Were you ever used by a detecting buddy ?

Wow, this is really a sad thread. But then again, I guess I'm fortunate to have an awesome detecting buddy! I met him through this site actually back in 2007 and we have hunted together more times than I can count. Some, very memorable hunts and some great times too.

I realized the good character of this man early on when after an old plantation hunt he mentioned that a local antique dealer was closing up shop and had a bag of coins that he wanted to sell. We arrived at the store and out from the back came an older gentleman. Albert asked him about the bag of coins and the man produced a large heavy plastic bank bag full of old coins of all kinds. We could see many nice ones in the bag, Seated halfs, Silver dollars, and even a couple of gold coins. The man wanted $1200 for the bag. Albert said "I'll take it", and paid him.

He asked if he and I could sit at a table off to the side of the counter and look through the coins and see what he just bought. The man said sure, stay as long as you like, he would be in the office. Well, we started looking through them and it was chocked full of awesome coins! When he dumped the last few from the bag to the table, my eyes just about popped out of my head! We saw a HUGE gold man's Lion head ring!!!! This sucker easily weighed over an ounce!

Now mind you, my buddy could have easily put this ring back in the bag and walk out the front door. But no..... he took it back to the old man, stuck out his hand and said " You didn't mean for this ring to be in the bag did you?" The man's face turned white as a ghost! "Oh my God" he said, "I have been looking for that ring for years!" "I had it custom made from my mother's gold jewelry after she passed, and have no idea how it got into that bag."

"I thought it had to be something special" Albert said, "and I'm glad You have it back now". Yep, I have a pretty special huntin' buddy.

Integrity is a word that comes to mind. Stories like these should be spoken of more often. HH.

It is a sad thing to lose a hunting buddy over being manipulated. I know.

Indeed, then to be re stroked on a forum. I started this thread with NO names, NO locations, NO dates. But ego or emotional instability apparently took over and he had to interject himself. If I gave my side again, which I deleted, and not this sanitised propaganda, your head would swim. If I was such a selfish hole as he implies, why did I spoon feed my best sites to buddy? And ask him what he really did with his finds. Museum ? Really ? This whole thing turns my guts and I wish that I'd never started the thread. Courtney, you know what I could say, yet I chose to delete it. Now I see that you left your junk in this thread. No surprises I suppose as it is true to character. I don't even know why I'm defending myself, this is absurd. Whatever the mods choose to do with this thread means nothing to me. I'll never look at it again.

Ego is a horrible master. One we seldom recognize in ourselves.

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