Were you ever used by a detecting buddy ?

It is all coming together now.
i see that you were not the innocent "just want to help a new guy out" kinda guy but rather, " I wanna help a new guy out, but really I want it all to myself and I hate me for opening my big yap".
Explain this. You e- mailed me about a month ago and requested I send all the money I have so that you could help pay a $2350.00 hotel bill in Ireland because you got mugged and the hotel manager wouldn't let you leave until you paid the bill. You were scheduled to leave in 3 days from when you sent the message.
I call your house, get a busy signal? 3 mins later no answer and never since then including last night.
At the first mention of involving the police ( while you were still stuck in Ireland ) you stopped begging me for money.
i would love to see some receipts or any proof that you went on any holidays.
if that wansn't enough I was willing to give you my last $100 while I got kids at home and I have been laid off for a month! Until I got the fishy smell of course.
Now I have had my turn to vent, don't bother calling me back. I can see this friendship is not worth maintaining, however I do completely forgive you, just wanted to share my side.
If any one wants to argue the $2300.00 I can do a quick copy/paste and moderators can confirm the e-mail address.

Is this a bad joke or are you serious? Do you not realize you got a scam email, regardless of what name it came under? Everyone I know has gotten one of those emails, it's the new form of the "nigerian prince" scam.

Trying very, very, very hard to take the high ground and not re shred what was posted. Incredibly ironic considering the circumstances.

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Too much drama. Why can't we all just get along? This is not the place to air grievances.

I regret replying to this. You could easily have shredded everything i wrote here, but you had the decency to spare me many tongue lashings on this forum.
I give you my utmost apology. Take care.

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I'm a lone hunter. I would hunt with other TH'ers, but probably not share my best spots.

Like i said before i hunt about 98% of the time by my self so i do not have any problems like that ….. It could be almost 100% of the time by my self i can not remember the last time i hunted with some one…..So you see i have no problems …

Well I really hate too read and hear this cause I really was was hoping too find a person to trust around here to metal detect with out in the desert but sometime life sucks and most of my life has sucked but I got a good wife a great jeep a new detector coming tues the 28th and a plan, hopefully God's onboard and we'll find something heavy big and gold colored.

Well I really hate too read and hear this cause I really was was hoping too find a person to trust around here to metal detect with out in the desert but sometime life sucks and most of my life has sucked but I got a good wife a great jeep a new detector coming tues the 28th and a plan, hopefully God's onboard and we'll find something heavy big and gold colored.

Hope all your dreams are infused with a golden glow and that they all come true!

Wow, this is really a sad thread. But then again, I guess I'm fortunate to have an awesome detecting buddy! I met him through this site actually back in 2007 and we have hunted together more times than I can count. Some, very memorable hunts and some great times too.

I realized the good character of this man early on when after an old plantation hunt he mentioned that a local antique dealer was closing up shop and had a bag of coins that he wanted to sell. We arrived at the store and out from the back came an older gentleman. Albert asked him about the bag of coins and the man produced a large heavy plastic bank bag full of old coins of all kinds. We could see many nice ones in the bag, Seated halfs, Silver dollars, and even a couple of gold coins. The man wanted $1200 for the bag. Albert said "I'll take it", and paid him.

He asked if he and I could sit at a table off to the side of the counter and look through the coins and see what he just bought. The man said sure, stay as long as you like, he would be in the office. Well, we started looking through them and it was chocked full of awesome coins! When he dumped the last few from the bag to the table, my eyes just about popped out of my head! We saw a HUGE gold man's Lion head ring!!!! This sucker easily weighed over an ounce!

Now mind you, my buddy could have easily put this ring back in the bag and walk out the front door. But no..... he took it back to the old man, stuck out his hand and said " You didn't mean for this ring to be in the bag did you?" The man's face turned white as a ghost! "Oh my God" he said, "I have been looking for that ring for years!" "I had it custom made from my mother's gold jewelry after she passed, and have no idea how it got into that bag."

"I thought it had to be something special" Albert said, "and I'm glad You have it back now". Yep, I have a pretty special huntin' buddy.

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