Hey everyone😃 Ken here... I live on the coast southern UK, I love trawling charity shops and boot sales, had some great finds over the years🤓 Coins are my thing... Preferably Victorian, but I'll take anything Ag😃
Hey on the coast southern UK...
Just got back in the forum, been a few years, still with my DFX and hunting when time and weather allow here in Texas. Hopeing these 72 year old knees keep bending!!!!
Wanting to get back into detecting. I have an old White but I'm looking into buying a new one. What i've seen of the site I like it.
... I am from Perth Western Australia...
Hello from Inverary, Ontario Canada. Anyone here from Kingston, Ontario area?
Hello fellow metal detector enthusiast, treasure seekers, historians, technologists, and wanna-be-pirates...
Hey all...
...central NC...
Hello, I am new here & I detect as a hobby!...
...I came across a Bill Mahan's D-Tex Koin-King, Serial # K-10810...someone with the knowledge of how to re-wire the connections?...