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I have never heard that and will look into it.
The 1860 Marion County Tax Records that the Marshall Plantation consisted of 3700 acres and 83 slaves.CSA Col Jehu Foster Marshall was killed at the 2nd Battle of Manassas,Aug 1862,and his widow,Elizabeth Anne DeBruhl Marshall ran the Ocala plantation and supplied goods to the Confederacy by way of Hubbart Hart's steamboat line.She was at the plantation during the Union raid,March 10,1865.It has been rumoured that she recieved some compensation from Benjamin and Breckinridge during their stay in Ocala.
David Cook,a local historian and writer for the OCALA STAR BANNER wrote a great article on the raid for the paper,Nov 24,1991.Google -FEDERAL TROOPS RAID PLANTATION IN INVASION OF MARION COUNTY.
Other CSA treasure stories in Marion county include buried kegs of gold& silver specie at CSA Fort Brook in Orange Springs on the Oklawaha,and at CSA Capt J J Dickinson's Sunnyside Plantation,also in Orange Springs.
Part of the Marshall Plantation is now A board hiking Cross Florida Trail.

Hmmm... I remember that a REBEL General ordered some slaves to throw bags of coins (GOLD, SILVER), bags of jewelry down a dried up well, @ 20 ft deep. The slaves were ordered to throw dirt down over the coins & jewelry stopping 6 ' from top of well; slaves then were shot (dead), thrown in the well/vault, and REBEL soldiers filled in the well/vault covering the bodies... mounding off the well/vault, & topping it off with an Acacia Tree; as a "marker"; related to a SPRIG of ACACIA "legend" of 3rd Degree of FreeMasons (Master Mason); NOT sure of Order of Odd Fellows degrees. One of my grandfathers was IOOF; the other grandfather was a FreeMason, as was my dad & I. We were ALL Worshipful Masters of the same home lodge... 1928, 1955, and 1981.

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Look for a mound with an Acacia Tree at Marshall Plantation, guarded by GHOSTS at night! COULD be FUN! ANYWAY... we ARE "off-topic". LOL!

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Freemasons in K.G.C.

Look for a mound with an Acacia Tree at Marshall Plantation, guarded by GHOSTS at night! COULD be FUN! ANYWAY... we ARE "off-topic". LOL!

Hmmm... I remember that a REBEL General ordered some slaves to throw bags of coins (GOLD, SILVER), bags of jewelry down a dried up well, @ 20 ft deep. The slaves were ordered to throw dirt down over the coins & jewelry stopping 6 ' from top of well; slaves then were shot (dead), thrown in the well/vault, and REBEL soldiers filled in the well/vault covering the bodies... mounding off the well/vault, & topping it off with an Acacia Tree; as a "marker"; related to a SPRIG of ACACIA "legend" of 3rd Degree of FreeMasons (Master Mason); NOT sure of Order of Odd Fellows degrees. One of my grandfathers was IOOF; the other grandfather was a FreeMason, as was my dad & I. We were ALL Worshipful Masters of the same home lodge... 1928, 1955, and 1981.

"The genuine Acacia, also, is the thorny tamarisk, the same tree
which grew up round the body of Osiris. It was a sacred tree
among the Arabs, who made of it the idol Al-Uzza, which Mohammed
destroyed. It is abundant as a bush in the Desert of
Thur : and of it the " crown of thorns" was composed, which was
set on the forehead of Jesus of Nazareth. It is a fit type of immortality
on account of its tenacity of life; for it has been known,
when planted as a door-post, to take root again and shoot out
budding boughs above the threshold." A. Pike

I will say this,... anyone looking for K.G.C. caches, must read and understand several of Albert Pike's books to have any chance of finding them. It is the reason that 90% of them are still undiscovered. We are knee deep in Freemasons on this K.G.C. trail, from the bottom to the top.
There is no doubt in my mind that Freemasons and the K.G.C. were quite fond of each other. I suspect at this point in our investigation, that being a Freemason was a prerequisite to becoming a certain level of Knight in the Golden Circle.

L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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View attachment 857298

Bill Doolin / outlaw, thief, cattle rustler, murderer, killed on July 5th 1896 pictured topless with open gun shot wounds. Published photo in news papers.

View attachment 857302

The Dalton gang / outlaw thieves and robbers, murderers, laid out like fish on a stringer for all to view, published in the press

View attachment 857304

Jesse James ???? outlaw, thief, murderer, laid out by the proud men that want you to think they got him. published in the press for all to see.

There are the photos that were not supposed to be taken, by the orders of Edward Stanton. and inforced by law.
But, even with that, they were still taken and leeked out into the press at some point. Like this one of Abe Lincoln dead in his coffin.
View attachment 857308

There was the the first of America's most wanted men, Mr. John Wilkes Booth, ASSASSIN, MURDERER, ACTOR<:notworthy: Most famous man in the history of the 1800's, Tracked down by the United States Secret Service, the murderer of the President of the United States. Voted to be the Most handsome man in America! Cornered by the U.S. Army in a barn that the United States Secret Service told them he could be found in.

The Army commander in charge (Doherty) wanted to take Booth alive.
It was only a matter of an hour or so before dawn. He wanted keep the barn surrounded and wait for daylight, and then rush the barn from all directions. *(Not a bad idea considering that Booth was armed with a black powder weapon that required reloading after each shot.) He was overruled, so to speak, by the secret service agents that against his wishes fired the barn while Doherty was on the other side of the barn positioning his men for the proposed attack at dawn.
The man in the barn was shot by Corbett who disobeyed Doherty's direct order to take Booth alive.

Here is a picture of the assassin's slayer....the patriot? (read about this lunatic)


Edwin Stanton had Corbett arrested for breaking his orders; however, Stanton dropped that charges claiming that, ”The rebel is dead. The patriot lives.”

was this man chosen for this man hunt for this reason by Stanton himself as another scapegoat? In July of 1858, in an attempt to curb his desire to give in to prostitutes, Boston Corbett castrated himself. As if this act was not odd enough, he did not seek medical attention until after he had eaten dinner and attended his previously-scheduled prayer meeting.

in Doherty's own words:

On arriving at the barn I left the Garrett I had in charge with some of my men, and posted my men around the barn. This accomplished, I returned to the front of the barn, and found Garrett coming out of the barn; it appears that he had been sent in there during my absence to summon Booth to surrender. This I disapproved, as there were soldiers enough there to perform such duty. Booth, however, refused to surrender. The detectives were in favor of firing the barn, which I opposed, declaring my intention to wait until daylight and I would send my men through the four different doors and overpower the assassin, but after consultation the project of burning the building was abandoned for the time being.

We threatened to burn the barn if he did not surrender; at one time gave him ten minutes to make up his mind. Finally, Booth said, "Oh; Captain, there is a man here who wants to surrender awful bad:" I answered, and I think Mr. Baker did at the same time, "Hand out your arms." Herold replied, "I have none." Baker said, "We know exactly what you have got." Booth replied, "I own all the arms, and intend to use them on you gentlemen." After some little parley I said, "Let him out." Some one objected. I ordered Garrett, the younger son, who had the key, to unlock the barn, (They were locked inside?)which he did. I partially opened the door, and told Herold to put out his hand, which he did. I then told him to put [out] his other hand. I took hold of both his wrists and pulled him out of the barn. Almost simultaneous with my taking Herold out of the barn the hay in the rear of the barn was ignited by Mr. Conger, and the barn fired. Sergt. Boston Corbett, Company L, Sixteenth New York Cavalry, shot the assassin Booth, wounding him in the neck. I entered the barn as soon as the shot was fired, dragging Herold with me, and found that Booth had fallen on his back. Messrs. Conger and Baker, with some of my men, entered the barn and took hold of Booth. I proceeded with Herold to find a rope to secure him, there being no irons for that purpose.(sent to take them alive, but had no hand cuffs?) The assassin Booth lived about two hours. In the meantime a doctor was procured, who remained with Booth till he died. I procured a wagon, sewed up the body in a blanket myself,

"What we have here is a failure to communicate" or........ the secret service had their own malevolent agenda set forth by E. Stanton. They had with them an lunatic to do what they were sent there to do........produce the assassin Booth. We have a picture of the dead president....a picture of the man who shot the assassin......but no picture of the dead assassin...

Think about it, L.C. Baker


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If they (Booth and Harold) were locked inside of the barn when the Army arrived, weren't they already in custody?
Think about it, L.C. Baker


"I ordered Garrett, the younger son, who had the key, to unlock the barn,which he did. I partially opened the door, and told Herold to put out his hand, which he did. I then told him to put [out] his other hand."

I prefer to believe in "documented" materials, and not in the speculative writings of others, or in the writings of those with a vested interest in "spreading the word". From everything I've ever researched the KGC wasn't nearly the powerful and influential body they thought they were and I have yet to see one ounce of proof to the contrary. In their hay-day the KKK made many similar claims...I think the KGC pretty much falls into this same class...way over-touted for what they really embodied. In fact, the KKK probably had more success during their short time atop their self-made throne then the KGC ever accomplished. But again, this is just my opinion.

Spies. Traitors
and Conspirators
of the Late Civil War



This would be a good place to start reviewing "DOCUMENTED" proof of what was really taking place in the U.S. Government, by the K.G.C.

Don't mean to single out bigscoop for anything he said, on the contrary, he has very good responses to my allegations. I don't know any of you on a personal level, so to me, he and others, are a very good representation of what I will be up against when i present the evidence that we posses to the public.
Thanks for your input, L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

With total respect, Baker was Chief of the National Detective Service, not as the first Chief of the Secret Service. Yes, it was the last order signed by Lincoln of approval to form the Service, and it was Col. William P. Wood which is clear fact with documentation met with Booth and Col Mosby, CSA in planning the original plan to KIDNAP Lincoln, Johnson, and Seward. And by the way, Wood was right hand man of Stanton. Wood was involved with dealing with counterfeit greenbacks/bonds being circulated, and yes he was running the Old Capitol Prision and involved with the chase of Booth after the assassination. The treasury office was downstairs from Stantons War Department/office. Please see below:

[TABLE="class: yiv1079807802MsoNormalTable, width: 100%"]
[TD]The Secret Service Division was created on July 5, 1865 in Washington, D.C., to suppress counterfeit currency. Chief William P. Wood was sworn in by Secretary of the Treasury Hugh McCulloch.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]Secret Service responsibilities were broadened to include "detecting persons perpetrating frauds against the government." This appropriation resulted in investigations into the Ku Klux Klan, non-conforming distillers, smugglers, mail robbers, land frauds, and a number of other infractions against the federal laws.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]Secret Service headquarters relocated to New York City.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]Secret Service headquarters returned to Washington, D.C.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]The first commission book and a new badge were issued to operatives.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]Congress passed an Act prohibiting the counterfeiting of any coin, gold or silver bar.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]Secret Service was officially acknowledged as a distinct organization within the Treasury Department.


I apologize for the dates not showing up as I cut and pasted the outline. Year of each above, in order is 1865, 1867, 1870, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1883......

With total respect, Baker was Chief of the National Detective Service, not as the first Chief of the Secret Service. Yes, it was the last order signed by Lincoln of approval to form the Service, and it was Col. William P. Wood which is clear fact with documentation met with Booth and Col Mosby, CSA in planning the original plan to KIDNAP Lincoln, Johnson, and Seward. And by the way, Wood was right hand man of Stanton. Wood was involved with dealing with counterfeit greenbacks/bonds being circulated, and yes he was running the Old Capitol Prision and involved with the chase of Booth after the assassination. The treasury office was downstairs from Stantons War Department/office. Please see below:

[TABLE="class: yiv1079807802MsoNormalTable, width: 100%"]
[TD]The Secret Service Division was created on July 5, 1865 in Washington, D.C., to suppress counterfeit currency. Chief William P. Wood was sworn in by Secretary of the Treasury Hugh McCulloch.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]Secret Service responsibilities were broadened to include "detecting persons perpetrating frauds against the government." This appropriation resulted in investigations into the Ku Klux Klan, non-conforming distillers, smugglers, mail robbers, land frauds, and a number of other infractions against the federal laws.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]Secret Service headquarters relocated to New York City.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]Secret Service headquarters returned to Washington, D.C.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]The first commission book and a new badge were issued to operatives.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]Congress passed an Act prohibiting the counterfeiting of any coin, gold or silver bar.

[TD="width: 25"]
[TD]Secret Service was officially acknowledged as a distinct organization within the Treasury Department.


I actually cut and pasted that from the publication. I can only assume it was correctly printed.

tcl cover 002.webp

This is a photo of the book that I took it from, written by Baker. I don't doubt your word, but I was just going by the publication before me. I have also read this account:

William P. Wood, formerly Chief of the Secret Service ... I am not so sure of the dates of the two different chiefs or who was first...:dontknow:
Thanks for your input, L.C.

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From what I have read about Col. William Woods, he does not fit the criteria of the K.G.C. as I know it. He was involved in underhanded activities that seem to be more of a malevolent nature. His personal vendetta against his replacement Hiram C. Whitley and their subsequent battling over who had done the most, along with their exposing of each others fraudulent doings, just makes him seem even more caught up in his own agenda instead of the large scale Knights of the Golden Circle operations.
As far as his relationship to E. Stanton, Mr. Wood seemed to me to be more of a protege in office at the same time. He was directed by Stanton in his (failed) attempts to capture and seize the "midnight press" counterfeiters. I would suspect that Woods was just as corrupt, if not more than E.Stanton, just on his own level.
In this same way, it has been eluded to the "great Amounts" of gold that Jesse James had collected for the K.G.C. coffer, when in reality it was just a few drops in the bucket that was already 3/4 full. The public is led to believe what the press is printing and except it as fact without trial. Jesse and his gang, got accused of a lot of robberies he had no part in. But this is my opinion....and we all have one of those. :laughing7:
:thumbsup: L.C. Baker

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I found it:

Baker largely owed his appointment to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, but suspected the secretary of corruption and was eventually demoted for tapping his telegraph lines and packed off to New York. He was quickly recalled, however, after the assassination of President Lincoln in 1865. Ultimately, he was the first agent of any kind in the secret service, before it was called the secret service. Baker was a United States investigator and spy, serving for the Union Army, during the American Civil War and under presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson.

William P. Wood was sworn in on July 5, 1865 by Secretary of the Treasury Hugh McCulloch. He then headed the newly formed Secret Service for four years until he resigned in 1869

Which brings me to this recollection that I would like to bring up to redirect this to Booth's escape:

If you realize that Baker was reporting to E. Stanton everything that he was spying on in the South, then his route of entry into the C.S.A. would have been reported to Stanton upon his return from his first excursion behind enemy lines. It has a striking familiarity about it if you recall the route that Booth supposedly took according to what was reported by the War department. (Stanton)

From Baker's report:

With the dawn of the next morning I renewed my journey
afoot through the lower counties of Maryland, toward
Port Tobacco, traveling thirty-five miles that day, and reach
ing that town at night. Exhaustion prepared me for sound
and refreshing sleep. In the morning I gave a negro a twentydollar
gold piece to row me across the river
, when I was
safely in the Confederacy, below Dumfries. Tiie country
was wooded, and an unfrequented road, whose geneial direction
was toward Richmond, suggested the line of my advance
into the Old Dominion. I pursued my solitary Journey
through the desolate country, slaking thirst, excited by the
heat of the Southern sun, at brooks which at intervals crossed
my path. I could necessarily have no settled plan of future
movements, but trusted to providential indications of what,
under the circumstances, it would be prudent and politic to
do. With that entire composure of feeling and self-reliance
which attend a purpose, however daring, when once the
die is cast, to reach its final issue, I cast my bid over the
sparsely-settled country, with its old roads crossed with
paths, and studded with oaks, particularly careful to observe
the least sign of a human form within its horizon. Four miles
of distance lay between me and the banks of the Potomac,
when two Confederate soldiers made their appearance, too
near me to make an escape possible. I was taken prisoner
under an order to arrest as a spy any stranger passing that
way, and marched off toward camp, eight miles distant

When Baker (aka Mr. Munsen) was taken into custody by the Rebels it went like this:

I replied: "I came from Washington, and am on my way to Richmond."

The letters were then handed to General Bonham by one
of the captors.
After reading, he said, "How dare you come inside of my lines !
Exliibiting proper surprise and indignation, I replied, I
am a loyal and peaceful citizen of the United States, engaged
in an honorable and legitimate pursuit. I have business in
Richmond, and desire to go there."
(this is almost word for word what was reported that Booth told the gaurds at the bridge)
I replied, "I am from Washington, and going to Richmond, on private business. I have not intended to violate
any law, regulation, or military rule, of the Confederate army."
"When did you leave Washington?"
" Day before yesterday," I replied.
" Where did you cross the river ?"
" In the vicinity of Port Tobacco."
'* How did you get across ?"
"In a boat."
" Who brought you across 1"
''A negro."
" So you are going to Richmond, are you ?"
" Yes, if I can get there ; but am willing to return If you
will permit me to do so."

Port tobacco residents:

George Atzerodt one of Booth's co-conspirators

Rose O'Neal Greenhow (1814-1864) was born here and became renowned as a Confederate spy operating in Washington, she was credited with ensuring their victory at the First Battle of Bull Run in July 1861. daughter Adele Cutts in 1856 married the widower Stephen Douglas, senator from Illinois.

After shooting President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theatre April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth fled across the Potomac River into Maryland, then headed toward Virginia.

The pursuing Army chasing him were directed through Port Tobacco on their way to the Garrett Farm where Booth (Mr. Boyd) and Herald were waiting for them to find already locked in the barn.....:icon_scratch:
L.C. Baker

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The escape theory has been around for a long time. With so many faucets of deceit, it is hard to see the truth.

Article - Id=211 :

You are correct, so many stories and rumors. I traveled thousands of miles, met with so many people, went and obtained documents from them they stored in bank deposit boxes, in their family chest. As a skiptracer over 18 plus years, I searched and verified the true information more ways than just one. Many of these people even went to historians and they have been called liars and "quacks." One is James O. Hall, which to me has covered up so much of the truth, to keep the version being taught to remain. Yes, I found documents I truly believe was members of the KGC in Baltimore. Large list of men. They help Izola Booth, and daughter Olgrita to be hidden before and after the assassination. Think about it, why wasn't she found and questioned? I know the truth, the escape, many of the men and women involved and assisted.

Once I realized the enormity of the Knights of the Golden Circle, I started looking for where the castle we had identified all started. I was studying the Civil War era at the time 1850-1865. The farther back I linked them the more of them there were. I then traced farther back to the 1830's, trying to put my finger on the very beginning of this particular pack. Once you have the results in your hand it is a matter of walking up the ladder. I had managed to trace them and their relatives all the way back to their Scotch Irish beginnings. This turns out to look like a web of names connected to names that are connected to names...:laughing7: . The thing that I began to see was that it was circles on a web, each made up of Knights that were joined in performing there own specific part of that particular circle on the web. The largest circles on the outside of the web, the ones furthest from the center, were the working class members, the ones getting their hands in the dirt. There is no spider in the middle, no all ruling master, like they try to make Albert Pike appear to be. The circles do get smaller towards the center, and there are less and less Knights that make them up. The circles nearest to the center of the web are the oldest and the beginning of the web.
I have also seen that a particular persons place in life...President or pauper, has no bearing on their placement in the circles of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Think about it if you are the most powerful Knight in the K.G.C. you are only recognized as that powerful person by the ranks of the secret organization......therefore, in real life you might just be the guy that ran the local grocery store.
L.C. Baker

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