Rebel - KGC
Gold Member
- Jun 15, 2007
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I have never heard that and will look into it.
The 1860 Marion County Tax Records that the Marshall Plantation consisted of 3700 acres and 83 slaves.CSA Col Jehu Foster Marshall was killed at the 2nd Battle of Manassas,Aug 1862,and his widow,Elizabeth Anne DeBruhl Marshall ran the Ocala plantation and supplied goods to the Confederacy by way of Hubbart Hart's steamboat line.She was at the plantation during the Union raid,March 10,1865.It has been rumoured that she recieved some compensation from Benjamin and Breckinridge during their stay in Ocala.
David Cook,a local historian and writer for the OCALA STAR BANNER wrote a great article on the raid for the paper,Nov 24,1991.Google -FEDERAL TROOPS RAID PLANTATION IN INVASION OF MARION COUNTY.
Other CSA treasure stories in Marion county include buried kegs of gold& silver specie at CSA Fort Brook in Orange Springs on the Oklawaha,and at CSA Capt J J Dickinson's Sunnyside Plantation,also in Orange Springs.
Part of the Marshall Plantation is now A board hiking Cross Florida Trail.
Hmmm... I remember that a REBEL General ordered some slaves to throw bags of coins (GOLD, SILVER), bags of jewelry down a dried up well, @ 20 ft deep. The slaves were ordered to throw dirt down over the coins & jewelry stopping 6 ' from top of well; slaves then were shot (dead), thrown in the well/vault, and REBEL soldiers filled in the well/vault covering the bodies... mounding off the well/vault, & topping it off with an Acacia Tree; as a "marker"; related to a SPRIG of ACACIA "legend" of 3rd Degree of FreeMasons (Master Mason); NOT sure of Order of Odd Fellows degrees. One of my grandfathers was IOOF; the other grandfather was a FreeMason, as was my dad & I. We were ALL Worshipful Masters of the same home lodge... 1928, 1955, and 1981.
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