I can tell you that something really weird happened when I met Claudine Fulton Ellis at the lot where the Blackhorse Tavern stood. She showed me where a basement was sunk in where she played as a little girl. She said it always felt like the wind was blowing through the rocks. I believe the old tavern had a tunnel to the steep bank off to the creek about 200 feet away and was used as an escape tunnel for either bad men, pirates or the underground railroad during the Civil War. When we were there the Sun was shining and the grass was brown and low to the ground.
The next evening Claudine Fulton Ellis telephoned me and asked do you remember how the grass was brown and low to the ground yesterday? I replied that I did. She replied, "Well you need to come up here and see this?" I asked her what was wrong? She said, "Well the grass is high and the weeds are waist high." I said no way. She said well you had better come up here and see this for yourself. Well I did and the weeds and grass were almost unwalkable without getting your feet tangled up and falling. I asked Claudine, how could this have happened. She said she did not know but isn't it strange it was as though we had been there at another time of the year. Really strange.
Later, we went to the Old Peaks Presbyterian Church were Ebenezer Nelms was married in 1826 and Thomas Beale was his best man. The parking lot was where we had to walk up some concrete steps to the ground where the church stood and then up other steps into the Church. It was really hot that day. I got to the concrete steps first and I felt a cold wind hitting me in the face and turned to the other side and let Claudine and her sister go up the steps first. Claudine started to take the first step and see asked me wow do you feel that and I said like I didn't know, "What?" She said that cold wind. She someone must be buried under the steps. The following Sunday Claudine and her sister went to church at the Peaks Presbyterian Church. She telephoned me and said do you remember that cold wind? And I said, "yes" Well it is not there anymore as she had exorcised or something the two ghost that were buried under the steps. I do not know exactly what she did but I did go back later on another hot day and I did not feel the ice cold wind.
I know these two examples can not be explained as there are many things in life that can not be explained. But such is life. Ridicule, laugh say what you will but these two happenings are real and they did happen.