What are the current theories?

And so are our great interesting comments::: Brother Sam and Danny.

You need the shut up and stop harassing and insulting us writers or go away. I write great interesting comments about the stories and other interesting comments without insults unless I get insulted first. I am protected :: Freedom of Speech... All of us know what type of people who insult and harass other people. I did complain to Treasure Hunter, and to this very day, he refused to ban those who break the rules. Most if not all your comments are nonsense, lies and harassment and insults. Trust me, I am more smarter then you, and I can defend myself when insulted and harass. Maybe if you are out treasure hunting, you would not be here, harassing and insulting us writers. Bring it on, Loser. We writers are outrages with your insults and harassment. STOP it now, and we mean NOW.
To Loke.

We like to thank Springfield for their total support. Brothers Sam and Danny. Good luck.

I've read many variations of one days travel to two days travel, and one about being visible from a church in mexico. What is the original source?

Is it the organs, caballo, or san and?

That because you did not find the treasures. Keep looking.

What do you think? Was the gold really in a cave at Victorio Peak, as Doc Noss stated? Did the government get the gold in the 1960'2 or 1970's????
Yes to all your questions?

OI've read many variations of one days travel to two days travel, and one about being visible from a church in mexico. What is the original source?

View attachment 707724

see the bars ?

heh heh

want to bet I can make a case that those Bars are not what they have been reported to be ?

1. The bars have Relief Strikemarks
all strike marks were STAMPED
not a relief in the molds

2. Buried for a couple hundred years and running 13% copper

and the soil they were under only 2 feet deep

where is the Tarnish
and where is the green copper tarnish

3. The Layout of the grid said to be where these were recovered is a bit too convoluted to be done
in a hurry

and if the depositors were not under attack
then no hurry

and if there weas no hurry

I can assure you of a known fact about the Spanish

they NEVER buried any Gold in only 2 feet of earth

if they took the time to lay out the grid

they would have taken the time to dig several very deep deposits

and set several death traps to protect them

Two foot of soil left the possibility that wild animals traversing the deposits wouyld have caused erosion and thus the bars


Watch Coyotes after you bury something in the wild

they scent fresh turned earth from miles away

they will indeed dig into it to seek prey

Gotta contend that some old dudes made up a Hoax to sell Magazines

Hard to fool the experts with that one kiddies

Critical Thinking is a Process

and this Hippies Critical Thinking Process has Processed this story as BS

I have notice that thee bars are nice and clean. I think that is odd.

Wow. I would never have noticed that, never the less come up with my own conclusion that was backed up with facts.

You should listen to real,unless you have located bars.IFf I remember the bars had ruff chiseled markings..

Tony Jolly helped Doc hid some caches and came back and recovered 10 bars. Tony sat on the bars in California for a year before getting help to dispose of them. Jolly made four trips back to NM before he found the 10 bar stash. After that wait to dispose of the gold he and some others that helped him returned and got another 10 bars. Not many people know that. Jolly is long dead and if he was alive he would be able to find the rest. The treasure was and is real but long stolen by the criminals in office. 970275_10151579300613282_1542629873_n.webp

tony jolly could never prove what you just claimed, do you have proof of this. please post it .np:cat:

REAL, I agree 100% with what you just posted,

Treasureminder2, I have read a lot of your post, do you really think that the govt did all the things you claim. I knew a lot of the people personally that you have mentioned, and I would think that if you knew them just as well as you claim, what makes you think they wouldn't be behind some of the things you claimed happened to you .np:cat:

Treasureminder2, I have read a lot of your post, do you really think that the govt did all the things you claim. I knew a lot of the people personally that you have mentioned, and I would think that if you knew them just as well as you claim, what makes you think they wouldn't be behind some of the things you claimed happened to you .np:cat:

I like how you talk , as with this statement of yours : ' what makes you think"

What Makes you think , that you know how I think ?

and ,,, : " and I would think "

Think again .

To point it out to you AGAIN

I know way more than I have ever said .

I'll give you a small hint :

ask yourself how the ONFP ( Jerry Cheatum especially ) Got their hands on my Fathers' Treasure Hunting Portfolio ?

and NO , I did not give/sell it to them .

I already stated there were five groups that I know of that were after the TREASURE
that I found and photographed .

One was a Private entity ,,, a GROUP of non Gov. is waht I am saying

The Top Financier of that Group owns at least one Private Jet .

So what makes you think big boy ?

no need to answer me , I am fully aware you live in a separate World then mine .

I already know what you'll reply

I already know how you think

Believe ,, I already know .

and here is the sweetest attribute of that knowledge I have ,, : " I COULD NOT CARE LESS "

it's in the past
it is a done dead dog

and no one out of any of the groups , got a darn thing they thought they would

and " THAT " is the Best Part ,

Some in fact : DIED while trying

and Karma get's no better than that .

Now try to smile as you hiss your response .

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