... The scholars of whom most were Knight's Templar that made the final copy of the King James Version of the Holy Bible printed on May 2, 1611, incorporated Greek, Latin and English Standard Gematria to encode their messages and they even put in place verifiable counts to let you know you are on the right track and your decoding is correct.
In 1308, King Edward II presented the Sheriff of Yorkshire a Under the Order of King Writ to arrest all Knights Templar in England and seize all their property for the Crown, ending the Templar Catholic order presence in England.
Henry VIII created the Church of England as that countries religion and Catholic Churches, monasteries were seized by the Crown and Catholics were persecuted.
The 47 men who translated what became the KING JAMES VERSION were members of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND, NOT, Templars, composed of High Churchmen and some with Puritan sympathies.
They were divided into six groups, Westminster, Oxford, and Cambridge, two at each location working on different sections of the Old and New Testament.

The entire list of these 47 scholars and their assignments are provided at the end of this article:
The KJV Translators from Translators Revived

Wasn't a copy paste, just a brief summary and supporting link. :thumbsup:

Funny you speak of Edward II... heh

As a youth, Edward was extravagant and incompetent and kept unsavoury friends, he was probably homo-social if not bisexual or homosexual. He was considered a weak king in a strong body, liking athletic sports, such as rowing as well as theatricals and manual crafts.

You seem to be a fan of Edward II. :laughing7:
Christopher Marlowe wrote a play "EDWARD II" and knew Francis Bacon, but neither were Knights Templar.

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King Edward II failed to capitalise upon Christian values in order to placate the rebellious earls and barons so as to secure England's northern border from its long time adversary. What the pre-Christian Roman Empire failed to conquer, Edward II managed to lose. The root cause was the man's character, a character overly fused to 'favourites' who maliciously influenced the king. 'Teachers' pets' can reap a whirlwind of opprobrium from their peers, no less favourites of the king.

In 1308, King Edward II presented the Sheriff of Yorkshire a Under the Order of King Writ to arrest all Knights Templar in England and seize all their property for the Crown, ending the Templar Catholic order presence in England.
Henry VIII created the Church of England as that countries religion and Catholic Churches, monasteries were seized by the Crown and Catholics were persecuted.
The 47 men who translated what became the KING JAMES VERSION were members of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND, NOT, Templars, composed of High Churchmen and some with Puritan sympathies.
They were divided into six groups, Westminster, Oxford, and Cambridge, two at each location working on different sections of the Old and New Testament.

The entire list of these 47 scholars and their assignments are provided at the end of this article:
The KJV Translators from Translators Revived

You can refute it all you want, I know the truth. Why 47 scholars? Because 47 is the gematria of "grail" and backwards is gematria for "Jesus" So I do not see your point. Your link does not work. You don't think that scholars actually put a sign over their door, "Knight's Templar" inquire inside?

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You can refute it all you want, I know the truth. Why 47 scholars? Because 47 is the gematria of "grail" and backwards is gematria for "Jesus" So I do not see your point. Your link does not work.
You don't think that scholars actually put a sign over their door, "Knight's Templar" inquire inside?
All the 47 scholars were Church of England Protestants, the Knights Templar were a Catholic order, and the KING JAMES VERSION was and is a Protestant Bible in English.
If there was a sign above the door it would probably would have read "Catholics need not apply".

PS: The does work, and is well worth the read as all 47 men are listed along with of what books they worked.

Now looking over that list, who would be the Catholic "Templar" among these 47 Church of England Protestant Churchmen and Puritans who encoded these messages in the KJV?

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You think the Knight's Templar were Catholic after the Pope tried to kill all of them on Friday, October 13, 1307. I don't see what your badgering is going to solve. There is nothing to prove to you or anyone else. I do not care what you think or what links of scholars you can find, I know the TRUTH.

There was no Christian Protestant denominations in 1307 France or 1308 England, so yes, the TEMPLARS were formed as a Catholic order and remained a Catholic order until their final demise.
There were NO Templars who worked on the translations for the Protestant KJV Bible.
...and that, my friend is the TRUTH.

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I have worn my welcome out on this forum. ECS you keep up the negativity to get others to post. I am finished with you and this forum.

Where is the negativity in presenting factual information that counters unsubstantiated claims presented as fact?
If the claims presented are sound and based on solid information, they should be able to stand up against factual critical examination.

I try to get the pastors and or members of the churches in my area to talk with me, but I am always refused, turned away or having the phone hung up on me...

Could it be that they know from their religious education that there is no word count Standard English Gematria hidden messages in the KING JAMES VERSION BIBLE that reveal the location of the Ark of the Covenant and other Holy relics hidden by the Founding Fathers in the United States?

Could it be that they know from their religious education that there is no word count Standard English Gematria hidden messages in the KING JAMES VERSION BIBLE that reveal the location of the Ark of the Covenant and other Holy relics hidden by the Founding Fathers in the United States?

1 - There's that negativity word again.

2 - "Could it be": who are you trying to convince ...everyone, or yourself?

3 - Who is legrand, ECS?

1 - There's that negativity word again.

2 - "Could it be": who are you trying to convince ...everyone, or yourself?

3 - Who is legrand, ECS?

81... I like to hear what franklin states as facts and if asked a question or presented with the other side of the coin be able to substantiate his theory. He stated he was going on the road to teach others... OTHERS ARE gonna have questions.. He's trying to turn the entire religious community around.. This is good for franklin to see what he's gonna hear when he goes in front of people. It gives him a preview and he can be prepared. Better now than then.

That's not negativity... Really we all should say 'Fact' and back it up or 'I believe' or 'I think' or 'This is my theory'

Too many personal thoughts stated as facts everywhere.

I do think everyone is entitled to their opinions and posting on forums is for discussion... otherwise it's a personal blog where no one comments. That's not here.

But, above all be respectful.

Jump in with your thoughts on franklin's theory.


81... I like to hear what franklin states as facts and if asked a question or presented with the other side of the coin be able to substantiate his theory. He stated he was going on the road to teach others... OTHERS ARE gonna have questions.. He's trying to turn the entire religious community around.. This is good for franklin to see what he's gonna hear when he goes in front of people. It gives him a preview and he can be prepared. Better now than then.

That's not negativity... Really we all should say 'Fact' and back it up or 'I believe' or 'I think' or 'This is my theory'

Too many personal thoughts stated as facts everywhere.

I do think everyone is entitled to their opinions and posting on forums is for discussion... otherwise it's a personal blog where no one comments. That's not here.

But, above all be respectful.

Jump in with your thoughts on franklin's theory.


You're forthright. I like that.

Where are the holy grail, the menorah, the arc of the covenant and Solomon's gold? The greater likelihood is that they're hidden all together - somewhere.

Franklin's theory of gem atria hiding the secrets - even within the bible - are respectable.

Personally, I think the Beale is the true device of key to these treasures. I have my reasons for thinking this notion.

"Turning the entire religious community around" - now, that's formidable. No?

Heck, Beale may be an [original] Emerald Tablet - so to speak?

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1 - There's that negativity word again.

2 - "Could it be": who are you trying to convince ...everyone, or yourself?

3 - Who is legrand, ECS?
1.- Where is that "negativity word" in my post that you quoted?
2.-It was a response to Franklin's post concerning pastors and church members NOT wanting to discuss his Gematria theory, has nothing whatsoever with me trying to convince anyone of anything. That alone is your perception which is obvious to all reading this thread.
3.-Legrand was a poster on these threads who claimed he was working on or solved the Beale ciphers depending on which version of his theories presented, and brought Petter Amundsen into the Beale discussion and to Franklin's attention.

As Kace mentioned, questioning one when they present something as "FACT" without backing it up with actual facts, are nothing more than "personal thoughts stated as facts" which amount to misinformation. In the past on these Beale threads, Franklin had presented many statements as "fact" tat were proven erroneous when exposed to actual documented facts.

Being a new member, you would not be aware of that discussion history, but it is always curious that a "new member" begins posting comments not on the subject being discussed, but singling out a long time member for "negativity".

WTH does ALL this has to do with the Beale Codes/Treasure...?

There is always someone to light a new candle, not for more light to shine, but to watch random shadows dance on a barren wall. :thumbsup:

1.- Where is that "negativity word" in my post that you quoted?
2.-It was a response to Franklin's post concerning pastors and church members NOT wanting to discuss his Gematria theory, has nothing whatsoever with me trying to convince anyone of anything. That alone is your perception which is obvious to all reading this thread.
3.-Legrand was a poster on these threads who claimed he was working on or solved the Beale ciphers depending on which version of his theories presented, and brought Petter Amundsen into the Beale discussion and to Franklin's attention.

As Kace mentioned, questioning one when they present something as "FACT" without backing it up with actual facts, are nothing more than "personal thoughts stated as facts" which amount to misinformation. In the past on these Beale threads, Franklin had presented many statements as "fact" tat were proven erroneous when exposed to actual documented facts.

Being a new member, you would not be aware of that discussion history, but it is always curious that a "new member" begins posting comments not on the subject being discussed, but singling out a long time member for "negativity".

All I'm saying is, it appeared to me that the shoe fit.

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