What are the current theories?


I Totally Agree about Rog


Seems to me that treasure-minder aka Roger Snow(?) has an aweful LOT to be aggrevated about. When the forum moderators delete his posts is like adding insult to injury, from my perspective. His being a descendant of Doc Noss(this is what I am assuming as factual), it also seems to me he should be shown an extra modicum of respect by all members here. Everyone OUTSIDE of this forum has been pissing on this man's leg and telling him it is raining, most of his life. His life has been a nightmare, I am sure. The moderators should be ashamed for doing what they did. They should have gone the extra mile with this man, at the very least asking him to accept their apologies for the wrongs they have done to him here. I don't see him flaming anyone. But, my experience has been that some people try to provoke others that are very tightly wrapped, as Roger is, JUST FOR SICK REASONS.And, they do it in such as a way as not to get noticed by the moderators.I'm NOT stating that is what has happenned here, but I have seen it on many other forums.They just kinds gently touch maybe two or three "buttons", then sit back and wait.Kinda like gentle-baiting. But, I personally am very supportive and sympathetic of his plight. People should take his long hard battles into consideration, and try to understand.

I totally agree with you morbiusandneo

I totally agree with you morbiusandneo

I would agree also. But I dont think Roger is a descendant of Doc Noss.
I do believe he has a lot to offer those of us who want to continue his legacy, and he may have a short time to do so. That should be considered also, his time is limited.
He is trying to get his story out and the info out while he can. A site like this one should do everything possible to welcome his input.
I think he is baited into "going off" and then he gets banned.
Well anyway, thats my 2 cents.

I think Rog's self control is underestimated. There's a lot of theatre in the mix. Best lies have truth in them. Straightline truth or not, I miss his take on things. Wish others would jump on him a bit less, and that he could stay on the right side of the line more, even if he's been wronged (much of which is old history and has nothing to do with recent posts). Maybe he'd stop posting anyways if there was no push back to play to, so this pattern may be all well ever get. Oh well.

I would agree also. But I dont think Roger is a descendant of Doc Noss.
I do believe he has a lot to offer those of us who want to continue his legacy, and he may have a short time to do so. That should be considered also, his time is limited.
He is trying to get his story out and the info out while he can. A site like this one should do everything possible to welcome his input.
I think he is baited into "going off" and then he gets banned.
Well anyway, thats my 2 cents.

I think Rog's self control is underestimated. There's a lot of theatre in the mix. Best lies have truth in them. Straightline truth or not, I miss his take on things. Wish others would jump on him a bit less, and that he could stay on the right side of the line more, even if he's been wronged (much of which is old history and has nothing to do with recent posts). Maybe he'd stop posting anyways if there was no push back to play to, so this pattern may be all well ever get. Oh well.

Not all, but most posts in the "Treasure Legends" threads are for entertainment - repeating or creating campfire tales. If you're looking for truth, you're in the wrong place. Critical thinkers frequently get discouraged here.

*,SDC, while most would equate this forum to a fishermans forum I do not believe that I have ever added to it with falsehoods.. Most of my posts are first hand and succesful, so are the truth, but then sometimes the story is so camplex from having been told over and over again, with personal observations being added both intelligently and emotionally each time,so many with personal convictions, that the truth can no longer be recognized. But with hard work the wheat can be separated from the chaff. This I have done with La Tarasca, Las Pimas, La Glorie pan and with the Tayopa legend, In this manner this forum is valuable is kindling an interest in treasures.and similar tales.It serves a very useful purpose in indoctrinating a new comer to research.

There is probably no story found in this forum whih will take you by the hand and lead you to a treasure. Possiibly I can, but that is because I am getting too damn old - am 94 now. and would not like to see my work disappear like me. also my leads are principally in Mexico.


Not all, but most posts in the "Treasure Legends" threads are for entertainment - repeating or creating campfire tales. If you're looking for truth, you're in the wrong place. Critical thinkers frequently get discouraged here.

OK, then where to look for something beyond the static documents everyone already has access to?

Certainly not in the "Signs and Symbols" forum, unless those guys really do have time-hopping x-ray vision, and the old civs in North America had time to carve 100 monkeys or whatever instead of operating their mines, or while running for their lives.

I think I *have* learned new things from being around TNet, including definitely from you sdcfia, and have incorporated them into my operating "themes". The proof of the value in what I think I have learned will be proven or remain unknown until/unless I find something at the intersection of history and unambiguous tangible value. I say the same for *anyone* else - you don't have experimental evidence until there is a recovery. And as I've said before, even that does not *prove* that your thinking or methods were correct, you could have just been lucky! Such is the problem with trying to put History, Archaeology, etc. in the same sphere as Science, where the word "proof" has a lot more weight {queue the responses "science is not always right/does not know everything/I found a piece of old paper that supports my position - sigh}.

Sounds hopeless? Yes and no. Just not as linear as most would prefer. One thing is for sure, some time on the ground is required, but you are almost at square one without research before hand, too.

I like this video (hope it does not violate terms and conditions here):

(regarding the video, interesting about the lead map similar to Schade's Lost Adams spoon)

Oh, and I think I have tried to post useful information, some even on-topic, and including pictures! Some of my theme stuff has definitely paid off time and again, but I have more to offer in terms of prospecting than the much less repeatable (IMHO) "treasure" endeavor. (though the mineral wealth had to come from somewhere)

So in that regard: Vic vs. Caballos? Lot's more gold in the Caballos and nearby.

Good luck everybody!

OK, then where to look for something beyond the static documents everyone already has access to?

The material "everyone already has access to" has already been sliced and diced by the hoards for generations, presumably to no avail. You could say that there must be another way of looking at it that will provide the answer you're looking for, I guess, but to me it's clear that the well-known material lacks the full truth and is likely worthless (other than the entertainment value it has).

Where else to look? Either you are fortunate and somehow obtain genuine, telling proprietary information from some hitherto unknown source, or you get real creative and search for obscure information that nobody else has turned up, at least something that anyone is currently aware of. You can't control the first option - it has to be in your stars. If it is, you can then quote Bob Dylan - "I can't help it if I'm lucky." It's my opinion that you don't find treasure - treasure finds you.

The second option - creative hard work - you can control. Lots of "what ifs". Dig and sift. Keep it up and you may find a nugget or two in the sand. mdog is good at this - the Treasure Mountain thread proves it. Most people aren't willing to work that hard. Rule of thumb here, IMO, is to go after treasures that few people have heard of.

The material "everyone already has access to" has already been sliced and diced by the hoards for generations, presumably to no avail. You could say that there must be another way of looking at it that will provide the answer you're looking for, I guess, but to me it's clear that the well-known material lacks the full truth and is likely worthless (other than the entertainment value it has).

Where else to look? Either you are fortunate and somehow obtain genuine, telling proprietary information from some hitherto unknown source, or you get real creative and search for obscure information that nobody else has turned up, at least something that anyone is currently aware of. You can't control the first option - it has to be in your stars. If it is, you can then quote Bob Dylan - "I can't help it if I'm lucky." It's my opinion that you don't find treasure - treasure finds you.

The second option - creative hard work - you can control. Lots of "what ifs". Dig and sift. Keep it up and you may find a nugget or two in the sand. mdog is good at this - the Treasure Mountain thread proves it. Most people aren't willing to work that hard. Rule of thumb here, IMO, is to go after treasures that few people have heard of.

Ah yes, the treasure is the beautiful mountains and rivers of New Mexico. Every canyon is a new and beautiful world. Exercise, both metal and physical, nothing better. Not only enjoying the incredible scenery and seclusion, but add to it the remote possibility that you could actually stumble across a bar of gold, an old leather saddle bag, and old spanish mine entrance and the day becomes a wonderful experience. Maybe the real treasure is keeping your body fit enough to overcome the challenge of the mountains. Every day spent in the mountains is its reward and its own treasure to me. Just meeting the challenge of the terrain is a reward in itself. Do I believe there are treasures buried out there? oh yes, without a doubt. Thats the icing on the cake. Its like hunting. I dont need to kill an animal every time out, in fact the longer the hunt takes, the greater it feels. The harder the challenge the better it feels in the end.

This treasure stuff is probly the most challenging endeavor i have undertaken. If i spend 10 years exploring and enjoying the mountains its a hell of a lot better than sitting on the couch watching tv, growing feeble and wishing and thinking about the "glory days".
Just my humble opinion but I do believe Doc and Tony found a cave full of gold bars in the Caballo mountains, that to this day is still there. And I am going to find it. I may not even exploit it. No need to. But just finding it is the holy grail for me.


Ah yes, the treasure is the beautiful mountains and rivers of New Mexico. Every canyon is a new and beautiful world. Exercise, both metal and physical, nothing better. Not only enjoying the incredible scenery and seclusion, but add to it the remote possibility that you could actually stumble across a bar of gold, an old leather saddle bag, and old spanish mine entrance and the day becomes a wonderful experience. Maybe the real treasure is keeping your body fit enough to overcome the challenge of the mountains. Every day spent in the mountains is its reward and its own treasure to me. Just meeting the challenge of the terrain is a reward in itself. Do I believe there are treasures buried out there? oh yes, without a doubt. Thats the icing on the cake. Its like hunting. I dont need to kill an animal every time out, in fact the longer the hunt takes, the greater it feels. The harder the challenge the better it feels in the end.

This treasure stuff is probly the most challenging endeavor i have undertaken. If i spend 10 years exploring and enjoying the mountains its a hell of a lot better than sitting on the couch watching tv, growing feeble and wishing and thinking about the "glory days".
Just my humble opinion but I do believe Doc and Tony found a cave full of gold bars in the Caballo mountains, that to this day is still there. And I am going to find it. I may not even exploit it. No need to. But just finding it is the holy grail for me.


We're on the same page, rat. I forfeited years in the absolute prime of my life on the working end of a pick and shovel (a 36" old-fashioned crowbar is an excellent digging tool, by the way). Not a damned thing to show for it, but no regrets either - they were the best years of my life. My only advice - consider any failures as learning opportunities and be willing to move on when the time comes.

Probably been posted before, but is this Willie saying that the Cab's (his place anyways) are empty?


We're on the same page, rat. I forfeited years in the absolute prime of my life on the working end of a pick and shovel (a 36" old-fashioned crowbar is an excellent digging tool, by the way). Not a damned thing to show for it, but no regrets either - they were the best years of my life. My only advice - consider any failures as learning opportunities and be willing to move on when the time comes.

Thomas Edison was once asked how it felt to fail 1000 times. He replied, I did not fail, inventing the light bulb was a 1000 step process. Learning something each step.
As an inventor for my entire life, I can relate to this, and also applies to treasure hunting. Every place I look that the treasure is not, is one more step to knowing where it is.
Each expedition is not a failure, its another step toward the goal.


Probably been posted before, but is this Willie saying that the Cab's (his place anyways) are empty?

<Video Link in previous post>

He seems to say several interesting things:

1) His cave is empty
2) He tried or did join the Army?
3) Buster Ward did not die as reported? He says Buster's been drunk for 20 years, but he supposedly did not live that long according to what I've read. Then he sort of backpedals real fast. Memory problem, or?
4) The worst torture was the spark plugs of a running car - worse than the cigarette burns

He also sort of confesses to one of the several murders that have been pinned on him by various sources and such.

What's your eyeball lie detector say on this guy?

Sorry if this is a re-hash. I'll go read more and leave this alone if someone throws me a link to old stuff already covering this.

He seems to say several interesting things:

1) His cave is empty
2) He tried or did join the Army?
3) Buster Ward did not die as reported? He says Buster's been drunk for 20 years, but he supposedly did not live that long according to what I've read. Then he sort of backpedals real fast. Memory problem, or?
4) The worst torture was the spark plugs of a running car - worse than the cigarette burns

He also sort of confesses to one of the several murders that have been pinned on him by various sources and such.

What's your eyeball lie detector say on this guy?

Sorry if this is a re-hash. I'll go read more and leave this alone if someone throws me a link to old stuff already covering this.

You like the interview? You'll love Willie's book. He wrote it after high-tailing it out of New Mexico for California, using his alias of Laurence Foreman. Click on the cover to get the entire text (loads very slowly). Passport to Eternity

You like the interview? You'll love Willie's book. He wrote it after high-tailing it out of New Mexico for California, using his alias of Laurence Foreman. Click on the cover to get the entire text (loads very slowly). Passport to Eternity

In the video, supposed Willie D. says that after the treasure excitement, it was hard for him to get his thrills. Thus the attempt at the Army, etc. Maybe the book is another example? I had not heard anything about the Army, so was wondering if the good researcher folks had already documented this or if it's a blank spot. Imagine you actually found a "big one", and lived in 1930's-1940's society. What's next after that? <Messes hair up real tall, applies spray tan> Aliens!

After a couple pages, the writing comes across as not too bad. I might actually poke at the volume a bit from time to time when idle.

A Quote from Steve

" Not a damned thing to show for it, "

If you'd had hooked up with those criminals that swiped that Sword and 3 goldbars at Massacre Peak Petro's

Maybe , just Maybe , your Friend that went over the edge with them , and you , well , maybe they would have shared some
with you .

But Hey I'm not being a Snot Steve ,

yeah , I know a frick of a lot more then you , the ,, ahem ,, anyone would believe I know, so when you read my Initial Post
starting with " In 1996 a Research Team "

well , I can imagine you taking a step back and wondering " Who is this Guy " how's he know ?

ok , this is presentation of what I know , can we agree to call it that ?

I'll do a Post later themed " What If ? "

is that fine with all of us ?

Being polite here , ok ?

Alrighty .

I'm going to recount the Activity of Black Robed Monks , a Caravan of Carretas filled with Bars , Jewels , and other Precious
to " Some Men " Artifacts , as it took Place at our Little Smelter Silver Mine that a Photo of , I posted .

Good Idea ?

Ok , before we roll on that , Too many times have I been asked how I know , and that usually from some spies involved
with The CRIMINALS who have for a couple decades , Been Pilfering The Mine Shaft/ Smelter ,

They Know I know of their Crimes , they wish to know " HOW " I know it <----<<< Fact , not spoof , let's all stay real , I will
if you will ,, good Idea ?

Answer for once and for all of their little Worms in their Criminal Squad , ( Yes , I see you reading Boys and Girls , figure that one out )
Parentheses Statement not directed at Members here , we've got unseen to you company folks )

you have guessed it to be the C.I.A. That's Informing me .

The C.I.A. doesn't Have a Care , nor the resources , Man Power , agenda to get involved in stupid Crap .

They do their Job , overseas , and not do a job on Home Soil passing intel to an Old Burnt out Toothless Goof Ball like me .

I finally stated it , stated it over and over for months on the Forums .

In Gratitude for my service to my Country , in a special Venue that they had little resource to tap , They Collect Data , if my Name is
attached to that Data , and if it is Felt that ,,, say ,,, a Squad of Worms are a Threat to my Person .

The Data is given as I ask , and not in a way that can be Monitored, Tapped into , Hacked .

So what's this have to do with That Treasure out there in the Cookes and Elsewhere ?

Man , there's so much tied in on those , it has everything involved , crosses Continents , touches a Ton of People and Time lines .

and even the so called " Paranormal " ( Just because a species cannot obtain the ability , doesn't mean it's Para , It's Normal ,
They Just perceive it as Para-Normal <---<<< Fact , no woo woo )

The Depositing as seen from above as it's Taking Place , what I write here is Fact , it is actually the Truth , as it happened , and how it
was done .

BTW , somebody pop up " NP's Leedle Map for us please , I'll display something for you , using it , then Post a Photo later , it'll cause you to Gasp
and Hold your Breath for a Couple seconds ,, No Lie , it will indeed .

Locate and Find the Photo I posted of the Mine/Smelter Entrance a page or two Back , it helps to look at the Lay of the Land as
I describe the event ,, ok ?

Never mind , I just opened one in Paint , Red Line with Arrow head Points to location of two Trains of " Carts ' filled with ,,, hmmm ,, stuff

Blackline is Daisy Train of Black Robes , Two Lines of Them , one to an Opposite side Entrance , The Symbol of , I posted a Page Back .

These are Facts , ok , not spoof , Fact , Trust is not given easy , yes , I understand that , Try if you can , this is really what went
on there . I believe several Times over different time frames . Trust Please .

Good , be back to Roll with the recounting of the Event . Sun Rise side of El Chato 006.webp

Has anyone looked for the bars that Tony Jolly buried with Doc?

What do you think? Was the gold really in a cave at Victorio Peak, as Doc Noss stated? Did the government get the gold in the 1960'2 or 1970's????

Hi...I was wondering if anyone has looked for the bars that Tony Jolly said he buried with Doc?
Is there anyway to look on the WSMR?

From what I heard/know, ::) There JUST! Might be another undisturbed & NOT! Robbed, cavern!
The exit/entrance is outside the Proving Grds !
"Comanchero" knows any Old Time Apaches from The Mescalero Reservation, ???
He/They can verify this! ::)
They are inclined, to reveal what they know of the Two other, than original, entrances! ::)
I don't know where the inside the Proving Grds Entrance is located,
I have a very good Idea where the other, (outside the Proving Grds) is!
In case you or someone else thinks, this is "BS" !
I will be more than glad, to meet you or HIM! (And! He knows who "HE" is! )in Las Cruces, and we go out and see if it is the entrance!
Why haven't I been out there?
I have had FOUR (4)! ( NM.) FRIENDS DIE in the past couple of years!
Is this just a coincidence ?
They were all involved in some way, with "DOC's CACHE" !
Two, Family members, & Two, close, friends of the family!
HEY! ::)
I'll shoot it out! :-\ with anything or "body" !
Witness my FEMA Confurtation !
When it comes to The Supernatural" ..
I'm Chicken!
I'm all out of Silver Bullets!
I'm docs great great nephew. I'd be willing to get to the bottom of all this . He was older by 20years then his supposedly reported age as far as I am aware.

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