm Bofors, and Cluster Bombs all night. Didn't get much sleep.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End the quote that's not true ~~~~~~~~~~~

You got that flaky story from me , I got it from an old dude in Landers , he was telling a tall tale ,

the story is false

and now you're making claims using it


there was no such event

For you readers that would like to read my telling of the story back in 2002 , ask me for a link

I'll PM you a link for it .


Gollum is telling a story that I wrote years ago

it is a fictional story about a G.I. finding a treasure near the Bullion Mnt.'s in Calif.

The story reflects many of the details of an incident at Ft. Bliss TX/NM of a soldier finding a treasure
and returning after the war to retrieve it .

same with the Robert Jones Tale down by Ft. Huachuca .

except , the Bullion Mnt.'s Cache is fictional , told by Old Leonard who had mines in the area .

Old Leonard told a lot of tales ,, embellished tales ,,, good one's to listen to around a campfire at night .

However , the Bullion Mnt. Treasure is pure fabrication .

man dude , ya gotta stop promoting fibs man .

People are beginning to see through your Ego .

there was no such event

but rog you posted it as a true story?

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