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What about the 10"section of skeleton that was carved out of the body retrieved from Garrett's barn to disfigure it? It is in the Smithsonian museum. I would say that is hard DNA evidence, should the federal government ever choose to admit that the U.S. war department was involved in Lincoln's assassination. Just dig up Brutus Booth and it would be easy to prove that the two were not related. Then you would know that J.W. Booth survived and escaped to a point in the west where he met with the keepers of a K.G.C. repository, and those in charge paid him in gold for his dastardly deed, and he left with the large amount of gold in a wagon.
L.C. Baker

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A) There is "zero" proof that anyone other then Booth was shot in that barn. Again, at this date, there is zero proof.
B) There is "zero" proof that Booth lived beyond the events surrounding that barn. Again, zero proof.
C) There is "zero" evidence to suggest that wealth played any role in the Lincoln assassination. Again, zero proof.

What you do have is "circumstantial evidence" that suggest all these "possibilities". Believe me, I know this quandary all too well as I am in the same situation with a few little mysteries I've been exploring for many years....the only way to establish that Booth was a paid assassin is with "conclusive proof" of a direct transfer of funds to Booth from the party that hired him and also a document detailing the agreement/arrangements. All else is just circumstantial evidence suggesting "possibilities" which is why it isn't even "suppose to be" accepted as evidence in our courts. The burden of proof is a difficult task indeed but if any of what your circumstantial evidence suggest is true then that conclusive proof will be out there, somewhere. But until it is found there is no actual proof of anything. So, was Booth a paid assassin? So far, I've seen nothing that would convict him of it in a court room. This is the same manner I treat my own research efforts - could I prove it in court?
Do you actually think for one second that the k.G.C. would have a reciept for money paid to a presidential assassin???:dontknow:

Do you actually think for one second that the k.G.C. would have a reciept for money paid to a presidential assassin???:dontknow:

LOL! The Info was probably SEALED by LEGAL orders; TOO many yanks would have been implicated... NORTHERN "COPPERHEADS"... And! Look at your PENNY... LINCOLN, on COPPER... HA! The wreath on the back...? WHO KNOWS...?

LOL! The Info was probably SEALED by LEGAL orders; TOO many yanks would have been implicated... NORTHERN "COPPERHEADS"... And! Look at your PENNY... LINCOLN, on COPPER... HA! The wreath on the back...? WHO KNOWS...?

spc Kgc signal.webp

This is the breast of the man that was in charge of placing Lincoln on the brown copper 1 cent piece. The lowest denomination of our monetary system. He also had earlier ties, back when he was a full blown Democrat,to William M. Gwinn
of K.G.C. fame. Then he became a Republican (COPPERHEAD) in Lincoln's cabinet. Do you know who it is? Do you recognize the signals he is giving in the photo as anything familiar?
thanks, L.C. BAKER :thumbsup:

Bigscoop, you had posted earlier, A "super-secret organization" that went about the countryside supposedly leaving their secret markings & symbols all over the place? That makes little sense if one is truly trying to remain, "super-secret".

May I offer a different take? Why not? My Grand Pappy used to tell me when showing me signs that "Make something so obvious that folks tend to ignore it. If it looks like it belongs, folks will think it belongs, and walk right past it without giving it a second thought.
If you put something out in the open and make it look like it belongs, only those that actually know about it will understand it."

As for JWB, could be, maybe. Not to sound like like an Oswald, but why not a patsy? Group wants somebody dead, they find someone of a like mind. Play him like a fiddle. To an actor to be famous and make mega bucks would be their dream. Stoke his ego telling him he'll be a hero, and he'll be richly rewarded if he does so. Treat him like a fish, giving him the bait, let him bite, play him, set the hook.

And in his case you toss him aside after he's done. He's gone along, being played, expecting to be taken care of after performing. And he get's taken care of, but not the way he expected. He's dead and so goes any connection to said group. And the ones closest to him, well just a couple more casulties of their plan. Dead men tell no tales.

If such a group existed, of wealth and power, it would be nothing for them to have the right folks in the right places to make sure their "fish" took the bait, got played in the right direction, and after he did what he was supposed to do, made sure he didn't collect his due.

Sounds like something in a CIA or NSA thriller. And the groups back then were just as smart or even smarted the the current crop of groups out there.

Or old JWB was just some kook with a gun.:tongue3:

I'm gonna have to dig up real bones and a signed receipt to convince bigscoop of anything Dr. Syn!
LC :laughing7:

Ahhhh... but this was a "copperhead" so he would have not appeared to be a Democrat, he was a posing Republican named Salmon P. Chase.
L.C. Baker

U.S. Senator from Ohio and the 23rd Governor of Ohio.

Political party Free Soil, Liberty, Republican, Democrat
Chase became the leader of the political reformers, as opposed to the Garrisonian abolitionist movement.

Elected as a Whig to the Cincinnati City Council in 1840, Chase left that party the next year. For seven years he was the leader of the Liberty Party in Ohio. He helped balance its idealism with his pragmatic approach and political thought. He was skillful in drafting platforms and addresses, and he prepared the national Liberty platform of 1843 and the Liberty address of 1845. Building the Liberty Party was slow going. By 1848 Chase was leader in the effort to combine the Liberty Party with the Barnburners or Van Buren Democrats of New York to form the Free Soil Party.

Chase sought the Republican nomination for president in 1860. The best way to control an election is to be represented on both sides. That way you have a chance to derail a radical Republican like Seward from winning. With the exception of William H. Seward, Chase was the most prominent Republican (copperhead) in the country and had done more against slavery ( to take the sharpness out of his states rights hidden agenda)than any other Republican. But he opposed a "protective tariff", favored by most other Republicans, and his record of collaboration with Democrats annoyed many Republicans who were former Whigs.
Abraham Lincoln won the nomination, and Chase supported him. (if you are a copperhead you must maintain your disguise to avoid being hung for treason, the closer to your enemy you are the easier it is to bite him)
The first U.S. federal currency, the greenback demand note, was printed in 1861–1862, during Chase's tenure as Secretary of the Treasury. These greenbacks formed the basis for today's paper currency. It was Chase's responsibility to design the notes. In an effort to further his political career, his face appeared on a variety of U.S. paper currency, starting with the $1 bill so that the people would recognize him. it was Chase that put all of the Masonic symbols on the dollar.
On October 10, 1862, Lincoln’s Secretary of the Navy, Gideon Welles wrote that “a scheme for permits, special favors, Treasury agents, and improper management” existed and was arranged by Treasury Secretary Chase for General John A. Dix. The motive of Chase appeared to be for political influence and not for financial gain.
Throughout his term as Treasury Secretary, Chase exploited his position to build up political support for another run at the Presidency in 1864. This would assure another K.G.C. president in office.
He also tried to pressure Lincoln by repeatedly threatening resignation, which he knew would cause Lincoln difficulties with the Radical Republicans.
Chase was a complete change from the pro-slavery Taney; one of Chase's first acts as Chief Justice was to admit John Rock as the first African-American attorney to argue cases before the Supreme Court this is because he was in control of the law of the land. This is what the Knights of the Golden Circle wanted. If their beloved states rights were going to be trumped by the federal governments laws, then the K.G.C. wanted to be in control of writing and enforcing them.
L.C. Baker

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There are several "secret" treasure theories out there that encompass/require the active/secret participation of thousands of people/members, whichever the case may be. In all of this, and in all of these eventual deaths, not a single credible/verifiable confession or admission to any of these supposed super-secret plots and schemes. Individual pursuits and business interest are often interwoven into these theories simply because one or more of the alleged members shared the same interest, however, this in no way should be allowed create the foundation for the existence of all these super secret plots and schemes. "If" these super-secret and all-empowering structures truly existed there would be documented confirmation in the form of admission or confession - simply because it would be required in order to maintain any measure of control in the alleged events. And there have been many smaller cache recoveries over the years that have been credited to this or that without any means supporting the claim. Burying one's valuables has been a very common affair dating all the way back to our knowledge of man, but there are very few confirmed/verified accounts as we are lead to believe in all of these treasure related mysteries/theories. The more people involved in the event/events the less likely it becomes for it to remain a secret or a controllable objective.

If by Shared the same interest, you mean over through the Federal Government, then I agree with you! L.C. Baker

Do you actually think for one second that the k.G.C. would have a reciept for money paid to a presidential assassin???:dontknow:

Exactly my point....."No".....I don't believe you will ever find any measure of proof that Booth was a paid assassin.

I believe Gideon Welles was a 50/50 guy. Some staunch Democrats turn out not to be so staunch when the fir flies, if you know what I mean. He fits the, "I'm a Democrat, no wait, I'm a Republican, and now I'm a Democrat again" profile that I have learned to associate with the "Copperheads", but I can not tie him to any specific affair. I think that a guy has got to keep in mind , that all "tigers are not as tough as each other" meaning he may have been a weak link in the K.G.C. organization at different times.

P.S. I started this thread thinking that I had enough evidence, hard and circumstantial, to prove that J.W. Booth got Paid by the high ranking inner circle of Knights we have uncovered. Even though I still hold a few trump cards in my hand that I am not willing to show at this time,(for treasure hunting reasons) that can prove ties to the K.G.C. and some fraudulent K.G.C. money making operations and government control. I will probably never be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that these men paid Booth to kill Lincoln. Just look at the O.J. Simpson case, I think we all know what happened there. Because of a judicial system that has been manipulated by law makers for generations, we all suffer now. Except for O.J. of course!!
All that I can do is expose them for what they were, so that the public can have better fuel to make a fire with.
Thanks for your input, L.C Baker

Well I wish you lots of luck with your quest. I see the problem being the search, history is nothing more then what someone wants us to believe, you'll have to get past that to get to the real story. Humans are not perfect, somewhere you may find where they stumbled a bit and didn't cover all the bases when making up the "history". Just like the Kennedy assassination, I doubt we'll ever know the whole story. All we have is what certain folks want us to know.

But don't give up! It's just another treasure waiting to be discovered.

I forgot to mention that these 29 men were who split up the $100,000.00 reward money for the capture of J.W.Booth.
that would be $34,000 and change per person, if they didn't have to cut in Stanton and Johnson. That was a lot of cash in those days. When asked "Who do you have sewn up in that blanket?" I'm sure those 29 men would have told you with out a doubt it was John Wilkes Booth.:coins: cha- ching! and it was the biggest payday of their entire Army lives.
L.C. Baker :thumbsup:

From the Military report:
The command consisted of twenty-six enlisted men of the Sixteenth New York Cavalry, and E. P. DOHERTY,
First Lieutenant, Sixteenth New York Cavalry, commanding the detachment and the two gentlemen, Messrs. Conger and Baker, sent by Colonel Baker, making a total in all of twenty-nine men.

The one big hurdle in the assumption that the KGC was powerful and influential enough, and they actually took/played any part in the planned assassination of Lincoln is this; "Why would they wait until absolutely nothing could be gained by Lincoln's killing to enact their plot?" Seems to me that if the KGC was even half as powerful and influential as many believe then they would have acted much earlier on, when perhaps the act might have served to influence something, anything!" As it were, the big party was pretty much over and the fall out was already pretty much etched in stone. Just another reason why I believe it was a simple rouge operation - just my opinion.

I forgot to mention that these 29 men were who split up the $100,000.00 reward money for the capture of J.W.Booth.
that would be $34,000 and change per person, if they didn't have to cut in Stanton and Johnson. That was a lot of cash in those days. When asked "Who do you have sewn up in that blanket?" I'm sure those 29 men would have told you with out a doubt it was John Wilkes Booth.:coins: cha- ching! and it was the biggest payday of their entire Army lives.
L.C. Baker :thumbsup:

From the Military report:
The command consisted of twenty-six enlisted men of the Sixteenth New York Cavalry, and E. P. DOHERTY,
First Lieutenant, Sixteenth New York Cavalry, commanding the detachment and the two gentlemen, Messrs. Conger and Baker, sent by Colonel Baker, making a total in all of twenty-nine men.
WHO did you sew into the blanket?

The answer : JWB of course


The one big hurdle in the assumption that the KGC was powerful and influential enough, and they actually took/played any part in the planned assassination of Lincoln is this; "Why would they wait until absolutely nothing could be gained by Lincoln's killing to enact their plot?" Seems to me that if the KGC was even half as powerful and influential as many believe then they would have acted much earlier on, when perhaps the act might have served to influence something, anything!" As it were, the big party was pretty much over and the fall out was already pretty much etched in stone. Just another reason why I believe it was a simple rouge operation - just my opinion.

I don't know about you, but I have Rebel blood in me. The last thing you want to do is whip a Rebels Butt, even if you win you will have to whip his whole family. Just look at the Hatfield s and McCoy s the Southerner holds a grudge like no other. Rebel Pride still runs deep in this nation, just look around you no matter where you live. It was all for Rebel revenge after the Fall of 1854, they just wanted Lincoln's scalp for good measure (eye for an eye).
Thanks for your input, L.C. Baker

Yes I got confused about the dollars. I was thinking about how much it would be worth today.
I stand corrected, L.C. Baker

"Rebel Pride"....and I do agree that there was a lot of "die hards" in the south, but in the end, I think Booth (and his very small cell) was simply one of them. Fact still remains that the act never effected much of anything, which pretty much stands as pretty strong evidence that there wasn't any real measure of "controlling powerful & influence" behind the plot. If there had been the killing of Lincoln would have caused things to take on some type of change in favor of the south, and that simply never happened. In fact, if anything, it ended up having quite the opposite effect. But these things can be debated forever, and probably will be. I just don't think there is any real evidence to suggest that the KGC was anything more then just another fairly menial organization of disgruntled loyalist. But again, this is just my opinion. Hope you can someday prove your theory that they were anything other then this. :thumbsup:

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