Gold Member
You go through this
Hope all is well.
That is one mighty strange looking hole. Did you take the picture? Do you have another shot from the other side?
Good luck,
You go through this
Three guys , so about 8 gallons at every armpit .
sgtfda ,
The Stone Maps are only used within a canyon to locate the Treasures of the Latin Heart thats all they were made for. Travis Tumlinson was a Joke, he never did anything he claimed to have done. I base my trail on "The German Clues" not all of them but the significant clues. You really have to hunker down and figure out which clues are by the Dutchman and the ones to throw you off. And Frank, I'm using Historically Documented Facts myself stop trying to make yourself look better than others. Google Earth is just a piece of software to assist not to make technical decisions with, one really has to get on the ground for that. Well, guess what My October 2017 trip to AZ wasn't my first I've been out to AZ more than a dozen times in my life. And on my final expedition to this one canyon I'm going to I'll be carrying in plenty of water about 33 - 50 gallons. I believe that more than enough for 3 people. And I'll leave half or a lil more in the canyon when I leave so I'll have more when I return. Because I'll have plenty of new funds for the return trip. No Frank, you can get as jealous as you want but your envy is showing. You have a great day
When I hear someone trash Travis' A Joke. Hmmm
It's just puts them in the category of not to bright, They looked and can't get it. So they trash others to justify there Time looking. Now I don't look for the LDM, So if it's out of the area cool. So why would you trash Travis, when theres no proof what so ever! That the LDM and The Peralta Stones are Connected. Thats were I interject the phase, Anal Mine.
Good luck on your Quest
When I hear someone trash Travis' A Joke. Hmmm
It's just puts them in the category of not to bright, They looked and can't get it. So they trash others to justify there Time looking. Now I don't look for the LDM, So if it's out of the area cool. So why would you trash Travis, when theres no proof what so ever! That the LDM and The Peralta Stones are Connected. Thats were I interject the phase, Anal Mine.
Good luck on your Quest
I have compelling info that does make them linked. But not sharing too much, Could always go out with me in Dec.
That is sort of what I`m thinking. I am counting on finding more clues at the site that lead me to another spot. I`m guessing that 2=3-O-18=7 means that at the third marker is a missing link,and at the first marker at the begining there is 7 of something that has some instructions or something. I guess I was lucky because I didn`t have information overload from reading into it. I started with a clean slate and an open mind and it just fell in my lap.Thanks for your comments,Chuck