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One Tough S.O.B. or Fabricated stories?

The Order of the Sons of Liberty required members to swear an oath to their cause....

Sons of Liberty spoke out and acted against what they saw as an injustice of thwarted rights. In this case, the injustice was being committed by the United States government by denying the rights of the Southern States to leave the Union.

Sons of Liberty opposed the Union draft and planned to fight with the Southern troops.

The original Sons of Liberty were looked upon as patriots and great leaders of the new country. After the Civil War, the new Order of the Sons of Liberty faced charges of treason.

As you can see, it is highly likely that the Sons of Liberty would have put up the money to have Lincoln disposed of....be it Kidnapped or shot, either way they were good with it. John Wilkes Booth was a Son of Liberty at the time he killed President Lincoln.
Booth then shouts the official motto of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the city of Allentown, Pennsylvania after his assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.
View attachment 866176
The phrase has been invoked historically in Europe and other parts of the world as an epithet or rallying cry against abuse of power.
The phrase is attributed to Marcus Junius Brutus, the most famous figure in the assassination of Julius Caesar on March 15, 44 BC. In American history, Booth did love his Shakespeare, but is that all it meant to him?.
So my question is this.
"Why did John Wilkes Booth, after shooting Lincoln in the back of the head (BIG NOISE!), then battling for his life against Rathbone slashing the man just before jumping over the edge of the balcony to the stage. Not gracefully I might add, catching his spir in the drapery and landing awkwardly..(THUD!) Theater full of screaming people....Mary Lincoln's blood curdling screams coming from the balcony...and Booth picks himself up and is able to stand on the freshly broken leg gaining his composer and then stops in the middle of his escape center stage to shout...

:icon_scratch: get·a·way
ˈgetəˌwā/Submit noun
1.an escape or quick departure, esp. after committing a crime.:dontknow:

eye witness account:

All went on pleasantly until half-past ten o'clock when during the second scene of the third act, the sharp report of a pistol rang through the house. The report seemed to proceed from behind the President's box. While it startled every one in the audience, it was evidently accepted by all as an introductory effect preceding some new situation in the play, several of which had been introduced in the earlier parr of the performance. A moment afterward a hatless and white-faced man leaped from the front of the President's box down twelve feet to the stage. As he jumped, one of the spurs on his riding-boots caught in the folds of the flag dropped over the front, and caused him to fall partly on his hands and knees as he struck the stage. Springing quickly to his feet with the suppleness of an athlete, he faced the audience for a moment as he brandished in his right hand a long knife, and shouted "Sic Semper Tyrannis!" Then, with a rapid stage stride, he crossed the stage, and disappeared from view. A piercing shriek from the President's box, a repeated call for "Water! water!" and "A surgeon!" in quick succession, conveyed the truth to the almost paralyzed audience. A most terrible scene of excitement followed. With loud shouts of "Kill him!" "Lynch him!" part of the audience stampeded toward the entrance and some to the stage.
Sounds like Booth upstaged the actors with a final scene of his own. I have to say, I broke my leg once and all I could do was flop like a fish and say "OH GOD! IT'S BROKE!" and then I turned white and felt like I was going to puke.:happysmiley:
J.W. Booth must have been one tough S.O.B. or......somebody is fabricating eye witness accounts.
:thumbsup: L.C. Baker

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another eye witness account:

"Mary reached out to her slumping husband and began shrieking. Now wielding a dagger, the man yelled, "Sic semper tyrannous" ("Thus always to tyrants"), slashed Rathbone's arm open to the bone, and then leapt from the box. Catching his spur in a flag, he crashed to the stage, breaking his left shin in the fall. Rathbone and Harris both yelled for someone to stop him, but he escaped out the back stage door.:icon_scratch: Two eye witnesses and two stories.
L.C. Baker:dontknow:

Two people, William Kent and W. H. Taylor, claimed to have retrieved Booth's pistol and turned it over to the police. Many claim to have carried the mortally wounded Lincoln across Tenth Street to the Petersen house. Beginning in 1924, several stated that he or she was the last surviving witness to the assassination. We learn here how certain myths, like the one that Booth broke his leg when he jumped from the box onto the stage, became part of history.:dontknow:Baker

We Saw Lincoln Shot: One Hundred Eyewitness Accounts Paperback
by Timothy S. Good (Author)

Booth was directed sometime before or after the assassination, on where he was to come to get his money. There is written proof that he did go where he was instructed, and he did receive the pay from the K.G.C.. What he did with it after that is only speculation.


The Underground Railroad consisted of meeting points, secret routes, transportation, and safe houses, and assistance provided by abolitionist sympathizers. Individuals were often organized in small, independent groups; this helped to maintain secrecy because individuals knew some connecting "stations" along the route but knew few details of their immediate area. Escaped slaves would move north along the route from one way station to the next. "Conductors" on the railroad came from various backgrounds

If uneducated dirt poor negro slaves could find their way from the south to the north in this manor, escaping to their freedom, Then I am damn sure that a rich educated white actor could depend on the Knights of the Golden Circle to have an "UNDERGROUND RAILROAD", that he could count on to take him to his "FREEDOM" from the north to the south.
"Logic 101"L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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The Underground Railroad consisted of meeting points, secret routes, transportation, and safe houses, and assistance provided by abolitionist sympathizers. Individuals were often organized in small, independent groups; this helped to maintain secrecy because individuals knew some connecting "stations" along the route but knew few details of their immediate area. Escaped slaves would move north along the route from one way station to the next. "Conductors" on the railroad came from various backgrounds

If uneducated dirt poor negro slaves could find their way from the south to the north in this manor, escaping to their freedom, Then I am damn sure that a rich educated white actor could depend on the Knights of the Golden Circle to have an "UNDERGROUND RAILROAD", that he could count on to take him to his "FREEDOM" from the north to the south.
"Logic 101"L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

Possible... "google" Confederate Underground; Confederate Secret Service.

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In March 1865,the CSA Congree enacted legistration for an official Special and Secret Bureau for the CSA War Dept,but then Richmond fell.April 2,1865,so the official CSA Secret Service lasted less than a month.Before then the spy network(many of them women) were part of the CSA Signal Corps.
The sites below contain this information and information on Booth's role in events.
http://www.richmondthenand now.com/Newspaper-Articles-Confederate-Secret-Srevice-2.html

CSA-SS PROBABLY went "underground"... SOME Rebels NEVER surrendered; Gen. Jubal Early, Gen. TT Munford... OTHERS. Early & Munford lived in the Lynchburg, Va. area, after the CW, becoming VERY wealthy; Gen. Early had prior "contact" with KGC after a battle in MD or PA during the CONFEDERATE WAR.

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CSA-SS PROBABLY went "underground"... SOME Rebels NEVER surrendered; Gen. Jubal Early, Gen. TT Munford... OTHERS. Early & Munford lived in the Lynchburg, Va. area, after the CW, becoming VERY wealthy; Gen. Early had prior "contact" with KGC after a battle in MD or PA during the CONFEDERATE WAR.

Thanks a lot.....I was up until 2 am reading about Jubal Early.....:icon_thumleft: very interesting. I will spend weeks trying to find out more about his time line and travel. It is very similar to Mr. Booths escape route. Maybe they used the same underground railroad.......the one with the K.G.C. conductors????:icon_scratch:
Thanks for the info, L.C. Baker

In March 1865,the CSA Congree enacted legistration for an official Special and Secret Bureau for the CSA War Dept,but then Richmond fell.April 2,1865,so the official CSA Secret Service lasted less than a month.Before then the spy network(many of them women) were part of the CSA Signal Corps.
The sites below contain this information and information on Booth's role in events.
http://www.richmondthenand now.com/Newspaper-Articles-Confederate-Secret-Srevice-2.html

Some great archives here. The problem is, the Knights of the Golden Circle have no roster. The only way we have ever uncovered someones membership in the organization was by unearthing actual K.G.C. Relics that implicated them into the ranks of the K.G.C. Then, through hours and hours and sometimes days and weeks of research on that persons life we were able to find further implications that they were indeed an actual member of the Knights of the Golden Circle.
Thanks for the info, L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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Some great archives here. The problem is, the Knights of the Golden Circle have no roster. The only way we have ever uncovered someones membership in the organization was by unearthing actual K.G.C. Relics that implicated them into the ranks of the K.G.C. Then, through hours and hours and sometimes days and weeks of research on that persons life we were able to find further implications that they were indeed an actual member of the Knights of the Golden Circle.
Thanks for the info, L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

Look into OAK for FURTHER info...

Some great archives here. The problem is, the Knights of the Golden Circle have no roster. The only way we have ever uncovered someones membership in the organization was by unearthing actual K.G.C. Relics that implicated them into the ranks of the K.G.C. Then, through hours and hours and sometimes days and weeks of research on that persons life we were able to find further implications that they were indeed an actual member of the Knights of the Golden Circle.
Thanks for the info, L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

Well... it's like the SECRET 7 SOCIETY at the University of Virginia; NEVER knew the person was a member until they died; a guy who got his Law degree there... practiced Law in Richmond, Va. & graduated from MY high school/played jr & sr football (as I); was a member.

Transylvania University And it’s Confederate Ties


As the connections were made from one name to another it came to light that there were several different members with a link to Transylvania University. Jefferson Davis attended the school before he went to West Point. Dr. William McKendree Gwin who later became Senator William Gwin pursued classical studies and graduated from the medical department of Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky in 1828. He was highly suspected to be in the K.G.C. during the Civil War especially by Ulysses S. Grant.
Albert Sidney Johnston the future Confederate Army Brigadier General also attended Transylvania University with Jefferson Davis as his classmate. Jefferson Davis thought that Johnston was the best Commanding General in the C.S.A. and took his death at the battle of Shiloh very hard.
John C. Breckinridge also attended Transylvania University where he obtained his Law degree. That’s both the future President and vice president of the Confederate Government and two future Brigadier Generals in the C.S.A. This drew my interest to look farther into the school’s staff and board of trustees. Who were the men that educated and groomed the future leaders of the Confederate Government and Army?
It is most likely that the elders of the K.G.C. had hand picked certain young men to carry out the Knights of the Golden Circle’s plans. The Knight’s plan most likely did include the staffing of Government positions by selected individuals that were brought into the ranks of the K.G.C. at an early age. Without new young members being initiated into the ranks of the organization, it would eventually die off. This is a problem with many organizations such as the Eagles, Elks, or the Freemasons of today.
The famed statesman Henry Clay was a law professor at the school and a member of Transylvania's board of trustees. A plantation owner, Clay held slaves during his lifetime but freed them in his Will at the time of his death. Clay's father owned 22 slaves, making him part of the Planter Class in Virginia (those men who owned 20 or more slaves). Henry’s first two slaves were willed to him by his father who died when he was just four years old. So you could say Henry Clay owned slaves most of his life……all but the first four years of it. During his lifetime Henry Clay secured the ownership of 60 slaves that he used to operate the plantation he owned named “Ashland” .
Henry Clay also brokered important compromises during the nullification crisis and on the slavery issue. He was part of the "Great Triumvirate" or "Immortal Trio," along with his colleagues Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun, He was instrumental in formulating the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850.. Henry Clay was viewed as the primary representative of Western interests of the trio. He was also the third cousin of Clement C. Clay who lead the Confederate Secret Service with Jacob Thompson. Thompson was the former Secretary of the Interior in James Buchanan‘s presidential cabinet.
The president of Transylvania University was Henry Bidleman Bascom who lived from 1796 until 1850 Bascom would become the Agent of the American Colonization Society. This group wanted to send all of the freed slaves in America to Liberia in colonies established there. They considered Negroes to be licentious creatures and did not want them woven into a white man’s society. The thoughts of Negroes inner breeding the whites made the A.C. S. twitch funny to say the least. One time Henry Bascom visited Baltimore, where he gave a speech that made a great sensation in the town. He was known for his powerful oratory skills and use of strong epithets and rather extravagant metaphors.
In 1823 Henry Clay obtained for him the appointment of Chaplin of the Us, House of Representatives. Bascom served as such, from 1824 until 1826. He was elected president of Transylvania University in 1842 and served until 1849. Bascom was elected in 1850 as an American Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.
Rev. Bascom played an important role at the Methodist Episcopal General Conference of 1844. Believe it or not, the denomination divided over the question of slavery. The Church suspended a Bishop named James Osgood Andrew because he owned slaves and he refused to free them. Even after the church told him he could be readmitted upon doing so, he still refused.
Henry Bascom wrote the famous "Protest of the Minority" of the southern members against this action by the majority. He also published an elaborate volume in defense of the Southern Church, entitled "Methodism and Slavery." . It is easy to see what Henry Bascom’s sentiments were when it came to southern preachers owning slaves.
One can start to see a trend at Transylvania University in those days. The cultured sentiments of the elders of the University passed down from one generation to the next. After all it was founded by Thomas Jefferson who was another United States President who owned slaves.
Another well known Confederate graduate of the school was Bedford Brown, Jr. who was the son of North Carolina Senator Bedford Brown, Sr. He graduated from Transylvania University‘s medical school in 1848, and Jefferson Medical College in 1853. On July 18, 1861 Dr. Brown was commissioned into the 24th North Carolina Infantry. He resigned from that unit on October 25, 1861. During 1862 and 1863 he served in the 43rd North Carolina Infantry as a surgeon. Brown was medical director of the Confederate Army during the Conley Campaign in West Virginia. After his military service ended, Brown and his wife Mary "Mollie" Brown and their three children relocated from Yanceyville, North Carolina to Alexandria, Virginia where he lived until his death in 1897.
Transylvania University had the first of many organized secret clubs, some of which went on to become the first organized Greek fraternities. Even to this day the school boast a historic and large group of Greek social organizations and lifestyles. The teaching staff at Transylvania University seemed to welcome the organized initiations and secret meetings of these groups in the 1800‘s . It would lead one to believe that there could have been some staff involvement and interaction with one or more of these societies during that time. The sentiments of founding fathers could have been passed down to new initiates and the old traditions of the South carried on into new generations of it’s future leaders.

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Look for the MYSTICAL 7 there... HUGE!

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Mystical 7 does not fit the bill as far as I am concerned. Like the Skull and Bones, they to are a malevolent organization. The Knights of the Golden Circle were chivalrous and more of a "ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE" type secret society. Besides that the Mystical 7 favored some extreme anti-slavery opponents. Just my opinion....:thumbsup:L.C. Baker

st luis fair.webp ...............and

John St. Helen (David George...whom Finis Bates claimed was St. Helen years after he had met the man in Texas) The body was mummified, sold and toured for a while, including at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904. Its whereabouts today are unknown.[/QUOTE]

john st. helen  j.w. booth.webp

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