Welcome to the site! Please post an introduction thread.

Hi I'm Dan, UK based and am really just looking for some information on symbols I have been unable to pin down in pieces of furniture I have acquired over the years.
1st - Welcome Aboard! Take a look at FORUM: UNITED KINGDOM for information (i.e., clubs, etc.) directly related to your current country.
2nd - I will assume your "furniture" is very old, etc. So, you might consider posting your furniture on ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES > FURNITURE for help...

Hey - I'm from Southwest Pennsylvania - started metal detecting in the mid-1980's with a Bounty Hunter Big Bud and detected often through the early 90's untiI I got married and started a family. The kids are grown up and away from home now, so I have started back into the hobby. I have a Nokta Legend which is amazing compared to my old Bounty Hunter, and always on the lookout for new permissions to detect on. I live in a 1860's farmhouse, so I can always head out into the yard to get my detecting fix. I still find good targets over ground that I've detected dozens of times.

im looking to talk to people who might be interested in this redbone cave treasure. I think there might be some creedance to the story. Although it may have already been found if it existed, i would love to talk about it with other people

New England Greetings - to all the T-Hunters extraordinaire! Our group of four underwater historians is the Seacoast Undersea Research Group Expedition, and we're based out of Portsmouth, NH. We're focused upon one high-priority quest: Location and identity of 3 U-boats believed to be on the bottom off southern Maine, and NH. Through our research, we have considerable evidence of their existence, although the 'official' records of the events are still sealed under the highest classifications. Nevertheless, we have enough coordinate evidence, and anecdotical information that we're pursuing those sites commencing this month. Any information you may have that would shed more light onto this venture, will be greatly appreciated! We'll be employing a mag for the initial hits, and once located, identification through prop stampings, most likely. In terms of tangible treasure, these are true grave sites, and our identification of the U-number will be the impetus to contact the GDR, and notify any current family members. Our other projects involve actual treasure, so we'll post our findings as they materialize. Really anxious to connect with folks of similar interest. Cheers! ~ Buzz
Newbie here from Finger Lakes region NY- my name is Laura and I'm more of a fossil/rock treasure hunter but lately have been looking into more archaeology/anthropology finds and sites! Love looking at all the awesome metal detecting finds on here!

Newbie here from Central Texas, my son (11 years old) and I have recently started metal detecting here are some pictures of stuff we have found from our spot we call "the honey hole"


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Newbie here from Finger Lakes region NY- my name is Laura and I'm more of a fossil/rock treasure hunter but lately have been looking into more archaeology/anthropology finds and sites! Love looking at all the awesome metal detecting finds on here!
I have family in the Auburn area. Beautiful area this time of year!

Hello, new member here from central Oklahoma. I buy and sell vintage and antique jewelry and always have questions. Looking forward to a lot of new knowledge! Thank you

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