Were you ever used by a detecting buddy ?

Greed sucks. We live, we learn.

I,m new to this hobby....

and i just can,t see how someone would be that sneaky or greedy over detecting.

Maybe I,m niave... but this is just a hobby... is it fair to say that 95% of detectorists are doing it for fun... not for profit ???????

As the old saying goes, "Loose lips sinks ships". It is a good idea to never reveal sites you discover on your own to anyone. Our hobby is highly competitive and to some, friendship or "fair play" means nothing. I introduced someone to the hobby once who turned out to be unethical. Never did it again. Like yourself, I learned that lesson the hard way. Some enjoys the company of others while detecting and to each his/her own but for me it will always be a solitary pursuit. Too bad that happened to you, but you can always find new sites but this time keep a tight lip! Good luck and HHing!

What you get for being nice.Some people are just "One Way people".If ya ever feel the need for hunting company,take a buddy to a place that you have hit hard,9 times out of ten these place still contain something to be found.We never find it all.To me that is being nice enough!Happy Hunting bro!

That is why my buddy and I keep almost all of our places to ourselves.

why do you think i haven't told anyone about the french cache i found from the french indian war?

or the ldm mine

As a life long avid deer hunter, I learned many years ago an important lesson. When you put a lot of time, effort and money (ie..blood, sweat and tears so to speak) into something that you are passionate about pursuing........keep it to your dang self if your not willing to accept having it all "poached" right out from under you. Detecting/treasure hunting is a different pursuit, but the same principle applies.......TR

Yep, been in your position too. I'm too honest, trustworthy, generous and I learned my lesson. I detect alone most of the time.
Sorry to hear about that scumbag poaching your spot.

I've never been in that situation as my hunting partner is my better half but I have read several threads like this and it makes me I'll sometimes at the greedy nature of humans.I'm sorry that happened to you.

I don't even tell my co-workers, because lots of people have metal detectors, and news of great finds can spread fast.

I always hunt alone.Secret spots are no longer secret spots when you tell someone else about it.

I took two of my buddies (they begged) to my best arrowhead spot many years ago, and we found a few as always. No Clovis or Knife River flint, but ordinary stuff.

They went back without me a week later and didn't ask permission from the farmer. Needless to say, he wouldn't allow anyone on his property again - can't blame him.

this has happened to me in the past. i try to look at it like this.. nice people are nice people, never allow something like this to change you. i continue to show people my hunting spots in hopes that they will respect me, however i do hold some spots back until i can hunt them some. for me a hunting buddy is a safety thing, plus as most of the old timers know my coil can miss the same things your coil will miss. no spot is ever hunted out unless its bull dozed. Happy Hunting!

Of course it has almost EVERYTHING to do with the person. I only hunt with a few people, and we all sorta share our spots...most of them have been hunted heavily, but things still pop out every now and then. Plus we all have an understanding not to hunt spots that the other has founded without them.

its not worth losing a freindship over a couple 2 dollar silver dimes

I had an experience one time. It was probably 30 years ago. I took a small group of people on a treasure hunt in Colorado. One of them I knew just through the others. When on the hunt he began acting skiddish. Then, it escalated to almost paranoia. His emotional state regarding what he was going to do when we found something so spooked the rest of us that we packed it in early and left. There is nothing worse than someone getting a dangerous 'Gold Fever'.

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