If "this is REAL", who among the Founding Fathers was involved in acquiring the Arc of the Covenant and other Holy relics and from where were they acquired, and when and where were they concealed and by whom?
If as you allude that this is encoded in the Declaration of Independence, then this occurred before the Revolutionary War.

NONE ACTUALLY. YES, I need no help. Only making conversations.

As for the three words and their meanings. It only takes a little word count and little standard English gematria.

Virginia-----------------------Take the first six letters--------VIRGIN
Maryland---------------------Take the first four letters-------MARY

Washington------------------Takes a little more work-------The letter "g" in "standard English Gematria is 7
Count over seven letters to the "g" will give you 7-----------and 77 equals CHRIST

Now take the "g" as 7 and counting from the ending instead of the beginning gives you 4 and -----74 in "standard English Gematria is JESUS

So the complete text of encoding is solved:

Washington-----CHRIST JESUS

The 100 square miles of land forming Washington, D.C. in 1790 was donated by Virginia and Maryland. Eventually the land was given back to Virginia for obvious reasons.

I have over 200 pages of these encoded messages and plan on finding more. I am going on the road soon to teach others.

Another question and the "Mason's" on this forum may be able to answer this question? Why is the letter "G" on the "Masonic Emblem?" Why even the compass and square? And why 33 degrees of Freemasonry?
LAST "para" for Masons/Free-Masons; "G" is for GEOMETRY per Square & Compass (Sea or Land SEXTANT)) or G*D). In AMERICA, ALL Masons/Free-Masons MUST believe in G*D or Father G*D; in FRANCE, they DO NOT... LOL! ONLY 32 Degrees in the Scottish Rite (Southern or Northern Jurisdictions); 33rd is HONORARY, and I was 32nd from the Richmond, Va. "Temple", as I was living in Charlottesville, Va. at the time; also SHRINER from ACCA Temple

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Buy some popcorn, come and see the show. No one has all the answers but I do have most of the answers to your questions. It is not the names of the Founding Fathers involved or when and where but that it was arranged before there ever was a United States of America. Thomas Jefferson and others had a hand in encoding the DOI so you can include them. The Pilgrims to Christopher Columbus and others before that and I might add. From Williamsburg, Va. to Philadelphia, PA to Washington, D.C., this has been God's Plan in action and it is so wonderful to sit on the sidelines today and see how it all played out. Some of the people involved did not even know they were part of the plan. The location of the "Ark of the Covenant of God" was encoded into the Holy Bible from God's own words since the Five Books of Moses were written over 3500 years ago. But particularly since May 2, 1611 when the KJV were printed.

As I said before I have seen God's plan still working even as late as July, 1969 with mankind's first foot print being placed on the surface of the Moon. I have researched into NASA and the Apollo 11 mission and I can verify that Neil Armstrong though his name being "TRUTH" was not the first footprint on the Moon. Jesus' footprints were made before Armstrong's and of course I can prove it with word count and Standard English Gematria.

... I can prove it with word count and Standard English Gematria.
Can the resulting messages be achieved by another utilizing "word count and Standard English Gematria"?

Yes, I am not the first.

LAST "para" for Masons/Free-Masons; "G" is for GEOMETRY per Square & Compass (Sea or Land SEXTANT)) or G*D). In AMERICA, ALL Masons/Free-Masons MUST believe in G*D or Father G*D; in FRANCE, they DO NOT... LOL! ONLY 32 Degrees in the Scottish Rite (Southern or Northern Jurisdictions); 33rd is HONORARY, and I was 32nd from the Richmond, Va. "Temple", as I was living in Charlottesville, Va. at the time; also SHRINER from ACCA Temple

The "G" is actually an upper case "G" of Sir Francis Bacon's 26 letter gematria, You have 26 for the lower case letters and 26 for the Upper Case Letters. This being an Upper Case Letter by being a capital letter "G" becomes 33=26+7

The square and compass came about by the Greeks because they had no fractions, by using the compass and square they could divide any two lines correctly and lay everything square or in multiple other shapes such as hexagons, and octagons. The "masons" has a square and compass laying on "The Holy Bible" because it is used along with several other things to decipher the "Bible"

LAST "para" for Masons/Free-Masons; "G" is for GEOMETRY per Square & Compass (Sea or Land SEXTANT)) or G*D). In AMERICA, ALL Masons/Free-Masons MUST believe in G*D or Father G*D; in FRANCE, they DO NOT... LOL! ONLY 32 Degrees in the Scottish Rite (Southern or Northern Jurisdictions); 33rd is HONORARY, and I was 32nd from the Richmond, Va. "Temple", as I was living in Charlottesville, Va. at the time; also SHRINER from ACCA Temple
Richmond SRT was aka Valley of Richmond/Orient of Virginia; 1st degree Lecture indicated that we were "friends to PIRATES & CORSAIRS"! Heh... AHOY!

The "G" is actually an upper case "G" of Sir Francis Bacon's 26 letter gematria, You have 26 for the lower case letters and 26 for the Upper Case Letters. This being an Upper Case Letter by being a capital letter "G" becomes 33=26+7

The square and compass came about by the Greeks because they had no fractions, by using the compass and square they could divide any two lines correctly and lay everything square or in multiple other shapes such as hexagons, and octagons. The "masons" has a square and compass laying on "The Holy Bible" because it is used along with several other things to decipher the "Bible"
How so...?

Richmond SRT was aka Valley of Richmond/Orient of Virginia; 1st degree Lecture indicated that we were "friends to PIRATES & CORSAIRS"! Heh... AHOY!

I do not believe that to be true. God or anyone that believes in Him would have nothing to do with cut-throats.

How so...?

I would have to show you. It would take too long to explain. But once you learn the language of it all working together it is Beautiful.

I do not believe that to be true. God or anyone that believes in Him would have nothing to do with cut-throats.
Eh...? Well, the ORIGINAL Knights Templar WERE NOT Choir Boys...

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... I do have most of the answers to your questions. It is not the names of the Founding Fathers involved or when and where but that it was arranged before there ever was a United States of America.
Thomas Jefferson and others had a hand in encoding the DOI so you can include them. The Pilgrims to Christopher Columbus and others before that and I might add. From Williamsburg, Va. to Philadelphia, PA to Washington, D.C., this has been God's Plan in action and it is so wonderful to sit on the sidelines today and see how it all played out.
Some of the people involved did not even know they were part of the plan.
The location of the "Ark of the Covenant of God" was encoded into the Holy Bible from God's own words since the Five Books of Moses were written over 3500 years ago. But particularly since May 2, 1611 when the KJV were printed...
If all this was encoded 3500 years ago in the Five Books of Moses written in Aramaic then translated in various languages including Hebrew, Coptic, Greek, Latin, then there entire Bible was complied in 325AD by the Council of Nicea by order of Emperor Constantine where it was edited, some books being entirely discarded and rejected and many other revisions, the VULGATE for example, were made well before May 2, 1611, the question is this:
With all the translations, modifications and edits for the 3500 years to which you refer, how can one determine that an actual encoded message survived all these centuries?

Yes, I am not the first.
This reads like a continuation of Petter Amundsen's totally unproven or confirmed theory concerning Francis Bacon codes of hidden messages in various Elizabethan works of literature that lead to fabulous treasures hidden in the NEW WORLD.

This reads like a continuation of Petter Amundsen's totally unproven or confirmed theory concerning Francis Bacon codes of hidden messages in various Elizabethan works of literature that lead to fabulous treasures hidden in the NEW WORLD.

Petter's work was accurate for what he had done with Shakespear. It is a continuation, yes, because what he decoded was during the same time frame as the KJV. Petter does not believe in the work that I and others are doing. So, one person can solve monumental works and still not see the whole picture. The whole picture is there you have continue in belief of your work and carry on. I know what I am doing is something different and no one will believe it at first. It will take years of teachings to bring the main stream around from their settled and inaccurate beliefs. God can change anything.

The gematria works in all the languages. Also the Providence of God was there during the years of different languages of the Holy Bible.

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The gematria works in all the languages...

Due to the very nature of the many differences in the world's current and past languages, this seems highly improbable.
Have you employed this gematria on another language or is this just a speculation?

Petter's work was accurate for what he had done with Shakespear.
It is a continuation, yes, because what he decoded was during the same time frame as the KJV.
Petter does not believe in the work that I and others are doing...

Did Petter Amundsen provided a reason for his nonbelief in this work of you and the others of your group?
Is Legrand a part of this project?

Due to the very nature of the many differences in the world's current and past languages, this seems highly improbable.
Have you employed this gematria on another language or is this just a speculation?

You need to read and understand "gematria" It doesn't matter whether you count a word forward or backwards, it will come up with the same answer. Gematria works with Greek, Latin and Hebrew. It also works with Roman Numerals. Believe me it works. The scholars of whom most were Knight's Templar that made the final copy of the King James Version of the Holy Bible printed on May 2, 1611, incorporated Greek, Latin and English Standard Gematria to encode their messages and they even put in place verifiable counts to let you know you are on the right track and your decoding is correct.

Did Petter Amundsen provided a reason for his nonbelief in this work of you and the others of your group?
Is Legrand a part of this project?

Yes, Petter doubted because of the "26" count, he said Sir Francis Bacon always used the "24" count. But when the KJV was printed, Sir Francis Bacon used the "26" method because the publish date even reveals this, "May 2" which is 5 and 2 or 52 which means the upper and lower case of the "26" method was used. No Legrand is not part of my project. Actually, no one is but myself and a person whom I have never met that opened my eyes to this beautiful work.

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