PotBelly Jim
Hero Member
jim....going by his claim papers a couple of them say the north side of the river....and it seems like they border each other....which in mining is common practice..when you hit a good strike most miners try to claim the ground adjacent to their strike...the reason for that is there could be more goodies close by...and as soon as word gets out about your good fortune..other miners will flock to your area and claim around you...by claiming ground adjacent to your claim you prevent this.....i've tried researching old mining claims before and its hard due to the miners description in their papers..they didn't have a very accurate way of measuring mileage like we do today so they just guessed....the few cases where i was able to actually locate an old mine on the ground...it wasn't where the claim papers indicated it was.....the area around alder creek is pretty vertical...on both sides of the river...if i were going to prospect the river i would be looking a bit further east..away from the cliffs....the only places you would be able to mine in those cliffs would be where a wash or creek empties into the river...try emailing greg davis or tom kollenborn and see if they have ever investigated these claims
Thanks for the help, Dave, I appreciate you looking over all those claims...I know it sucks they're hard to read. I don't know Greg D. or Tom K. so I'm reluctant to bother them, they probably get inundated with this sort of thing from people they don't know. I'm inclined to give a lot of weight to Joe and Garry, as they both have looked at this in depth, and same to you as you've been kicking around over on that side of the lake. So that brings me to exactly the same place Garry arrived at years ago (I think):
Defender is most likely on the south bank;
Curiosity is over on the north side at the mouth of Alder Creek;
Puritan may be on either side;
and the rest are over on the north side, possibly some distance up river
It may be a few days before I can get the maps joined together...they may not be of much use in the end, but may help someone out if they're just starting out like me. Thanks to all you guys for giving me all the feedback, I think I'm a lot better off now than I was a few days ago in regards to these mines. Best regards, Jim