In the legends, there is a story of Weiser going with Waltz, but that he was killed while waltz went for supplies.
In that story, Waltz puts Weiser’s body down into the mine, and entombed him there.
It said Waltz spent the winter covering up his mine, so to leave no trace.
This is the mine across the canyon from his hidden camp.
What do you imagine Waltz used to cover up his mine?
It said he enlarged the opening to the mine to make a shelf, that was sloped to match the slope of the terrain. The shelf was to support logs crisscrossed over the opening. Then some dirt and rocks. Then the cache of what was $75,000 in gold back in the 1800’s.
Then he covered everything over …. No trace.
So would he use bushes, cacti, dirt, rocks,…??
Whatever he used, it was not readily recognizable, or it would not qualify as “left no trace”.
After much research, the spot crossed the canyon from the hidden camp, where the mine should be located, there is only a giant pile of rock. ….. approximately 40’ across, is the size of this pile of rock.
There is also a map, a plot map, and it shows the layout of Waltz’s ravine.
It shows locations of both mines, the caches, and the hidden camp.
I finally realized, with the lack of loose soil, and the abundance of rocks , that Waltz must have used rocks to bury his mine.
Here is the pile of rocks, where the mine should be located.
View attachment 2104022
Bottom center of the cropped photograph is the very large pile of rock.
Under that pile of rock is a mine, with a cache on top. All buried under that rock …. I know, because the next year, I went back in, and started moving some rock.
We also took a piece of equipment similar to what Kesserling was using, to look for things around Marsh Valley area.
The equipment said I had been moving rock almost directly center of the cache, and deposit.
I had heart issues that I was not aware of , and almost did not make it back out.
Since then, I have been recovering, and I hope to go back this fall, and finish proving that this is the LDM.
Axer, I doubt there are any recognizable parts left of a frying pan. 🥴
Things I left on site, just the year before, were rusted beyond usability.
Rope was 1/2 way disintegrated. The elements are very harsh out there.
Anyway, I believe that pile of rock, is Weiser’s Gravesite.