Was I Wrong??

I understand where the guy with the line is coming from.....but I certainly don't think you did anything wrong.
You had a wonderfull weekend with your son, and your salting his finds, added to his enjoyment!

Right on Dad :)


I never had kids... But I am my father's son.

If he had done that to me I woulda been estatic! What a great memory that would have been! I think you did good...

What matters is where your heart was at... :)

You made his day...............DAD!!!

Well done. When he has kids you can fill him in on it and he can do the same.

I would probably never tell him about it. What you did was in the right spirit and created a precious memory for you both. Don't feel guilty.

You made the both of you happy and created some very very precious memories! You probably spurred your son on to bigger and better finds! Glad you're back and all is well!

Did you stop to think that your co-worker was maybe a little jealous? Maybe his Dad never took time to experience life with him as you have with your son.

I've done the same thing to my Dad, and I'm sure he's done the same to me, LOL!

No biggie, keeps the juices flowing when then gold isn't exactly the greatest. I wouldn't consider something like this to be an outright lie, anyways. :)

boogeyman said:
Did you stop to think that your co-worker was maybe a little jealous? Maybe his Dad never took time to experience life with him as you have with your son.

I think you're on the right track. As we would sit and talk about family he would talk about his two boys. They are grown and somewhat successful. He would talk about what school they went to and what law firm they are working for, etc. He never mentioned doing anything with his boys that was just for fun. The old, "All work and no play..."

I feel sorry for his boys.

Thanks and HH,

A buddy of mine and I took my 2 grandaughters fishing one day. They were around 7 or 8 years old at the time. They are around 13 and 14 now. We went out in the boat and it turned out to be a very stormy day. It got cold and the rain poured down in buckets. The girls got all curled up in their raingear; the sleeves came past their hands and the hoods covered their faces for the most part and they just sat there saying nothing. We finally hooked one fish and let one of them reel it in. It was an exciting moment. We quickly got the idea to grab their lines and slowly pull it up and rehook the fish and put it back in the water. Then we would tug on their lines like they had a bite. They would scream and giggle as they reeled it in and, when it got near the surface, my buddy would put the net in the water and shake it around like the fish was still alive. We caught one fish that day but the girls, to this day, will swear we limited out. :wink: If you did wrong, I guess we'll meet in hell. :angry4:

it's when you lie for personal gain that causes bad karma
what you did is called bonding and that my friend is never a bad thing.

grndfisher said:
A short explanation and then the question.

Last summer I had received word that I was going to Iraq. This would be my third trip over there and for some reason my mind really started to work overtime with the “what if” scenarios. I guess I’m getting old. Anyway, I have a son who is 15 and we had been out prospecting for gold several times with limited success. With the “what if” thing lurking, I thought how great would it be if we had a really good day with color in the pan. A day that would hold a special memory for my son. So, I purchased a bag of “guaranteed” concentrates and our last trip out before I left for my deployment I salted his bucket with some of the concentrates. He has become a pretty good panner and sure enough, “Hey Dad, look what I got!” We kept digging and I mixed in the last of the concentrates and again he came up with several pans with some nice little flakes. It was great! We drove home and he showed his mother what he had found. She looked at me and winked having been in on the secret. I left the following week and of course returned home safe.

While I was deployed I related my story to some of the other guys and most had a good laugh. One guy however laid the “those who practice to deceive” line on me. I started to wonder if I really did my son disservice. I didn’t talk about it anymore but it still bothers me a little. My son still believes we got lucky.

I like to think that this is no different than when Santa would come to visit. The kids find out eventually, are a little disappointed but still hold on to those memories of how fun it was. Some day I’ll tell him about it.

So, did I do a bad thing?

My opinion is heck no my friend from what you did, you are one of the best pops I know by reading your story.

Sir, I want you to know also from me I thank you greatly for your service to our cause and country. Yeah I'm a veteran myself, served a few years but I don't carry the torch anymore, men and women like yourself, make me very very proud, when I say I was "in". True we all know folks have died as we now are over 4000 there gone. Many more wounded. Once I had your thought going somewhere and asked my dad (he was a B17 driver) in WW2 how he dealt with it as I was scared I would not return this time. He told me of the many many planes that would take off to bomb, maybe half would return. He was always in the half. Several of his planes limped back to base from the battles they were in. I believe God already knows when we are coming home, it is already written and can't be changed. Best thing is to be ready spiritually and not worry on it.

Lastly you can tell him if and when you like it is your decision, not mine. I believe your son valued not the gold but the time you two were together. There is nothing fake about that cherished event on either of your parts. Sure the gold added to the wonderful time you two had panning for gold. It is a day he will remember forever and gleem over. Kinda like fishing with my paw. You just don't forget.

Take care, be praying for you and your family and TY again to you and your family for what you do and for thier sacrifices while you do it

I had 4 sons and I always found little things to enhance time shared.It is all good. Thanks for your service!

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