Weird event in Philadelphia suburbs, maybe treasure related?

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nitric- i dont think john wants to bury treasure, i think he wants to know who buried what he found and why. dont you? theres no need to question how to go about burying treasure. you just dig a hole and drop the treasure in. i think hes more interested in their motivation and if theres more out there. read his story again, thats alot of trouble to go through for frankincense. i agree the note is the key and we are already working on it. i just want to answer his question.

I agree, We are just headed in different directions I guess. I might be misleading myself into thinking, or over thinking the subject!

Very, interesting to say the least! I think most will agree?

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our team has been preparing for contact with the magi subgroup since January 2013. the real wise men were from ancient persia so we expect them to have a iranian language. that is, a language descended from proto-iranian. these guys dont mess around. it looks like some posters have the same idea. bakheet- urdo is in the iranian language family but im sure you knew that. the other possibilities were considering are aimaq, alanian, avestan, azai, bactrian, bahktiari, bajelan, balochi, bashkardi, bukhari, caspian, central sorari, dari, darwazi, dehwari, dezfuli, digor ossetian, dimly, dzhidi, farsi, gilaki, gorani, hazaragi, iron ossetian, ishkashimi, jassic, judeo shirazi, judeo tat, kavir, khotani, khufi, khuzestani, khwarazmian, kohkiluyeh, koroshi, kumzari, kurmanjiki, laki, lari, lasgerdi, luri, mamasani, mazandarani, median, munji, muslim tat, northern kurmanji, ormui, ormui-parachi, pahlavani, pamiri, parachi, parthian, rushani, sanglechi, sangsari, sarikoli, sarli, sarmatian, scythian, semnani, shabaki, shughni, sivandi, soghdian, sorkhei, southern sorari, tafreshi, tajiki, talysh, tangshewi, tat, tati, tumshuqi, wakhi, waneci, yaghnobi, yazgulyam, yidgha, zaza gorani, zazaki, and zebaki. plus all the alphabets in which those languages are written. not a complete list from what i hear which might explain why your friend from from u of p never got back to you. or maybe its just because hes from u of p and doesnt have a clue! but we have plenty of manpower and will be going through them one at a time with the message you found.

Wow!!! From that list you are going to be busy for a long time! Not, sure I'm willing to go that far with the note! My brain will overload and start smoking! Then people will have a mystery of spontaneous combustion to solve!

Fellas I thought I had, this place*figured out. At least somewhat but now I am confused again. That is the way she goes. May be people my age, and technology, really*should not mix. Despite what they say. By thunder I am beginning to suspect this is a racial, religious dispute. Why is that whenever Middle Easterners or what have you, are involved, the bad attitudes come out in people. And how! My son God bless him saw it in Afghanistan. My*naval service never took me, further inland than the ports, but it was plain as day. Permit me an anecdote. At an old kasbah in Malaga a bosun was berating a Muslim, soon his mates joined in and laid*the poor man*out flat. It took, five of*us to restrain them. The Muslim was bloodied. Now this bosun called him foul names and worse, that do not deserve to be reprinted. Make no mistake he laid him out because the man was different. He was flesh and blood like the rest of us but he wore a turban so he was "different." That bosun was little more than a boy meanwhile we are all men. Do we act like it? I do not believe the race religion or creed of these men the Bedouins should matter. Gentlemen, you are treasure hunters, what is buried is the issue not the beliefs of the fellows who put it in the ground. Good heavens must this black cloud over Warrington treasure raise, its ugly head, every day we talk about it. If you follow me. Money makes me suspicious old or not. Now people know what is going on here or claim to and when they try to explain they are threatened. My hope, that we had moved past this but not the case it seems. Treasure hunters drawn into, the drama of intolerance. Tugrad your knowledge makes you dangerous for what reason I cannot tell. But do not trust my anecdotes only, heavens no read the news day by day to see the hate between men. The Bedouins in Warrington are "different" and so they are taboo. This is shameful. People know what is happening but they are warned not to answer, I ask them for help and they cannot give it they are not permitted to. You have my attention. What is it about information that men try to hide and bury. Like redacted lines in government papers, like treasure.

By thunder I am so frustrated that, I forgot about the additional photo. I have just taken it. The pen, is for scale.


Fellas I thought I had, this place*figured out. At least somewhat but now I am confused again. That is the way she goes. May be people my age, and technology, really*should not mix. Despite what they say. By thunder I am beginning to suspect this is a racial, religious dispute. Why is that whenever Middle Easterners or what have you, are involved, the bad attitudes come out in people. And how! My son God bless him saw it in Afghanistan. My*naval service never took me, further inland than the ports, but it was plain as day. Permit me an anecdote. At an old kasbah in Malaga a bosun was berating a Muslim, soon his mates joined in and laid*the poor man*out flat. It took, five of*us to restrain them. The Muslim was bloodied. Now this bosun called him foul names and worse, that do not deserve to be reprinted. Make no mistake he laid him out because the man was different. He was flesh and blood like the rest of us but he wore a turban so he was "different." That bosun was little more than a boy meanwhile we are all men. Do we act like it? I do not believe the race religion or creed of these men the Bedouins should matter. Gentlemen, you are treasure hunters, what is buried is the issue not the beliefs of the fellows who put it in the ground. Good heavens must this black cloud over Warrington treasure raise, its ugly head, every day we talk about it. If you follow me. Money makes me suspicious old or not. Now people know what is going on here or claim to and when they try to explain they are threatened. My hope, that we had moved past this but not the case it seems. Treasure hunters drawn into, the drama of intolerance. Tugrad your knowledge makes you dangerous for what reason I cannot tell. But do not trust my anecdotes only, heavens no read the news day by day to see the hate between men. The Bedouins in Warrington are "different" and so they are taboo. This is shameful. People know what is happening but they are warned not to answer, I ask them for help and they cannot give it they are not permitted to. You have my attention. What is it about information that men try to hide and bury. Like redacted lines in government papers, like treasure.

Why is it people accuse others of having
racial, religious issues when things don't go their way,
and someone disagrees with them ?

if that is what your hinting at,
do not accuse any member of being racist or against any religion please.

this is about a note. and maybe finding out what Game the planters are playing.

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Jeff yes this is about the note and, the frankincense and the fellows*who buried it. And why. But we it seems cannot have a discussion about it as men. Imagine if you will having seen what I saw. Would you be content in having, only the message translated, and ignoring why it was buried with frankincense, by whomever. You would not be wondering if there was anything else buried, out there? Good heavens you are a treasure hunter! I have come here for help make no mistake. I am not an expert, you and your fellows are the experts. Now why is it so, that people can be threatened, when they try to help. Tugrad appears to know what is happening here in Warrington, and others. No one is discussing the old thread. I may be old but I am finding my way around this forums. I can read the thread the one were are in. And the old thread was, last mentioned on November the twenty second. That is two days ago. Old hat if you follow me. So I am not asking the experts about, former discussions or what have you, I am curious about what happened to me. What did I see. Now if Tugrad knows I would like to hear from him. Good grief, I think there is confusion between the thread and the thread subject, to repeat I am making no inquiry of the former discussion or bad blood there. May be the bewilderment is, the old thread addressed the same issue in Warrington, about which I am curious. That is neither here, nor there. I do not agree a prior conversation that went awry, has anything to do with, the subject of the talk. My focus if you will is the note, the incense, who buried them, why, if there is anything else out there that they*put in the ground*and, so forth. Not in any way shape or form something "off topic."

all I said was don't accuse members of having racial or religious issues
with the story.

and I don't want to see this deteriorate into any accusations or Hocus Pocus,
bigfoot, aliens or 300 year old magi or whatever they are being called today.

Keep things Real.

we have another area for talking about voodoo & other hocus-pocus

Wow! Over 1800 views ... and Oak Island hasn't been mentioned once ... or did I miss that? :smileinbox:

My apolgies it was, not my aim to make accusations but to figure why I have in asking for help, received such a negative hostile reaction. If people have answers for me they should be allowed to give them. We may have, crossed signals I cannot figure how hocus pocus, bigfoot, aliens or three hundred years have a bearing on my incense and note. Or who put it in the ground, and why. Unless I have, read it incorrectly, nothing Tugrad added was related to those subjects. If you follow me. As far as, I can tell, voodoo has not been discussed here either only the treasure I found and who put it there.

so far.

however I believe if this were 70 years or so older the note would translate to
Drink more Ovaltine . sorry ! I still think it's a Kids game,
But am watching for a translation

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I'm lost again!


Jeff I throw my hands up, like in the beginning. There is some fundamental aspect of, the thinking of the treasure hunting community, that I do not understand. Good heavens what did I see out there in the woods that could affect grown men so?

Jeff I throw my hands up, like in the beginning. There is some fundamental aspect of, the thinking of the treasure hunting community, that I do not understand. Good heavens what did I see out there in the woods that could affect grown men so?

I don't know :dontknow: hunters ? campers ? kids Partying ? someone messing around playing a game ?

many possibilities come to mind
but rein-actors that the news papers have never done a story on ?
Would be rare indeed

Nitric we are peas in a pod believe you me! I was just I think, coming to comprehend, the people here. How did we go from my treasure and the Bedouins who put it there to, aliens and bigfoot? Why cannot other treasure hunters give their conclusions? I may be, more confused now than I was before!

Nitric we are peas in a pod believe you me! I was just I think, coming to comprehend, the people here. How did we go from my treasure and the Bedouins who put it there to, aliens and bigfoot? Why cannot other treasure hunters give their conclusions? I may be, more confused now than I was before!

legit conclusions are allowed, Just add proof of how those conclusions have been reached :thumbsup:

would you accept any less ?

Jeff in your experience do hunters, campers, kids partying, gaming people do this? It is not a rhetorical question I am truly curious. These are the, types of questions, and open discussion we should be having. How are we to get to the bottom of it. If you follow me. Now as for news papers, media what have they to do with it. My family and I we go caroling every year dressed in top hats, overcoats Victorian style out of Charles Dickens. An old tradition from my mother's side, God rest her soul. You might say we are, reenactors of sorts. Now then where are our spreads in the news papers? Where is my face on the cover of Time Magazine? I deserve it do I not? Or may be the media does not know everything.

Well so far this is what I think!

I don't believe there is Gold buried in the woods.

The note is really important, Probably the most important of the whole thing!

I also believe there are pieces of the story throughout the thread.

Other than that, I'm lost with the last page or so. If there were so many treasure hunters that you couldn't swing a cat without hitting one of them? There would have been something turned up! With a hundred and some buried cans, it would be hard to believe none were found, or talked about.

As far as religious or racial disagreements? I have know Idea where that even came from. I can only speak for myself, but those were not my intentions!

If it is a reenactment it should be easy to find the group after 40 or 50 years!

The note is what interests me the most!

Jeff in your experience do hunters, campers, kids partying, gaming people do this? It is not a rhetorical question I am truly curious. These are the, types of questions, and open discussion we should be having. How are we to get to the bottom of it. If you follow me. Now as for news papers, media what have they to do with it. My family and I we go caroling every year dressed in top hats, overcoats Victorian style out of Charles Dickens. An old tradition from my mother's side, God rest her soul. You might say we are, reenactors of sorts. Now then where are our spreads in the news papers? Where is my face on the cover of Time Magazine? I deserve it do I not? Or may be the media does not know everything.

Geo Cacher's will. but for the record yours is not a Geo Cache,
Everything else is just guessing at this point.

I would also Guess the Un-named former Member here would also,
if he were to think he could somehow get it posted here & the Scam he
started reintroduced on TreasureNet.

Just saying.

teens/kids playing a game would also.

Your thread is still here so you's are still welcome to discuss it.
But when I see hints of former players coming back,
I just want those former players to know, I know.

sorry if this is confusing.

Just carry on with the original intention of this thread

Jeff how is this for proof. What I saw with my, own two eyes, and the photos I have of it. One monk, three Bedouins, almost a dozen dark age warriors. Torches, swords, spears, magnesium. Fire, and smoke. These were not flim flam costumes make no mistake, professional work. They buried incense and I have pictures. Stories of them in Warrington go back fifty years. What I saw matches a computer rendering, of the same thing, someone saw the year before. Now Tugrad explains in plain language what is happening, making sense of all, the years of sightings and whispers here. Not evidence? Please bear with me. A former member and "the Scam he started," now by chance was that claim of scam a "legit conclusion" supported by "proof of how those conclusions have been reached?" With hope, we are all here held to the same standard. I am interested in that proof as I am interested in the proof, advanced the first time around. Was the proof deleted. Was it in the old discussion. I have not, raised the issue, you have. Tugrad if you were involved and still are by all means give us some proof of what it is you have concluded.

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