All I'm saying is, it appeared to me that the shoe fit.
Is that really "all that you are saying"?
Would you please elaborate on your august opinion being a "new member" with 6 posts, the majority directly aimed at judging me and how fitting shoes has anything to do with the Beale discussion, or is there a beam in your eye that needs looking after?

Is that really "all that you are saying"?
Would you please elaborate on your august opinion being a "new member" with 6 posts, the majority directly aimed at judging me and how fitting shoes has anything to do with the Beale discussion, or is there a beam in your eye that needs looking after?

You seem a testy character.

Kace, I addressed you above.

Is that really all you have to say at 7 posts? Still making unsupported judgements- now that is real "negativity" ! :laughing7:
...and really adds nothing to the discussion.

Is that really all you have to say at 7 posts? Still making unsupported judgements- now that is real "negativity" ! :laughing7:
...and really adds nothing to the discussion.

No to your first question. The next statement is moot. Finally, I have much to add to the discussion of Beale. Honey draws much more than vinegar.

... I have much to add to the discussion of Beale...
Will you be able to contribute factual documented information and be able to address questions without insulting other members for asking?
PS: There was no honey in your entry into the discussion this time, only vinegar.

You're forthright. I like that.

Where are the holy grail, the menorah, the arc of the covenant and Solomon's gold? The greater likelihood is that they're hidden all together - somewhere.

Franklin's theory of gem atria hiding the secrets - even within the bible - are respectable.

Personally, I think the Beale is the true device of key to these treasures. I have my reasons for thinking this notion.

"Turning the entire religious community around" - now, that's formidable. No?

Heck, Beale may be an [original] Emerald Tablet - so to speak?

I'm glad you took my post in the spirit it was intended 81! Thank You.

Personally for me, coming from both a Protestant and Catholic world I believe that any Knights Templars that were left were the same as the Confederate Soldiers that swore allegiance to the Union... They were still Catholic. Maybe not in public, but they didn't change their beliefs.

The Problem with Gematria is it can be manipulated to fit preconceived beliefs or desired outcomes depending on which system is used and since Different Systems are widely used in Hebrew/Jewish cultures to fit the message each wants to convey, it's going to be next to impossible to get any mainstream Protestant or Catholic leaders or parishioners to even listen for a second. It's not exact at all. That's why the all the Ministers and Priests are refusing to listen. They do expect some provenance. You can't have that with Gematria. One word can be manipulated into multiple values.

I read the post about Maryland, Virginia and Washington...That's where you Have to get in the Catholic culture in my opinion.... Many Catholics, especially ethnic, even today believe in naming their Daughters Mary ____ Doe for instance. The girls don't always go by Mary, they use their middle name, but they were given that name in reverence for the Holy Mother and as a spiritual protection...Or they go by a combination of their names..Mary Alice, Mary Beth, Mary Catherine etc. I know families where every daughter has the first name Mary and all go by their middle name. Same with Virginia. Thats still is going on.

Those names were brought to the New World and used widely when establishing the colonies, estates, states, institutions etc. Protestants use those names as well obviously.... it's not exclusive to Catholics.

I'll be honest, I don't know enough about Beale to have a really in depth discussion. It's Interesting and I do follow some of the threads. There are many theories regarding that topic. My thoughts aren't set in stone... I was hoping Justintime would do a reveal soon. Maybe someday somebody will solve that. It very well could be an Emerald Tablet!

franklin never has an issue taking on Formidable challenges...the problems arise when others in leadership positions do not agree with his thoughts. I'd like nothing more than to see him succeed in a quest, but I think he has to be prepared to simplify and explain his thoughts without getting mad because he's not even started and is getting negative feedback and rejection from Ministers and Priests....that's not going to stop. Guaranteed. Tnet is a perfect place to hone his theory if he can do it without getting upset when questions or statements are presented....Every teacher experiences it.

I also think that the Holy Grail and other Holy artifacts are probably together.


I'm glad you took my post in the spirit it was intended 81! Thank You.

Personally for me, coming from both a Protestant and Catholic world I believe that any Knights Templars that were left were the same as the Confederate Soldiers that swore allegiance to the Union... They were still Catholic. Maybe not in public, but they didn't change their beliefs.

The Problem with Gematria is it can be manipulated to fit preconceived beliefs or desired outcomes depending on which system is used and since Different Systems are widely used in Hebrew/Jewish cultures to fit the message each wants to convey, it's going to be next to impossible to get any mainstream Protestant or Catholic leaders or parishioners to even listen for a second. It's not exact at all. That's why the all the Ministers and Priests are refusing to listen. They do expect some provenance. You can't have that with Gematria. One word can be manipulated into multiple values.

I read the post about Maryland, Virginia and Washington...That's where you Have to get in the Catholic culture in my opinion.... Many Catholics, especially ethnic, even today believe in naming their Daughters Mary ____ Doe for instance. The girls don't always go by Mary, they use their middle name, but they were given that name in reverence for the Holy Mother and as a spiritual protection...Or they go by a combination of their names..Mary Alice, Mary Beth, Mary Catherine etc. I know families where every daughter has the first name Mary and all go by their middle name. Same with Virginia. Thats still is going on.

Those names were brought to the New World and used widely when establishing the colonies, estates, states, institutions etc. Protestants use those names as well obviously.... it's not exclusive to Catholics.

I'll be honest, I don't know enough about Beale to have a really in depth discussion. It's Interesting and I do follow some of the threads. There are many theories regarding that topic. My thoughts aren't set in stone... I was hoping Justintime would do a reveal soon. Maybe someday somebody will solve that. It very well could be an Emerald Tablet!

franklin never has an issue taking on Formidable challenges...the problems arise when others in leadership positions do not agree with his thoughts. I'd like nothing more than to see him succeed in a quest, but I think he has to be prepared to simplify and explain his thoughts without getting mad because he's not even started and is getting negative feedback and rejection from Ministers and Priests....that's not going to stop. Guaranteed. Tnet is a perfect place to hone his theory if he can do it without getting upset when questions or statements are presented....Every teacher experiences it.

I also think that the Holy Grail and other Holy artifacts are probably together.


Excellent post Kace. Stay with me on this one, you shall know a good outcome.

Will you be able to contribute factual documented information and be able to address questions without insulting other members for asking?
PS: There was no honey in your entry into the discussion this time, only vinegar.

Yes, I do not insult members - they are only insulted if they accept the style.

Those who knew the worth of the candle:
James Beverly Ward, of course
Harriet Emmaline Otey Ward
John William Sherman
Max Guggenheimer
Charles W Button
Vincent A Witcher
Rowland D Buford
Margaret L Buford
Ann Buford Hall
...all were contemporaries of the 1885 BEALE PAPERS publishing and sale, some directly involved, others involved after it was placed on sale due to a family name mentioned to create plausibility of the presented narrative.
If one can not connect the Templars or discover a connection of the use of the gematria in any of the above listed names, those that were involved and those that questioned the validity of the job pamphlet, then ALL this speculation based on Petter Amundsen, Maria Bauer Hall, the gematria of Bacon and religious relics hidden by the Founding Fathers, it will be concluded that this unrelated speculation of hidden encoded messages that have been presented here, have nothing to do with the 1885 BEALE PAPERS, the story narrative, or the two unsolved ciphers.

If one can not connect the Templars or discover a connection of the use of the gematria in any of the above listed names, those that were involved and those that questioned the validity of the job pamphlet, then ALL this speculation based on Petter Amundsen, Maria Bauer Hall, the gematria of Bacon and religious relics hidden by the Founding Fathers, it will be concluded that this unrelated speculation of hidden encoded messages that have been presented here, have nothing to do with the 1885 BEALE PAPERS, the story narrative, or the two unsolved ciphers.

The "1885 BEALE PAPERS" - as I said - which seems to be a contemporary "Emerald Tablet" like construction, like the original should it be found - seems to necessarily deal with the issues you've presented in your statement quoted above. How can you say "it will be concluded" - who has concluded except you? I don't accept your conclusion. The 1885 BEALE PAPERS is a mighty special document that has everything to do with your statement above. At least I think so.

Excellent post Kace. Stay with me on this one, you shall know a good outcome.

I'm here... interesting thread.

The "1885 BEALE PAPERS" - as I said - which seems to be a contemporary "Emerald Tablet" like construction, like the original should it be found - seems to necessarily deal with the issues you've presented in your statement quoted above. How can you say "it will be concluded" - who has concluded except you? I don't accept your conclusion. The 1885 BEALE PAPERS is a mighty special document that has everything to do with your statement above. At least I think so.

The Emerald Tablet, that fantastic alchemical magnus opus revealing the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation has nothing in common with the construction of the Beale Papers narrative story or the two unsolved ciphers.
As I stated in the quote you seemed to misunderstand, if anyone, including you CAN NOT connect any of this esoteric speculation directly to those 1885 contemporaries of the copyright, printing, publishing, advertising, sale, and those family members who stated they had no knowledge of Beale's perilous adventure treasure story, the logical conclusion is that these claims have nothing to do with the Beale Papers copyrighted and published by James Beverly Ward.
Now, if you have actual fact documented evidence that can counter what you consider my conclusion that has upset you so, bring it forth and let us see how it stands up against known documented facts.

The Emerald Tablet, that fantastic alchemical magnus opus revealing the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation has nothing in common with the construction of the Beale Papers narrative story or the two unsolved ciphers.
As I stated in the quote you seemed to misunderstand, if anyone, including you CAN NOT connect any of this esoteric speculation directly to those 1885 contemporaries of the copyright, printing, publishing, advertising, sale, and those family members who stated they had no knowledge of Beale's perilous adventure treasure story, the logical conclusion is that these claims have nothing to do with the Beale Papers copyrighted and published by James Beverly Ward.
Now, if you have actual fact documented evidence that can counter what you consider my conclusion that has upset you so, bring it forth and let us see how it stands up against known documented facts.

I have tried to explain the purpose of the Job Print Pamphlet to you but you must not read post. You must know what you are going to say without reading post. Read this.

Thomas Jefferson was the primary writer of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was a known code inventor and writer of codes. The man in the Job Print Pamphlet that buried the two treasures in Bedford County, Thomas J. Beale. Thomas Jefferson lived in Bedford County at Poplar Forest. Robert Morris that told the story of the Job Print Pamphlet to the author during the second year of the Civil War lived less than eight miles from Poplar Forest. Robert Morriss and James Dunnington his partner in merchandise arranged for the brick layer and sold the bricks to Thomas Jefferson when he built Poplar Forest as his winter retreat. So we know they had business together and business partners usually do a lot of talking to one another.

Robert Morris died in Bedford County a little over two miles from Poplar Forest. James Beverly Ward lived less than three miles from Poplar Forest. The DOI is mentioned in the Job Print Pamphlet as the "KEY" to finding the meaning Code Paper #2. So the writer knows everyone is going to turn this document upside down, backwards and slice and dice it apart looking for how the DOI was used to encode Code Paper #1. That is the primary reason for the Beale Treasure story and the Job Print Pamphlet.

I have decoded the Declaration of Independence and guess what it tells you how to find the "Ark of God" Now if you found the "Ark of God" would you be interested in trying to find the Beale Treasure. That is what the Beale Treasure is all about. Game Over

Franklin, this seems to be your current "solution" of the Beale Papers, as you have presented many many others over the years.
This time you have included Bacon's gematria for hidden codes in the DOI connected to Templars translating the books and encoding messages in what that became the KJV which revealed the predestination of the United States providing the Founding Fathers that they would win the Revolution, so they encoded hidden messages into the DOI that reveals the location of the Ark of the Covenant.
Then you have claimed that the sole purpose of James Beverly Ward to copyright and publish Beale's perilous adventure treasure story was to get people to read and discover these hidden codes in the DOI, and you, utilizing Bacon's gematria and number counting as Petter Amundsen did with Shakespeare leading to Oak Island, are the only one to discover this.

Listing random references to Jefferson, Morriss, Poplar Forrest, as in your post #95, does not prove any of this to be true.
For that, hard irrefutable documented evidence needs to be presented for confirmation, not the patchwork information of miscellaneous facts forced fitted to support unproven speculation which raises doubt in the veracity of the presentation.

I have decoded the Declaration of Independence and guess what it tells you how to find the "Ark of God"
Now if you found the "Ark of God" would you be interested in trying to find the Beale Treasure.
That is what the Beale Treasure is all about. Game Over
Saying you have is easy, proving that you have is another matter.
The game is not over until real documented evidence is presented for examination and verification.

Is not the "Ark of God" the ultimate treasure?

It definitely is the ultimate treasure.... but surely your not going to try and locate and recover the Ark of the Covenant..Are you?


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