• YES

    Votes: 24 54.5%
  • NO

    Votes: 20 45.5%

  • Total voters
As far as the placing of symbols all over the country side goes.....

The symbols were put there for the initiated to read and recover the funds in case the members that placed the loot died out. (which is what eventually happened) The K.G.C. had many working members in the hives (castles) to place the payroll where it could be retrieved by those in the field. The massive repositories and depositories that still remain hidden are far more complicated to recover.

It is not their place to decide who reaps what they (the K.G.C.) have sewn, but only to make sure that they are worthy of it.
(from Morals and Dogma)

A thousand men can look upon art and exclaim the beauty of it, but the initiated will look upon it and see the message left for him. Thanks, L.C. Baker

There are several "secret" treasure theories out there that encompass/require the active/secret participation of thousands of people/members, whichever the case may be. In all of this, and in all of these eventual deaths, not a single credible/verifiable confession or admission to any of these supposed super-secret plots and schemes. Individual pursuits and business interest are often interwoven into these theories simply because one or more of the alleged members shared the same interest, however, this in no way should be allowed create the foundation for the existence of all these super secret plots and schemes. "If" these super-secret and all-empowering structures truly existed there would be documented confirmation in the form of admission or confession - simply because it would be required in order to maintain any measure of control in the alleged events. And there have been many smaller cache recoveries over the years that have been credited to this or that without any means supporting the claim. Burying one's valuables has been a very common affair dating all the way back to our knowledge of man, but there are very few confirmed/verified accounts as we are lead to believe in all of these treasure related mysteries/theories. The more people involved in the event/events the less likely it becomes for it to remain a secret or a controllable objective.

There are several "secret" treasure theories out there that encompass/require the active/secret participation of thousands of people/members, whichever the case may be. In all of this, and in all of these eventual deaths, not a single credible/verifiable confession or admission to any of these supposed super-secret plots and schemes. Individual pursuits and business interest are often interwoven into these theories simply because one or more of the alleged members shared the same interest, however, this in no way should be allowed create the foundation for the existence of all these super secret plots and schemes. "If" these super-secret and all-empowering structures truly existed there would be documented confirmation in the form of admission or confession - simply because it would be required in order to maintain any measure of control in the alleged events. And there have been many smaller cache recoveries over the years that have been credited to this or that without any means supporting the claim. Burying one's valuables has been a very common affair dating all the way back to our knowledge of man, but there are very few confirmed/verified accounts as we are lead to believe in all of these treasure related mysteries/theories. The more people involved in the event/events the less likely it becomes for it to remain a secret or a controllable objective.

If anyone spoke out against them, uttered a word of their operations, (dealings of any kind) betrayed them in any fashion they were killed. Just look at Lafayette C. Baker. Baker was sacked from his position as government spymaster. President Johnson accused him of spying on him, a charge Baker admitted in his book which he published in response. He also announced that he had had Booth's diary in his possession which was being suppressed by the Department of War and Secretary Stanton. When the diary was eventually produced, Baker claimed that eighteen vital pages were missing. It was suggested that these would implicate Stanton in the assassination.
Baker died in 1868, supposedly from meningitis. As it was scarcely eighteen months after his explosive allegations, some suggested he was killed by the War Department to silence him. Using an atomic absorption spectrometer to analyze several hairs from Baker's head, Ray A. Neff, a professor at Indiana State University, determined the man was killed by arsenic poisoning rather than meningitis.
Baker had been unwittingly consuming the poison for months, mixed into imported beer provided by his wife's brother Wally Pollack. The Lincoln Conspiracy by Balsiger and Sellier cites a diary Baker's wife kept which chronicled several dates Pollack brought Baker beer; they correspond to the gradually elevated levels of toxin in the Baker hair samples Neff studied. Wally worked for the War Department, though whether he acted on orders or alone has yet to be determined. Nevertheless, Neff's studies, along with the information chronicled in Baker's diary, serve to bolster a cogent and provocative alternate history of the Lincoln assassination, one distinct from the chronology most commonly promulgated by mainstream U.S. historians.
No body was safe from them, not even the head of the United States Secret Service. The proof is in the pudding!

Interesting test results, but with just a little internet research we learn that arsenic can build in the body through means other then intentional poisoning, even including some of the foods we eat. And I just don't buy into the "everyone was killed" explanations, as this seems to be a very common claim attached to many theories. The notion that all of these unfortunate individuals could be done away with so easily without investigation and exposure simply isn't reasonable, unless we conclude that those on the other side were completely blind, uninterested, and totally incompetent. This of course would include many respected, intelligent, and leading men of the era. Most of these theories fail to take into account the balance of nature itself, that being the consideration of the opposing forces that are always at work. If the KGC was as powerful and influential as many believe then they would have created an equally powerful and influential opposition. It is something that can't be avoided, i.e., for every act there is a reaction - what goes up must come down - an eye for an eye - etc., etc., etc. To think that the KGC escaped this fact of nature and remained in complete secrecy despite all their diabolical activities just isn't a very acceptable solution. But again, this is just my own opinion on these type matters, but I'm sure you've compiled some interesting materials. Good luck with it.

"The notion that all of these unfortunate individuals could be done away with so easily without investigation and exposure simply isn't reasonable,"

"Using an atomic absorption spectrometer to analyze several hairs from Baker's head, Ray A. Neff, a professor at Indiana State University, determined the man was killed by arsenic poisoning rather than meningitis." <-------investigation

Thanks for your input L.C.Baker

"The notion that all of these unfortunate individuals could be done away with so easily without investigation and exposure simply isn't reasonable,"

"Using an atomic absorption spectrometer to analyze several hairs from Baker's head, Ray A. Neff, a professor at Indiana State University, determined the man was killed by arsenic poisoning rather than meningitis." <-------investigation

Thanks for your input L.C.Baker

As I said before, that's one individual and the test results are questionable/inconclusive as to determining, "intentional poisoning". But interesting none the the less.

But back to the original notion - "if" Booth was a paid assassin, what do you suppose was the going price for killing a president? Even Booth had to realize that his own life would be marked and pursued for the rest of his days. And where would he go - the war was all but over and there was no safe heaven in the south. And that escape plan was, well, far from the best laid out plan, especially if it was contrived by intelligent men of influence and means. And I think the pursuit of Booth pretty much details just how "small-time" Booth's plans really were. But this debate can go on forever and it will accomplish nothing, so until documented proof surfaces it will forever remain a mystery to be entertained through the minds of men.

Everything always remains a mystery to those that never except the facts. Seems every mystery Bigscoop is unsolvable for you. And there is no debate here I know what happened.

No, they're not all unsolvable....it's just a difference of "opinion" as to what represents a fact. For instance, I am a smoker, hence the level of arsenic in my system would likely show a noticeable increase in much the same way as the presented test results. Was it intentional poisoning? Perhpas. But the test in noway concludes that, nor is the claim ever made in summation of the test. "Possible"....yes. "Conclusive".....no. One is fact, one is speculation. During the era there were all types of ways one could be routinely exposed arsenic, again, just another fact. And it is good to always have a devil's advocate when trying to solve mysteries, as it often provides insight into the possible holes in one's research that still need to be closed. Simply denying that those holes exist, or possibly exist, only serves to leave doubt. I always welcome a devil's advocate at every chance just for these reasons.

PBS recently aired a special detailing how a new theory suggest that the Chinese were the first to discover America, and when you watch the first half of this show and listen to all the "proof" it is very convincing. However, once the real pros were allowed to counter many of the researcher's claims with "facts" then the theory slowly started to disintegrate right in front of the researcher's eyes. There he was on PBS repeatedly saying, "Well, I can't explain that" or "I'll give them that" or "I don't know", etc. Basically, they slowly picked him, and his theory, apart, to the very point that his once very believable research and theory suddenly became - "an impossible notion". Point is, he convinced himself it all made since and he even prepared it in such a way that it did make sense, at least right up to the moment when all the questions/facts he had never considered started to get placed before him. I felt sorry for the guy but it happens every day, very easy to fall into the same type of trap when you avoid addressing the really tough counter evidence.

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Although i do not know the exact amount (YET! LOL!) that was paid for the hit, I do have some evidence (circumstantial and guilt by association etc.) of who it was, that more than likely funded the assassination of Abe Lincoln. More than one individual put money up for the cause in the fall of 1864 and sent a single man with it to new York under the guise of being there to do business of another more legitimate sort. Another Rebel spy arrived in New York and was the go between for the man that had arrived in New York with the pooled funds and instructions for J.W. Booth. The diary of John Surat places he and Booth in places at the same time the go between man is in those same places. Back and forth to Richmond and Canada and other stops.
That's about all I can say at this time, Thanks, L.C. Baker

Everything i know was worked up the ladder from a buried relic made of lead. Although there is some speculation, it is based on facts that i have hard evidence of. Without the same evidence that I have to look at and justify as real hard evidence (which we know has been done and you do not at this time) i find it very reasonable that you have doubts bigscoop.
it will be a privilege to prove it to you some day! Thanks, L.C.

It's all good....:thumbsup: I really believe good debates and the presenting of different evidences and logics, etc., can only serve the building of stronger and better cases whenever they can be truly built. Oftentimes it's those little unthought of circumstances, events, and counter intelligences that help pave a path to some of the answers we need/require. "Sometimes it can be good to disagree."

It's all good....:thumbsup: I really believe good debates and the presenting of different evidences and logics, etc., can only serve the building of stronger and better cases whenever they can be truly built. Oftentimes it's those little unthought of circumstances, events, and counter intelligences that help pave a path to some of the answers we need/require. "Sometimes it can be good to disagree."

ANOTHER "interest" of mine; R & I... JOHN YATES BEALL of Charles Town, WV (WAS Virginia, before CONFEDERATE WAR); JYB's home was in WALNUT GROVE (DING! DING! DING!) of JEFFERSON County (DING! DING! DING!); Lincoln had JYB hung as REBEL SPY on the Great Lakes. PERSONAL friend of JW Booth, who implored Lincoln NOT to have his friend hung in New York; Abe REFUSED... THUS! "EYE FOR AN EYE"! "CLUES"... BEALL (BEALE... TJB); WALNUT GROVE (as in Bedford County, VIRGINIA); JEFFERSON County, as in TJ... hmmm.

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I vote: Yes. He was a hire killer. What did he do with the money?

I vote: Yes. He was a hire killer. What did he do with the money?

If so, then the question is..."What money?" From all appearances it was a very low budget affair so pretty doubtful that Booth had access to any measure of wealth.

Yes the whole Beall hanging had Booth upset but John W. Booth was a coward by nature (he shot an unarmed man in the back of the head who was setting beside his wife). He wanted two things "Fame" and 'Wealth". Why else would he take the stage and shout "Sic semper tyrannis ", a Latin phrase meaning "thus, always, to tyrants." It was , as he seen it the greatest performance of his life on stage. He didn't shout " That's for hanging my friend Beall!"to the hundreds of people in his audience.
The man now had the fame he wished. Imagine if Charley Sheen Shot the president. Thats how much fame Booth had the next day. He was dissapointed to find out that the people (both north and south) thought he was a boob. He made it out of a locked down town and past a Union Army guard post at the only point out of town. All he had to do is heal up and get to the pay off point, which I believe he did.

If so, then the question is..."What money?" From all appearances it was a very low budget affair so pretty doubtful that Booth had access to any measure of wealth.

The pooled funds from wealthy Confederates and sympathizers that was put together in the Fall of 1864 and traveled to New York City by a high ranking Knight in the K.G.C. to "support the cause". What other "southern cause" at that point in the Civil War was there to support with the funds that we know were assembled and transferred to New York?

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In just the last two post (#40 & #41) we have two different stories "speculating" that Booth was indeed paid and even where the money came from. Who knows for certain, but obviously both of the presented claims can't be correct even though both appear to be well researched claims. But if all this "wealth" was at work in the planned killing of Lincoln then not a trace of it reared its ugly head even when it was needed the most - during the escape. In fact, the escape appears to be one completely lacking in money, sound planning, and resources. "Here you go John. Hopefully you'll eventually be able to find a boat to cross the river, then maybe hide in barns and such until you're in the clear." I mean, if this was the work of an intelligent, large, influential, and well funded organization, they sure dropped the ball BIG TIME.

ANOTHER "interest" of mine; R & I... JOHN YATES BEALL of Charles Town, WV (WAS Virginia, before CONFEDERATE WAR); JYB's home was in WALNUT GROVE (DING! DING! DING!) of JEFFERSON County (DING! DING! DING!); Lincoln had JYB hung as REBEL SPY on the Great Lakes. PERSONAL friend of JW Booth, who implored Lincoln NOT to have his friend hung in New York; Abe REFUSED... THUS! "EYE FOR AN EYE"! "CLUES"... BEALL (BEALE... TJB); WALNUT GROVE (as in Bedford County, VIRGINIA); JEFFERSON County, as in TJ... hmmm.
...also for retribution for the DAHLGREN PLOT to assassinate CSA Pres Davis & his cabinet,uncovered by another Virginia Beale,CSA Col Richard L T Beale.

I vote Yes: What happen to the money that he had received this murder?

What happen to the money that he had received for this murder?

This is such an interesting thread , very mature , no name calling ect Really check on it daily

That being said in my post #6 I mentioned a tv show about people burning pages As I look back another post reported that there were 17 pages missing from a Diary , wonder if there is a link

Also there is a school of thought that Booth lived and dies in Oklahoma years later , maybe it wasnt a paid - " HIT " but rather he was provided financial support during years? http://www.virtualcities.com/ons/tx/y/as/txy60a22.htm

Isn"t Oklahoma a KGC hot bed ?

Just wondering

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